87-- 102923
<br />tgellaw wdh td the tenements, hereditamems and appurtenanecs thereunto belonging, including altadwd floor coverings, all window stxesst,
<br />sales bilinds, dorm windows , , heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water
<br />tlBoralors, sod shah fnxtwes and a equipment and ate. rips thereto, pumps,stoves, a
<br />egti prsertt now a hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereffi the sad mmtrvn has agreed and does hereby agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and asons ants levied or
<br />assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and lire bowl secoptS�d tl�rgby before the same Shall become delinquent; to furnish approved
<br />upon the buddinp on said pIMMIcs situated in the sum of E 7` i O<7U Uo Payable to said ASSO[:IATttNI and e, kuym to wid
<br />ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance; and not to commit or permit any waste on or about snit penises;
<br />Ian tape of tkfaylt in the performance of sty of the terms and conditions of this mortgage or the bond ascuted hereby, the morippe sell,
<br />to be dmtd►kd to immediate on of the m rtgaged premises and the m prig nr hereby amens, transfers and sets over to the
<br />mortpdso as 'be 'carts, "'Wilucs And income to be derived from the mortgaged premises duting such time sa the me*tgage ithdobbadraas sup rem
<br />unpaid; t sad have the power to appoint any agent or agents o may desire for the purpose of repairing Said the saris and the rtnu, reruns said indwas, and it easy pay awl of said income all ex of of repairing slid promises and necessary
<br />imwred in renting and ffumugft the same and of collecting rentals therefrom; the ba�ex rental
<br />►owl the "charge of add mortgage indcbtedrex; these rights of the mxort err be exercised at an time d , to be
<br />slaidled data&, eswpective of any temporary waiver of the pone. y Y wring the existence of ands
<br />Tb0se presents, however. arc upon the Condiliam, That if the said Mortgagor shall repay said loan on m before the maturity of said cares by
<br />P*YmemY pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the rum specified in the Bond secured hereby s interest and
<br />the Twentieth day of each and every month, until ail loan is fully d: y principal at kin. on or buforo
<br />pa pay all taxes and assessments Levied against said prowess and on the MortpBe
<br />and the Bond secured thereby. before dclmqueney; luntish approved uyuranox Upon Cite buildings thereon in the aims o f S 52 000.00 pnygbk
<br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to aid ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by It paid for such taxes, nts and aaurahc; with interest at
<br />the maximum legal rate thereon from date of payment all of which Matgagm hereby gees to pay; permit no waste on said
<br />prerhwes: keep and comply
<br />with all the MPtcownts and artditirw of the Bond for E 52, 000.00 the day given 6y the said Ma to said
<br />with an Use requirements of the Constitution and ByAJws of sad A.SSOU'h- day then these presents to R ASSOCIATION. comply
<br />deeB rat►ain m fuse fads and may be foreclosed maksrd st the Option of the said ASSOCIATU N after failure for three months to make any of mid
<br />and 114 nti a be 'tree o have in arrcas in dtakiro* said mwuthlY Payments, or to keep and comply with the agreements and conditions of said Bard;
<br />and Matpga spear to fish' a recrixr appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />If them is any change in ownership of the real estate matPrd berem, by sac a otherwise . then the entire remaining
<br />> . a► the oPtiah cof The Egeitable Buildizeg and loan Asxrcetin of Grad t . Nebrssta• bocoahx ' indebtedness hereby
<br />faNhar rhotip:, and tlu awoan► dos 'seder sail burl, std any o►Inen bosad fa an tddttional tmnsdiately due ad payable suit
<br />d� of otarame of ant! a+ptcrt, bear uttetest sl tine kgs1 rate, nut the rrxrt Y ttdrandxs trade lht:renmder, t1ap, from the
<br />batsd.t►sd lqy oils btsrd fa adldei advartces, togciher with all wasp may then be faoxioasd to mt�y line amount dye as said
<br />lW61rmka eon ' .taxes ad � by s*id TIm d'quitabk a� I.oah Apocrtiat of Crwd !sand,
<br />kEtd rate.
<br />s, andabsUactmgeatensiontdterges, with interest theraan, from date of payment at the
<br />andiers Of laid As p9ovided in the Bond secured hereby, while this mortgage rernams in effect the mortgagee may tereafttt adnaox adddiliotal antra to the
<br />Bond, they or successors it interest, which sums shall be within the security of this trier a the awe u the funds nriphappe
<br />nectmw thereby, the iotad amount of Principal debt not to exceed at any tithe the origith amount of this mortgstge.
<br />l day of
<br />�Y A. n., lv 87
<br />ria K. UA
<br />STAIM OF
<br />C0UNTY OF IIAI G # R. On the 20th day of May sag 87
<br />. bafae ma,
<br />Michael J. L and Darla K. Li the uncle a Notary public ie aid for said Comply, personally cow
<br />each other, ngeman, each in h s alai her own right and as spouse of
<br />who are personally known to
<br />wa to be am Identical person B whose awe s are affixed to the abane 71 ! mortgagor
<br />l t to be their' send ttlE'Y pmsd =Y
<br />y act and .
<br />WI M IVttarvaN tin, date of - _
<br />My ("MMMMM expires,
<br />amwm ns Fuatic ._..__.
<br />