I Since Above This Line For necording Dslml
<br />DEED OF TRUST 87--.
<br />'fills UF'F.1) fib "!'ItUS'1' ("'Security Initrunrent" in "little on xr� 29 10'2 ,98ai
<br />.P. ,..t .Yf.. ....
<br />10 87.... i'hetruxt<, rim.. D, 4�Rg.At..R¢Y.�bY.t>m�F; fed. R4)r.q pA ...W�dd�1,,.�A.ttAi rrlBd
<br />Y
<br />RfF4pA.. .................. . ............ ( "IMrrower "). The trustee in
<br />TeIRSTIER ,$ANIC.... NATIONAL......... .
<br />ASS01'.IATIRId...OMAHA. ....... 17th k Farnarn St.,
<br />Omaha, Nehr, 68102 ..........
<br />F�I I laws of NATLONAI„ •ASSSOCIATI01i ( "I'ruateo ").'1'ho beneficiary ix
<br />fi
<br />under the laws of ..(NIT•6D• •STATES• OF- r A..... and .. which is organized and existing
<br />I7.tb:.�.arna�.SfireeCa.. rIGA"', • ,and whose address In 11th, ,F1agF, ( .$N fldlttg
<br />Borrower ow laa . Nebraska. b8102.......... . .
<br />es !ender lire principal sum of .....Twout, lhrliara (U.S.; . 9$ Q Q EOgh[, Thousand -and no/.100.
<br />. j . P .. ). I leis debt is evidenced lit' Porrower's note
<br />dated the same date an this Security Instrument ( "Note "), which provides for nroritldy payments, with the full dept. If nut natd
<br />earlier. due and payable on ...Julie ,1, . 2002 ...............
<br />This Security Instrument secures to Louder: (a) the repayment of lho debt evidences by lire Note, with interest, ,lrn1 al I renewals.
<br />ex tensions andniadifi cat ions; ( b) the Payment of all other surun, with{merest,dence"b u Oiler paragra lilt 7torr roll etathrrecurils.
<br />of p, Security IrlatrlurieDk and (c) the Iterformance of Ilorrowerk covenants and ngrernlei/ls. For Ihie pvrlrosa Borrnxvv
<br />irrevocably hiy grants and cnnreys to Trustee, {n trust, with ilower of mate, the fallowing described propwrty located it,
<br />t:utntly, Nebraska.
<br />The North Half (N 1/2) of Lot one Hundred Eighty —one (181) and all of Lot One
<br />Eighty (180) in Belmont, an Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Hundred
<br />I'tlltSUAN I "1'0'1711; PROVISIONS OF NVII, ItPV. STATS. ?ti Ittim. itEgl iF:S1' 1.9 111 "Iti -All' NIA M: *1 IIA P t'rtl'I l:S Of,-
<br />AI,1.Nq'1'ICF: oF' ir►: F' AUt: fANhtIA LF:OF:Rh:NfTOA1.1.I'AICPII R!'U9'lltotll•:F:OUF'IHOMI, a)„rtt h:N'rtrrRi;
<br />HOHRt WERSl1111! i. llNEflENTTOI' llF;t IORILO WER' SADDRESSW111 CllISIIIIF!'lbll'I• ;R "I'1'APlIV ;SS N(1'1'i('ES
<br />I011IF TIMSTEF ANDTO'I'I1F; l.,F;NI)h ;tt5lIOULU B[: SIiN'f T(lTIIE LF;NUI;It'S AUIIItI:S91tJl)11',1'11:0 A "I "f {1F;
<br />which hastheaddle,+.t.f .... 410.$ s?rrh.wAiAo .................... .. . Grand .Island.......
<br />Nel)raska ..68801 .. .................... ( "Pro1wrly Address ");
<br />1/4. 1..61
<br />I'La:F OWIt Wit 11.111 till. intprovenlenls now or hereafter ertrtecl nn lire property, and all eascillents. rights, applirtellanrt•i,
<br />rents, royalties, rtiillerni, oil an(I gas rights and profits, wafer rights atoll stock nnll all fixtlrl "Vm now or llrr rafter a part of Ill(-
<br />properly. All replactvmruls and a,lditions,hall also be covered by this Seculiry Instrument. All of the foicgning is referred to in
<br />this Security InxtrulnCut as the "I'roperty."
<br />Ihrnntiwt:nCl)v1:NAN1.N thicl Borrower is lawfully seised of the ests!•^ hereby conveyed and has the right to grant nail rnnvep
<br />the Properly and (list the I'rtrlmrty in unencumbertd. except for eneumbraneess of record. Burrower ",variants and will defend
<br />Iteneraliy tha title to the Prolrerty against all claims and dentin!®. subject to any encumbrances of record.
<br />Till" slixtinif v INsI ItUMENT combines uniform Covenants for nalionAi Use and lion uniform Covenants lc ill, limited variations
<br />try jmr' n to constitute a uniform security instrument eovering real proilerty.
<br />EUNIFORM (;nt't:NARIS Ilrrrower and lender covenant and agree as follows
<br />1. Payment et Principal sud laterent; Prepayment and Late Charges. ltnrrnwer shall prOlOpiIr i•ay ",hell dui Ihr
<br />pri rpaf of ant! inter I'm( On the debt evidenced by the Note %hit any prepayment still tale ehsrges due u,I,lri the tJule
<br />NEBRASKA me unit onteut111 him" "t
<br />M
<br />