87-- 102912
<br />MOIOTO;AGE LOAN No. L 24,775
<br />KMW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENT$: That Christopher L. Williams and Donna Joyce William, each
<br />in his and her awn right and as spouse of each other,
<br />Fourteen Thousand and no /100--------- ^- ^--^ !'�� , wMasse one lie more, doe aer.txn of the tam of
<br />_ —^^ -- ^---- -7X),1 ARS
<br />Ma and to and by The Nquill" B90ft and Ltsrt Associgam of Grad Isbtd, Nebraska, Mort, capon 140 auras of taoet of
<br />add ASSOCIATION, crtifiaU No. L 24,775 do hemby grant, convey slid onto on mid ASSOCIATION the folovring
<br />ad eaatt, atwted in Hall County, Nebraska:
<br />The Northerly Forty -Four (44) Feet of Lot Five (5), in
<br />Block Seventeen (17), in the Original Taws, now City of Grand
<br />Island, fall County, Nebraska,
<br />forum with AN rite tenements, heredhtaments and appurtenances theicutno belonging, including attached now coverings. all window semen,
<br />window stndea, him&, stmrm windows, awnings, heating, air conditioning, and plumbing and water equipment and acCpsofin thereto,ptuttpt,dovea,
<br />refrip mans, and otter fixiures mad equipment am or hereafter attached to or used to connector with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the cod morigaguir has geed stn) does hereby agree that the nnjrtga$or stall and will pay all [axes toad aremnsnU kviad or
<br />r aeon usl prcrnmts and utnTtn this ran rtgage and the tend e4u�fcdOltcr1 before ate sacra sluts become delinquent, to Parnij i approved
<br />mnumm upon the buildings on mad pretntre situated in tie sum of S� r 00 0 Irayabk to said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said
<br />ASSOCIATION the posies for said ant"Hwe; and not to aroma or permit any waste on ar about said pemkes;
<br />In tan: of defauit to the performance of any of the terms and auuhlxms of this 11101tPac or the bond secured hereby, the mortppe ate,
<br />m
<br />demand. be entitled to immediate possession of the inuirlpted premiss and lle motI at hereby Antigua. fraetdtn and sets over to the
<br />mm4P@m 20 the rents, mvawues and income to be derived from the Froftleated pemtaes during such tittle as the mottlipp imkRtadran, SW roMWn
<br />tmpdd. and the mortPre slutl have the power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire fat the purpose of repakdpg mid prwtilisa and reatdng
<br />the =mr and collecting the rents, revenues and Income, and it may pay out of said income all expenses of repaein)t mid necessary
<br />VW NW expenses incurred ut tenting and managing the sacra and of colkeUng rentals therefrom; the balance remaining, �, to be
<br />toward the d of sad molt indebtedness; these rots of the anrtga�e may be exercise at any time during the exi almen of inset
<br />std, mralimaire of any lemilsorary waiver of Ike same.
<br />These Pteseats, however, are upon the Condition, That If the said Mortgagor shad reiny said ban on or before the maturity of Did alums by
<br />payment; Pty monthly to said AWMATIOHN of the sum spcctfed in the Komi secured hereby as interest mad prsltapa tin � ban. on or bdtne
<br />flat Twentieth day cif each and every ninth. until said loran is fatty pad; pay all taxes and assessments levied aping said prtmngaa and on this Mortpp
<br />and the Bond secured thereby, before delinquency. far rush appoved mustamx upon ate buildings therein in the sum of $ 14, 000.00 pay"
<br />to said ASSOCIATION: repay to cant ASSOX'IATInN upon demand all money by it paid lot such taxes. sswswmlz std insurance with inteest at
<br />the nwxmmn legal rate thereon from date of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agrees to pay; permit no waste on mid pretr es; keep and ootnit{y
<br />with an the ayReemeats and axditwns of the Bad fir S 14, 000.00 this day given by the mid Mortgagim to said ASSOCIATION, and comply
<br />With an the requirements of the ConatttIdits and By-f aws of said ASSOCIATION; then these presents shad] became nun sad mid, otherwise they
<br />IW fcmum in full forte and may to ftxeckssed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three months to mate any of said
<br />pttymmts or be Buse months to arrears to makutg cud r,nrnthly payments, or to keep and comply with the agreements and traditions of mid Bond;
<br />agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings.
<br />asicstred If there q my Change in ownership, Of the real estate mortgaged herein, by sale or otherwise, then the entire Mainlitting milekedivem hereby
<br />, at the option of The Equitable Building and Loam Assiocu do n of Grind Island, Nebraska, became bmamitingely due and payable without
<br />fivatheir notice, and the remairrong due under said bond, and any other bond for any additional advances made them ndse. it", from the
<br />dra of eaermm of said option, beer utterast at the maximum, legal rate, and this mortgage may then be foreclosed to mtsify the amount due on sad
<br />band. aad mY ether bood for sddii 6 adiresect, together with all nine pad by rd The Equitable Building and LAM Association of Grand island.
<br />kvraalu for tetra and U, and �3tnci extension charges, with interest thereat, from date of payment at the is
<br />ieBa rte. paY
<br />As dale Bond secured hereby. while than motripile remains in effect the matgis may hereafter aditasoe addition l aura to the
<br />amilated oafs , thee or succession in interest, which turns shall be within the security a this mortgage the mate as the fwda tNdgiNBy
<br />1 , the total Farraunt of pruuy, debt at.l to exceed at any torte the origiru m l amount of this ore
<br />1�t11 i day of Y A. D., 19 87
<br />11
<br />In
<br />rlonna Joyce LO
<br />W111
<br />STATS
<br />COUNTY OF On rho 15th day of May 1987 . Mums me,
<br />OF HALL
<br />Christopher r L. Wi 1 l i and Donna J oyce Willi ate . a Notary Public wand for said County, cow
<br />spouse Of other ams,
<br />each in his and her Own right
<br />are to
<br />mr to be the WOMW ptran a whose S are aftlaai to the shove instrument as moripitur S add tite'y
<br />sat the to be their volotalWY x-t and date.
<br />WITW36 my hand and Nttmw l the dale aloretod
<br />ramhaa so T0410 ' s F xiNU N. N _ - Note
<br />try
<br />lab (*-M tag, Oil; 11. 11117
<br />