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K TGk1;R 13/-103176 <br />MORTGAGE LOAN t"3. BI- 851 (Erie) <br />gl~ u l�i��t�Yrn iEPRESENTS Tl t Dennis L. Fiala and Beatrice B. Fiala, each :. his and <br />!fie lain right and as spouse of each other, Mortppot, whether one at mare, in ow"deewfios of the rum. of - - <br />nagli nd and nogloo DOLLARS <br />; to tdd mortppm by the E Bmldmg and Lout Aaoontion of L'and'Amd, Nebrastt, Moripaee, rpm 70 shorn of Antic of <br />NW ASSOCIATION:, Ct"ifl arte No. 1K HI -8'1 ( FHA) . do iwrebg gala, convey and mon ep meta the sid ASSOCIATION the fodawiag - - <br />da r+>wed real mate, mimmed in Hd County, Nebraska_ <br />Lot ?nineteen (19), in Block One (1), in Island Acres Mriber Tfdo (2), <br />Being a Replat of Dots One 11), Two (2), Three (3), Five (5), six (b), <br />and Seven (7), in Island Acres, a Subdivision in the City of Grand <br />Island, Hall County, Nebraska, <br />-unlit with ad the tatemeau. h--� and Vpurteaw-ft turmc ro n'�. r d d" attached tent a'.w AN window sweeter, <br />wdow dtades, bit", storm wsadows, a -fie beatrap_ ur •aaadrawaap_ mt pi emb as std water egwpmbri and aaxaoties theaeto,pmtyo„tsuMea, <br />teGrtaKaarors- and other famnes mud equWaent de- et teresfse, sttacbed to .--v ser.i n antsrter(Ure -ith card td estate. <br />And ftfAmcm the raid aKw4 pr ha Weed mf -Am asroebg apxre chat the ftvojxgx shad std wd pay an taco aid nemmur ena fesied or <br />wod upon and premm sad opoo thn mvuj*e and tae -%?od srcxura therein tvfti r rite toot shad beQww deit•gwt: to fuwitb aptpmeed <br />ttattasttaae upon the b hhap .st sad pautees utnoed at the caaa =# S ', 000.00 pan" to mud ASSOCIATION and to deliaer to tad <br />.USOCI AMIN the pohwt f:.a road msratrs e. and Ms to —awes p me a =% -arse or v stator sand prewwrec <br />tm : w .d defasxh m the pest' n`aaftt N -7 14 the tsssu sd avat tx .A vies :, -qs r of the hind =:erect hereby, the motipve *AN. <br />drrumd, be tntwiea to tame dwe prsstsxsss :et tie --qwd .atrsmes .aai th, :.>.xsm— hetehy saw". trtmdets twd tats am bs the <br />a9 the reofs, tevearars sa,-A srnxt<tr to be zn vrr *tarn ttfr :arulggtes rum es champ retch time m the nx tpr I clod txstaa- <br />utford_ xed the tusrtswe sha- have the pawn t.t spp�m soy spier It open`s a teen drwr {s, the prrpase of fePtm1116 said pnemeaa and renting <br />me mat a9Ff ca$earew ter :tarts, tewslum aai ws.'xvtoe, mint ,a tna. re, -A =,r snot tm:.arr aK tipmus of separiud said Premium and aMtaeaYt3 <br />orxt nn and expcmrs trkmr cd ■r ,tsstage and mer app rho wear 4.4 ,a : +QlrarrV nwaalt therefrom. the bubmam: seaadiw if any. to be <br />t qwd the dmkw r 4 +ard monppr wdrtAcaeew" thrw rrehts -.a rte atuttp Vt rttuf be emoted at any test dme g the esuRmoe of saw <br />wwvetitm of mlm tempsan - "asaer tlf ttw mew <br />Theme lftttrts. rwr-t . use rttm the [ ":.rMtawm- :cut s:.;„ %md V. - +s s},ix >#sai: _term U9 k*. rm .rs Eta£arr the oostmity of tend dmwu by <br />pwtaetr. pan rsnMhh mss tart #:s`>`:tr[ hxT " ".ts1 ,,a sett amar_ sPM-.+ - t�. &-d --ed bttrtry ss mmcu and ptraacVel ee sad lonw ontrbutt: <br />tha Tweat Mh An I tax* and— ,r —tb .. telex; has: a 1.1h pic"" pav sf; uz=: _ ' aer>aments icvveA opin�'snd primes and m the Iloasdye <br />sad she Wad stcu,e.tth —b;!ievo—,. -._ -t °err:. ,n -si x�.,.a :h.. ta_. ! twee mt~as ns:n i ? :^NS -OQ Payable <br />sus wend A,iS1Lit7 aSfi7p., aepsr rc+ w:, a>�ta -f x:t° _^. �c -an.: ,a ax,•rr<> ;= pa.,f f „t u,�r t,exrs. bsemroents and t«� interest sx <br />our aasss"Aft iva3 tart t)hete -tr. Aol, apav s -met, p<sy.prsttsl e s wssem sod prammmkorp sod annoy <br />the spaHpemts oaf rracktt ws c: �"tt ..:= t -' ,.- .° �_a .r. E-w_a by the cud Kortppx to and ASSOCIATION. and annoy <br />dYa sY the rutwewu the f� :xa.xtustoe: m dsia�: sore A.i3+t"a`f A IIt,A. tiles thew peesrots shah base ttsdl send vend, otbetwttt thy <br />64 team a (ad f-or sn.i mots 'be : rasme.t a: t±.r .psA w- ..t xar and 4SSCKTIMON atilt fx&m far three tpowdu to tsede nay of rand <br />ptA mmu at be ttaxe t� kh. A even, as I s-a tao:arc.- a...,v I- t.ttp mi omtptg *ith the spaceman and aatnda mr of and God, <br />and ajrxet tat haw aPP—.an: t.rtt —t e, +..r:31, 7.;-e:,iwar -,,C dip <br />tf [best s on 3tstye' ..rsrrtihep ca Liar rc a ts:.aoc .ra.,rtpprd trstr,, by sue .n othervat. teem the emoe tee welebtedma tweet,)- <br />mttwd 004, at ter eptwwa „t Th, h;paadrr --x t-'rr, ta.n-ar_rac: (-,tmh tsiaud.!:rMsdta , txeatot mamedstely doe and payakde wnhwst <br />twihet mrtut, sd Our stag -W "mam,04 are _ --' t--,wt a*,: zit .9r: S. od Im =. addaasoal admacm made thereunder. slog. from the <br />Atot 04 exesaMt cot mi vpsc .. eirsar renter er for �t. ,me XVW note, w,u t1m mrarttoit rmk) then be fore cued to sanity the mu mm doe m new <br />krr+f. me# arty Ak-N 'Fond fcx uddc -af •3+swc-ra 4-W- n >-tth Z wrm pwd t•- tan: Ttse 'Equa bfe R ddm6 and Lam Asmama m of Grad ldwd. <br />**bmha far rsMrtratxe. *..sus and eartoai -> sink: a , t xirar a t:wp *jib atheist tbetetm, from 3Com of payment at that ss>Jm� <br />Ar prc,trhd a the W-rs: We:-cc *+e±sa. wk-c - '—rtpapr ratline sa tftr'x ter mmipEae may hereafter advance Witart” arm to tl: <br />3fake,s "" std bow, !-We scam! , r t.Af"- the tec;ttzt) of thn true - rtpr the sum as the funds ottrndy <br />sz t ;'�,ebs the TE'A& -_ pea% - :..t • _. -- at zs- --. ,t ,a~ , -w" sa>unt .;i` this mortppt- <br />ta ?2 td Mav A D. i9 37 <br />3 L —Fiala <br />8eatricte B. Fiala <br />stAn OF NEDRA5KA, 2 $ ism ;Arts 22nd .fas A may 1987 . before me, <br />Cr)L'+iPJ {� 3fA4i i <br />the srxLnstprc. a Satan Pubbc to snot for rand C'm oty, ptrm"ay_ tonne <br />L. Fiala and i3ea?r: e B. Fiala, e��; in his and her cn.r, right and as s =qt eacr <br />"3tslf?.r, h" are v"""� ktrowee to <br />tin o., tut Ow State 11 pertr;vr ` ava;ssr oatue 5 "'-re t =eased to she uttarvt wtl3 "mien a etureptga ^a air! -Llfey aevemut <br />aaratat,wiM*d tie teed mytt;amrent to -r.t *_;-� s r a,.,iuset.u•. a-t a1 deed <br />i3S FS.S ash ft..,! a z +«+r. moo Nmt the dull tftgrwa? <br />Mr ( "sxtrrsm�a sxprts <br />