<br />( MORTGAGE. LOAN NO, _L 747145
<br />KN01N ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That Gene O. Shannon
<br />a single person, and Marcella M. Kohl,
<br />a single lbrty –Three person, and no/100------- ---- - - -- -- MOrt t_ whether one or more in uo�endoe of t� man of
<br />kowd to said mmtP@x by The F table COLLARS
<br />sd ASSOCIATION, CeniRcate No L 24785 Ia»rt nw`1pNtion of Cratd Island, Nebraska, Mortgagee, upon 430 lissm of monk of
<br />d"A"B"d real a MARA. situated in Hail County, Nebraska: , do hereby fit' Oonvey and mortgage unto the raid ASSOCIATION the following
<br />Lot Eight (8), in Block Two (2), in West Bel Air Fourth Addition to
<br />the City of Grand Island, Nebraska,
<br />Window with all the tenements, windows, wain is and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached floor coverings, All window screens,
<br />window dnades, blinds, storm winQvwa, awnmga, twitting, all amdituming, and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto,
<br />refrigerators, and other fixtures and equipment mow or hereafter attached to Or used III amnectian with said real estate.
<br />pumps, stoves,
<br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the wort
<br />d upon red premna's Arid upon this mortgage and the bond secured thcrcbv beforc live satres and will Rey all taxes and axosgnents levied or
<br />ASSOCIe.gm ON the build on said premises stoked in the sum of E 43, 000.00 become delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />policies for stud usurarncx; and tot to the su t rr payable to said ASSOCIATION And to deliver to sad
<br />Permit any waste on or about said premises:
<br />In case of dpfaull in the Perin finance of any of the terms and cmditums of this smut air the bond
<br />On demand, be entitled to immediate possession of the nxnl d emises and tae mort or hereby a
<br />mtNtgyae all tam rents, revenues and income w lx derived from t nx,a secured Wers a the ms over 1 dyg
<br />unpaid: and the rrnort d premises during a ins, ttgage i s and sets over to main
<br />t+ *all have the power to appoint any ant o such time ax the rep ng aidfiredrxta stall remain
<br />the Woe Arid C0110"ung the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay, on, jf 11 may desire for the purpose of rppairirg said pnmisoa std rMti�
<br />and exputxs incurred in renti ttid mesmtn all expenses of repaitirng said prcmia mud
<br />ap toward Inc d' a managing tt� Saone and :of afdkcting rentals tbxret'rom: the necessary
<br />da and, hrespective off aanny ttemf ar rm'rt indebtedwncn: these rights of the mortgagee may gin exercised at sn time during the extamena
<br />y porary waiver vt the umr. y
<br />These presents, however, are uPon the C'ondituoo.,rhat If ttw said Mortgagee Stull repay said 10811 on of before the maturity of said sham b
<br />paYmmt, !qY monthly to seal ASSOCIA7ION of the sum spccifnd m the Mond ,ecurce hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before
<br />aid the Bond secured they, Against said premises and on this Mortgsae
<br />to sad ASSOCIATION: rem •before delinquency, furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S
<br />pay f seat ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes, assasarxnts And instills 000.00 payable
<br />the
<br />tnaxirmtm legs! rime thereon from date of psyrewnt AU of whi h Mort nce with interest at
<br />Mortgagor lxrchy 8grecs to pay; per no waste on said pratttyes;keep and ca
<br />(
<br />with all the eertxnlsand ambitions of tire Bond for S 43, 000.00 this clay gircrt by the said Mort comply
<br />with all the rcgtrirel force of the Constitution arse By of said ASSOCIATION: then these presents shall become null And void, otherwise llxy
<br />gagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />sioN rertuur in full fcxce and may be foreclosed at the option of the said ASSCK'1AIION after failure for three all a s to make any se said
<br />and Moe I tr be three o have r arrears m matelot said ,with in Y payments, air to keep and comply with the Agreements and conditions of said Bond;
<br />and Mortgadot agrees to hive a receiver appointed f0ethwith m such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />If there is any change f Ownership Equitable of the real estate mortgaged herein, by ask or otherwise, then the entire remit
<br />further dull, . the Option of The f quitabk BuUditrg and dean Association of Grand Island, Nebraska, become imrnedlatel dux And
<br />further ruMice, arts tax using indebtedness hereby
<br />ertkm, beat due older said bond. and any wlxr bond for any additional advances made thereunde , dull, the
<br />date of exercise of said oakum, bee interest at the maximum legal rate, and this mortgage nay then be foreclosed to aatfaf tax hou
<br />Ncbradcs for insurance. taxes aarri d anesamentss, a ;Id tabstracrting extension ccharges, intereatt tgtprwnddfrom date Assoc iAtion of Grand island,
<br />bond, and any other bond for y amount due on said
<br />leaf rate.
<br />payment at the maximum
<br />As Provided in the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage renu us in effect the mortgagee
<br />tinkers of sad Bond, their assigns or succemors in interest, which sums shall be within the securiy of this moripile advance Additional ssrsu to the
<br />AACWW thereby. the total Amount of principal debt not to exceed at any time lose original amount of this mortgage the same as the funds originally
<br />Dusted thk 26 gay of
<br />A. D., Iv 87
<br />lMgtiraella M. Kohl
<br />STATE (NT Nh:=,SKA,
<br />COUNTY elE 14A1.L € u. On this 26th day of
<br />May 1987
<br />he befum me,
<br />Gene ®. Shannon, a Single person, and Marcel la tM.frnder a Notary public air and for ssd Count ,
<br />Kohl, , single person, Y personallypme
<br />- to be the S who are on
<br />persally known to
<br />par., whawe natrx 9 are affixed W the above Instrument as nxrlgAffor S
<br />the said t In be their votuaatary act and dead. -
<br />WaTNE: my hard And NOisrral ,ties ♦P the 40te shoemid.
<br />My Cr expires
<br />076MItr (t#aAlM6Mr- atnaMlrNrsAua a+��.-- - -•d.: .'.'c.,. I
<br />ROUSH
<br />M►Attu► Eta tIN, 21, HIM
<br />and they severally
<br />M Notary P'ubiw;
<br />