<br />87--- 1030421
<br />See L 20,226
<br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO. _.L 24,789 Aoki' 1.
<br />KNOW AL.L. MEN SY THESE PRESENTS: That Richard L. Bell and Nyla C. Bell, each in his and her
<br />awn right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Th i rtwan U tee- a RWo wdrarl ,jg L Mortgagor. whether one or more, in Conddernitum of the AM of
<br />Mo►t®Hgoe. ___.._______'DDU.ARS
<br />a aril mwl�gor by The Fgwtsbk a11d I.wru Association �' Grand Isind, Nebraska, 132
<br />aid ASSOCIATION, Certifwate No, L24 789 do het :dams of stock of
<br />described real Mate, situated in Ita9 County, Nebraska: 'b' gar11t. comity and mortgage onto the NM ASSOCIATION N the foMmiog
<br />The Northerly :One -Half (N') of Lots Four (4) and Five (5), in
<br />Block Sixty -One (61), in Wheeler and Bennett's Second Addition
<br />to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />logether with an the terem"'its, lteredatsments and appurtenamxs lbercunto belonging. including attached flour cowrinp, an window acreem,
<br />cr ors. n other oorm wrodows, aiwnregs, healing, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and acaaorian ttercto,purnps,sttms,
<br />rift rattss, and other fixttres and equipment now am hereafter attached to cx used m conrhecYion with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said raorliptern has speed and does here
<br />aaeaed upon said premms and upon thus rotor: by secured that :rue mortgagor
<br />befo e t shall and will pay all taxes and saeanhend levied a
<br />and the sum secured thereby before the saute saH become tklinquxeht ::o iurnitIt approved
<br />imwranae ulxm :Eta: htuMa�s an ad premises situated in the sum of S 13, 200. UO
<br />ASSOCIATION the ptal s for said insurance: and mix to commit w permit any wulc on of about said ad ASSOCIATION And to deliver to said
<br />I" caw of default in the petnises:
<br />un demand' ca. be entitled to performance of any of the terms and cmditmns of this mortgage of the bond sowed
<br />moor "n"vedrate tit the mortgaged premiaes and the mtrtgMm hereby
<br />gatgen alt the rents, ee *4 "'core to be derived from the tricot u fm a d set" over to s he
<br />unpaid: and t►x tarot std have the pnwer to int an Y a mt indebtedmea shag remain
<br />gad Premises during such lime As the
<br />the ante and odlectil the rents, revcntrs and iftw ale, and it may p w agents it may desire for the purpose re re}sairirM aid premissa sail renI,
<br />s mid expenses incurred m rents sed Y pae out of aid income r atl expenses of re aid premde$ >if ,yt�
<br />applied toward the discharge of said mortgage ' s, des a"r soil he ricollecting rentals therefrom; the balanu rc
<br />default, irrespective itukbecdnca. tier rights of the rnaut tang. if arty, to be
<br />esPrew t . any temporary wamr of the same. P.a♦tte may be exercised at any time dtugq the existence of such
<br />Thee Presents, hcvcvrr, are uptm the Ccmditiore, That if [lm sari Mortgagor stall repay said loan on or before the maturity of aid shares by
<br />taYmcnt: pay monthly to said ANSWATION of the sum specified in the Hand secured hereby as interest and principal on aid loan, on or before
<br />the Twentieth day of each and every month, until ad loan is fully paid: pay all taxes and musutents levied against said pronoun and on this Mortgage
<br />and the Boat) secured tbetcby, before delinquency: furnhlt apposed insurance upon the
<br />to ad ASSOCIAT ON; repay to and ASSOCIATION upon demand all d for such tax s, in the suns it S 13, 200.00
<br />the lmmimum kgal rate them-on front date of °N1fGy by it paid for such taxes, as$eavo- old Wyk
<br />payment all of which MwrgaAor hereby Agrees to insurance with in at
<br />with all the agreements and arnditions of the (fond for S13 , 200. 00 [his he pay: Permit 'in waste on said premises; keep and comply
<br />with all the requirements of the Constitution and Y given thew the red Mortgagor to aid ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />Bat the of ad ASSOCIATION; then these prewnts shalt become null and void, otherwise they
<br />sra11 rcraaue in full fwcx tired may be foreclosed at the olHicm of the said ASSOCIATION after fadure for three months to make any of said
<br />and Payments or be three nxmth s in arrears in making said nxmthly payments, au to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of sad Bond;
<br />r Agrees to hair a reocier appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />If there a any chasop in ownership of the real estate rnortp@vd berem- by ale w otherwise. then the entire remaining indebteduasa hereby
<br />secured shah, at the option of The Equitable _ dand, statues ntsitx, and the smarm: remaining d r aid bond,, And any other bond any sd tttod nag � adely dote and pay�le without
<br />date of exc'ea n of aid option, bear interest at the maximums legal rate, and this «wrtgagp may then be foreclosed vats made thereunder, $111119, from the
<br />bond, and any other bund for addniwtal advances . together with all suns paid by s� The P d to satisfy the arowmt doe W tW
<br />Nebroolk" for ' , lazes and ts, and abinacl extensioah gWtal>k building :hail L.om A$soeiuion of Graff Ism,
<br />Ygi rate. chug", with interest thereon, from date of payment at the maximum
<br />As PlOvided in the Bond secured her
<br />makers And Bond, their Antigua or su= s in is rest which tese star u' effect elm mongpegee may terea rear advance additional sums to the
<br />secured
<br />thereby, the total amount of principal debt rxrl to exceed at any an b the Original n the security of this mortgage the ante as the funds origin the
<br />amount of this rnot
<br />his 20th day of May A. D., 19 87 t
<br />1 C. Bell' —
<br />STATt, OF NF.BK.A,SKA.
<br />COMINTY OM: HALL, ss. On this 20th day of May 1987
<br />. bsrore me,
<br />he undersigned. a Notary Richard L. Be] l and Nyla C. Bell, each in his land her own ri ht and asf s o County, paurranycame
<br />ocher., 4 pause of e�tcti
<br />M to be the are Pa known to
<br />H whose yams 9 are affixed to the above ualriment As mortgagor S song theny
<br />ix tit Hmmmwm to be their voluntary act amt deed. y 'a'rr
<br />WITNl• S my hand stmt Notaruul Seal the date Aforesaid. i
<br />My C expires
<br />- _..... y
<br />m €v.aat no Q to ROUSH tt Msv,eaia -»� -. •;� ... •-_� -.: •� � _. _
<br />JDANK Nulafy Public:
<br />LF tlltfw, yh Mao. 9e I L
<br />