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i <br />ShN of NebresM <br />age <br />'► � 321— 1162250 -103 <br />Thb O"' 11M . male and executed this 26TH day of <br />19 <br />87 , by and between MAY <br />GAM L. ftOC.ilidJ1ER AND PAMMA S. ItOCHREITER HUSBAND AND WIFE <br />of the Of HALL , and State of Nekaska, party of the first <br />� Mortgagor, and part, hereinafter called <br />MW A, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION <br />�o OW existing under the laws of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA of the "cow Dart. bervinafter called the Mortgagee, <br />HlftVRED W"""niht The the said Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the stun of <br />FIF'T'Y AND 00/100 Daa�ra�Y SIX 21iOu <br />MMa. the racaipt of which a hereby acknowledged. has Granted and Soled and (been 26, 350.00 r• �he M,ort- <br />atd t: t the by presents does Grant. Bargain. Sail. Convey <br />. its s> art and asNgns. forever. the 1`000wing- described real estate, situated in the County of <br />HALL and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />U)T EIGHT (t3), f ,CXI{ Tr1F�i£PY (20j, F'AIRVIF.d PARK ADDIT'10N T1) TIIE CITY OF <br />IS?�A2 ,HALL CO(JCfIY, Pti13{A, <br />THIS IS A PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE. <br />THE RIDER 'IV THE f OVIG V;V A'PPA('};ED EtFiL'.•Iq APt) f7CNX UTF3) <br />IS <br />MEND I 3IT) Hk`f2RIN AN) THI•: ()0Vl" VAj" i'S AND A( tEl � ,PI'S Cf I THE RIDERHSHALL <br />TH <br />AND SUP `T' THE (XiVE ?dAifl AND A(Ii2 [7iE_ TS ( THTS t•1Oi lC;ACE. <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in all city lot store -cording to Government survey: <br />Tn ft- and To NOW the Pressues above described, with an the <br />Phillabing and <br />appurtenances thereunto ncduding all heating. <br />khft MNs, and b es W t now a baeafta attached to or used in connatio� n with g said real estate unto the Mort - <br />asaism, forever. The Mortgagor represents to. and covenants, with, the <br />MMK >� good right to 60 and convey a m premises: abet they are froe feat encumbrance; and that the Mortgagor will the and <br />ddead the . age the invtul claims or all perwtu whomsoever: and the said Mortgagor hereby of <br />rift e&her in law or in equity, and all other cat all rights e <br />described Dre�1a, the inleatioa being to con contingent " in eta or the Mortgagor in and to the above- <br />described <br />and h a aloraaid. convey hereby ea absolute tnk, in [a simple. including all rights of homestead, and other <br />Abram and these presents are executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to wit: <br />The M004111180f OPM to pay the Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum of <br />FIFTY AND 00/100 SSIX f'WX), THPEE HUNDRLD <br />wish from date a the rase of p /�{�np�_ 2t , 350.00 )• <br />unpaid balance until paid. The Said tpt�aaf aTiall 6s, payable at the office of 9.000 �) annum on the <br />irmaq-, BA K fHilif2A.t3CA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION <br />,D I , 207 i�i;Si' TfIIi� <br />in" onqpwc • m • 6 ts of , or Nt Place as the holder of the note <br />Do0ara 'IWO HU?DYFD 'A —kLVE Ate 02/100 _- <br />19 and at the first day of each 212.02 thereafter until the n court are fully the first day of �`Jwj�J�1 <br />jai and We"' is,", if nor sooner principal the and interest us, fuAY staid. except abet the n��paYttnent of <br />pall. shall be due tad payable on the lira day of p <br />3017 : erg t to else aeries of a oattirt promissory anon of even 4,�;e herewith execuutted by the Said Mortgagor. <br />pa against n ctlan 1th �I��nmrttsundar tM one to four•famity proprama of iM National Housing Act which pro- <br />PrtMOUa Are ObsotaM <br />Pape 1 of a nuuwauaart (345 Edhkn) <br />21 CFR 203,17(b) <br />I <br />in <br />