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G"y <br />NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree its folPo 1 7— 10 31.130 <br />19. Acceleration; Remsdies' Leader " give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration <br />branch <br />of any C"omt or agreement In this fl�fturjty Instrument (but not prior oration following Borrower's <br />"leas "1111111111114 law provides Otherwise). TU so#" apedfr to acceleration Wider W0141110114 13 and 17 <br />r . (a) the default; (b) Faction required to care am <br />ft"W"(4ft) d(Cw)t&ftd1"W0m'j two clwme'dboud3oo"dsyt'amb'ormboWfmdmaa 00 and" if given to Borrower, by which the default Ming be carvd;. <br />a data epee" in the no"" any rawt in accideration of the "ass <br />NMW by ddl S@NdtY INUUMM and " of the propusty. The moan " further Worm Borrower of the right to <br />r6huslaft WW 11000110ration and the right to bring a am" action to assert Me no"idstsuce of a default or my odw <br />odes fths"" 0"W"W'sr to acce'lustdon ad UL If the d0ftuft is 00 cared on or before the da" sped4ad a the notics, 14sular <br />deuced Pd" a" require houndleft payamtat IN flill Of all =in$ secured by ft Security justrujanat wiftat further <br />and NNW lavoke the pope, of alt and my Other resuall" <br />PernsWed by applie" law. Leader shall be end" to <br />elm parsaing the tons" Prov*W in thin paragraph 19, Including, but 00 Waited to, <br />am of Mu evidence. <br />If the pop" of inste's issynkedt Trw*m " record a notice of default in sack minty In which any put of the <br />Property is located and don snua cop'" of Bud notice in the Nmgw prescribed by applicable law to Borrower a" to me <br />Other Perstuse P"00441 by 21101014c" law. After the ties retlisired by applicable law, Trustee shall give pWk notice of, <br />" to the Ponea and in the 611211141' Pracribet! by applic" law. Trustee, without dessuad on Borrower, SW sell the <br />Property at P*k auction 10 the highest bidder at the am juid place and "der the terms designated la the notice ofsale in <br />One Or <br />more parcels and in any Order Trustee detersalnes. Trustee may postpois' <br />public assoancessuat at the dens and e sale Of all Or any 13011=1 Of the Property by <br />PMPWtY at any at& Pin" Of any previously scheduled sale. Leader or its desiguft may purchase the <br />Upon r*cm* Of payment Of the price bid, Trustee shall deliver to the purch"" Trustee's deed couvc*g the <br />Property. IU recitals lathe Trustes"s deed shall be Pima tide evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. <br />Trustee " apply the prnmuls Of the ask IN the following order (a) to an ex of the a" u g, but not limited <br />to, Thafte's few an pamiftai by &PPIleable law cad reasonable attorneys, PORM ind din <br />Mount; and (c) my ctesta to the person or persons WHY entitled to IL fees; (b) to all sum secured by this Security <br />a Leader in PONOwim Upon acceleration under paragraph 19 or abandonment of the Property, Lender (in <br />pawn' by agent or by jud'cuWy appointed receiver) shall be entitled to enter upon, take possession of and manage the <br />Property and to collect the rents of the Property including those post due. Any rents collected by Leader or the receiver <br />shall be applied Am to Payment of the costs Of management of the Property and collection of rants, including, but not <br />lituited to, rece'ver's fees' Premiums On receiver's bonds and reasonable attorneys- f an then to s by <br />this Security Instrument. fees, d en the urns secured <br />X Recca"YanclL Upon Payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrument, I Lender shall request Trustee to <br />reconvey the Property and shall surrender this Security Instrument and an notes evidencing debt secured by this Security <br />10131trtiment to Trustee Trustee ShAll reconvey the Property without <br />kgolly entitled to it. warranty and without charge to the person or persons <br />Such Person or Persons shall PRY any recordation costs. <br />2L Substitute TrustaL Lender, at its oPficni, may from time to time remove Trustee and appoint a swcftsor trustee <br />to any Trustee appointed hereunder by an instrument re i <br />Without conveyance of the Property, the successor corded n the county in which this Security instrument is recorded. <br />Trustee ham and by applicable law. trustee SW succeed to all the title, power and duties conferred upon <br />23• R*90" for NOdc@5 Borrower requests that copies of the notice, Of <br />address hichi the AddreeL Borrower further requests [hat CpLesdcfault and sale be <br />be a rt (ff of the notices orat-ou "t. V,.e <br />`tone the jgjWs of suCL4r)"et f <br />or more are execu crW h <br />this Security Instrumcnt� the covenants and r= together with <br />supplement the covenants and agreements agreements of each such rider shall be incorporated into and shall amend and <br />Instrument. [Check applicable box(es)] of this Security Instrument as if the rider(s) were a part of this security <br />[3,Adjustable Rate Rider ❑ Condominium Rider [3 2-4 Family Rider <br />❑ Graduated Payment Rider El Plamed Unit Development Rider - <br />❑ Othello [Specify] <br />By SIGNING BELOW- Borrower Accepts and agrees to the terms and covenants contained in this Security <br />Instrument OW in any rideffs) executed by Borrower and recorded with it. <br />... ....................... I ..... <br />-nark - ...(Seal) <br />....... ...... . . ......................... (sew) <br />-41orr"w <br />ISM* beiew This Lkwo For A&A"Wdgmentj <br />State of: Nebra,,A,a ) <br />County of: Hall ASS: <br />On this 20til day of May 19 81 <br />Of Nebrooka , before me, a Notary Public in the State <br />. personally appeared Mark L <br />husband and wi' Stv.Cke" alid Kar(iii H. Stecker, <br />to me personally known to be the person(ig) named <br />in and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that <br />the same as Lf,,ic executed <br />My Caved"Ica Evil": voluntary act and dead. 4! 1 <br />L*JLAKI rUBUC <br />G*n*rsl Naloy, Sf#fo OI N <br />'S SrIj H 0 L MSr E*WS <br />DI <br />K Al <br />My Comm. fxp. Dec, 12, 1909 <br />
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