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I <br />ir,.. <br />MORTGAGE 87-- , <br />MORTGAGE LOAN NO, L 24, 782 <br />KNOW ALL MEN By THESE PRESENTS: That Cynthia Z. Zienba, f /k /a Cynthia Z. Hutchinson, a <br />single person <br />.�'AL>PntE?!?n rc rri Ftcro t� -s}.p, a ort8>� *. whother orte or more, in conaidernt�t of'ttrc win ref <br />Isuaad to said by Tlx Equitable Building and Ivan Aswciation of Grand Island, Nebra�ta, Mo <br />and ASSOCIATION, Certtfuatc No. L 24 r 782 rtgagee, upon 175 slua[ea of ultoak of <br />doaoribed rdai estate, situated in hall County, Nebraska: ' do txreby grant, dxtnv%y and rtwrtgage unto the mid ASSOCIATION tiro foUowdt� <br />The Southerly torte -Half (S'g) of Lot Ten (10), in Block Eighty -Five (85), <br />in Wheeler and Bennett's Fourth Addition to the City of Grand Island, <br />Hall County, Nebraska, <br />together with all the tenements, hercditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, including attached floor cowrtnga, all window means, <br />window slit . an blinds, storm wneduwa. awnings, heating, air conditromriy„ and plumbing and water cquipnent and accessories thereto, pumps, stoves, <br />mfri/eraturs, and other Fixtures and equipmen[ now or hereafter attached to nr used in ctmnectiun will, said real estate. <br />And whereas the said mortgagor has agreed and does hcrebv a rev that the mortgagor shad and will pay all taxes and asst Its levied or <br />Upon nib premises and upon this m vt ! e f. <br />mm(ance _ gage and Ole hoed secured therebyy helnre the same shall become delinquent; to furnish approved <br />ASSOCIATION the polici policies fill said insurance, situated <br />wit in the cede of S 1mi 51)O.00 payable ms said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said <br />pr>11tM5 f[N said insolence. aitsi ,Nil to ulinmtt or permed any waste on of shoo[ said premises: <br />In demand. of entitles in the pe iarntarice (of any of the terms snit c!udninr.; of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby, the mortgagee shall, <br />on demuud, be entitled to immediate povsesaion of t:ev e"'"Igagel premises and the runrtgpgur hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the <br />MOCtMw all the unpaid: and tote mired,, revenues and e pow to be derived from the ill agents i premises during such time as the mortgage indebladtxm shall retrain <br />mortgagee the shad have the power In appoint any ao, p or agents s may desire for the purpose of repair said promises tub renting <br />the same and ecsikctiten the reins, revenues and mrnttet, and it may pay out of said income all expenses of repairing mid femises and neceigary <br />commissions seed expenses incurred W in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the balance repitaining, if any, to be <br />applied toward the discharge of said nwripge indebtedness, these rights of lire ntortgagec may be exercised at any ,fete during the existence of such <br />default, irrespective of any temporary waiver of the saute_ <br />These Presents, however, are upun the Condition, "f hat if file said Hortgagol shall repay said loan on or before the maturity of mid shares by <br />pa.Ymont; pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the suit' specified in fire Mond secured hereby as interest and principal on said loan, on or before <br />the Twentieth day of each and every ninth, until said loan is fully paid. pay all taxes and associaltents levied against said premises std on this Mortgtiga <br />and the Bond secured thereby, before del,nytsencv, furnish apptoved insurance upon the bui dmils thereon in the sum of f 17, 500.00 payable <br />to said ASSOCIATION; repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all rnocy by it peed for such taxes, Assessinants and insuramx with interest at <br />the maximum legal rate theism from date of payrrtent all of whnh Mo; tgagvr hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste on said pfemiser keep and comply <br />with ar the agreements and amditions of the Bond for S 17, 500. 00 this day given by the said Mortgagor to said ASSOCIATION, and comply <br />with all the requiltmemis of the Constitution and BY-Laws of said ASSOCIATION. then these presents shat become nun and void, otherwise they <br />momenchar retain it fur force and may he foreclosed at the ciptum of tilt said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months to snake any of said <br />ts orate three months in arrears w making said mortildy payments, or to keep and "mply will] the agreements and conditions of mid Bond; <br />agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in suet foreclosure procredulgs. <br />If 'here is any in owrxnttip of the real estate mart hercin, by sale or otherwise. then the entire retaining indebtedness hereby <br />secured Mali, at the option of The I:yuitable Building and Loan Associatnm of Grand Island, Nebraska, become immediate) dux and <br />further malice, and the amount remaining due under said bernd, and an otter Y payable without <br />dates of exercise of said option . bear interest at the ma tunum legal rate, and this mOrI d for any add bef advances made thereunder, amo shad, from the <br />Isand,and any other bond for additional advances, togelhcr *-'*It all turns paid by said Equitable Building and loan Association Of Grand Island, <br />legal Nebraska for Insurance, taxes and assessncnts, ated abstracting extension charges, with interest therecan, from date of payment at the may. imam <br />rate. <br />As pry it the raid secured heneby, wtuie this tnostPW letrssins in effect the mortgagee may hereafter advance additional stuns to the <br />makers of dk+nd, then a or succe>nats in eltetest, which tams shall he within the security of tiro mortgage the mate as the (ands urgtdraldy <br />ascuired thereby. the last atreumt of prlocipal debt taut to exceed at any tense the thin th se amount of this mortgage <br />DOW this 15th day of May <br />A" n.. to 87 <br />4thia hil Z/z Cynthia Z. Hutchinson <br />STA7V OE NEBRASKA, <br />Q NTY fN' IdALI Ip a" Ot, this 15th day of <br />Y 19 87 , before me. <br />Cynthia Z. Zl f /k /a the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for mid Count <br />r Cynthia Z. Hutchinson, a single person, y' personally came <br />ma to be the toxn <br />I:ISI <br />w1Ni is <br />—,so 'a" i5 affixed fo the abovr instrument as mortgagor <br />the mid itwruarnt to be her veduntary act and lived. <br />M1TNp my hared and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. 1 <br />My ('rxnesvx on exgrrcy ��._ -: T,�, <br />-K <br />Personally known to <br />and She mi <br />Notary !'rddic <br />$, P <br />