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U 1 <br />L <br />WA—MRAL MATS MOW rG^GK Wjth Tax CayN <br />Huffman and fetters 8 Welt, Walton, !q, 6901 <br />KNOW ALL MM BY THEM m THAT <br />Husband and Wife of each other <br />of Hall p �y, sued gale al <br />i Eighteen aid, do hereby SE �1 OON , mnb �) <br />Chapman Co- operative Credit Union <br />at Merrick County, and Stets of <br />skumw in Hall rAunty. and State of <br />Elmer E. Pollock & Joy Dugan Pollock, <br />(Mortgagor ) <br />Nebraska in consideration of the sum of <br />DOLLARS <br />(Mortpges ) <br />Nebraska the following described premises <br />Nebraska to-wit; <br />The Northwest Quarter (NWO of Section Eleven (11), in Township Twelve (12), North, <br />Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., in Hall County, Nebraska; except a part of the <br />Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SWiNWJ) of Section Eleven (11), in <br />Township Twelve (12), North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., in Hal.]- County, <br />Nebraska, more particularly described as follows, to wit: Commencing at the south- <br />west corner of said NWt; thence running North 190 feet; thence running East 344 <br />feet; thence running South 190 feet to the South line of said section; aimd thence <br />running West to the point of beginning, which was deeded to the Loup River Public <br />Power District on November 19, 1962, and was duly recorded in Book 140, of Deeds, <br />at Page 441, in the Office of the Register of Deeds, Hall County, Nebraska . <br />The intention being to convey hereby an absolute title in fee simple including all the rights of homestead and dower. <br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging unto the <br />MM mortgagee and to its heirs and assign,, forever, provided always, and these presents are upon the express <br />omdWm that it the aforesaid mortgagor . their heirs, executors. administrators or asigoe shall pay or cause to be <br />paid to the said mortgagee its heirs, executors, administrators or assigns, the eutn of <br />Eighteen Thousand f ($18,000.00) Dollars. pay" as follows, to•wit: <br />$7,238.07 Dollars on the 15th day of 19 <br />$7,238.07 Dollars an the 15th day of May 1989 <br />$7,238.07 Ddlarson the 15th day of May . 1990 <br />Dollars on the day of 19 <br />Dollars on the day of 19 <br />with interest thereon at 10 Per cent per annum, payable annually all according to the tenor and effect of <br />•aeAaift promissory note of said mortgagors <br />bearing evert date with these presents. and shdh pay all taxes and asseeanteats levied upon said teal stela, oast all other texas <br />leviers sad asasments levied open this rertgege or the rate which this mortgage is given to secure. before the aw becomes <br />deiimaguast, sued keep the Widiags OR said Walruses i>atred for the sum of S tog, if any, psyalle to <br />the said mortgagee, then these presents to be void, otherwise to be and rsanain in full forte. <br />IT IS FURTHER AGREED (1) That if the aid mortgagor shall tail to pay such taxes or procure Mich mannrance. the <br />OW mw%* o maY PRY such taxer and procure such ivarrance; and the win so advanced. with mtereue at per rest <br />ataS be Pcid by sad morfsagor, ad thus mortgage shell stand as security for the sarso. (2) That a failure to pay any of said <br />money. either principal or Wserest when the sae becomes due, or a tailure to comply with any of the foregoing agreements, <br />$CMS awe the whole gam of money herein secured to become due and collectable at once at the option of the mortpngsw <br />Signed this 15th day of May 19 87 <br />In presence of <br />................. <br />wrATz o8'........N.ZLoRika ........ County of...... AliaLick .............................. ! <br />Hsfea sae, • NOWY public tfuolibd tow said county, pore ..Hy ams 4 - • - h <br />Elmer E. Pollock & Joy Dugan Pollock <br />kne sma to M Is be too Wended pesgoM or persons who signed the foregoing iwsrumm ant and acknowledged the execution <br />Iberea t M be hiss her or their vslnatney act and execution <br />Wihsasa MY band and notarial seal on ...._..... _u: ...........: .. 1.. J� �' 7� <br />My asawwass eagiirsa .....%17.4-sl...... r2.1 ......., Public. <br />STATEOV _ »..... ......__ ............... ..........._................... <br />so. <br />Entered on numerical index and Ytsd for record <br />in the Register of Deeds OIAoe al sad County the <br />..... ....... ft st_. ..... ..... . ............._.._..,........... 19............, at. .......... ........... ....._...o'd0& and- ..... ........... ............ mtnuts ................. M.. <br />madRome" In Bosi ............................. ........... ot ........... ......... _ ............... .At pow ..... ...._ _ .......... _.................. <br />... ....._.._......._........_..... ......._....__.__....__._..Reg. of bse,ds ; <br />By.._......... ._._ Duty <br />a <br />