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in . County, NebraskiL <br />iota Sixteen (16) and Eighteen (18), in Block Fifteen (15), i,i Scarfflu <br />Addition to West Lawn, in the City of Grand island, liall County, <br />Nebraska <br />Tort with all buildings, improvements, fixtures, streets, alleys, ways. easements, rights, privileges; and <br />leumbees loud Merton or in anywise pertaining thereto, and the rents issues and profits, eewmions and remainders <br />thereat; hsctucism but not limited to, heating and coding equipment and such personal property that is aq. <br />A" to the <br />ments so as to constitute a fixture. all of which, including replacements and additions thereto, is bereby dedared <br />to be a put of the red 1618W secured by the lien of the and all of the foregoing aregoing being referred to herein as the <br />further cOnveftwts and arm. with Mortgagee, as follows: <br />0 Other prior Ihft or encumbrances: <br />