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87- <br />102906 <br />0all <br />orOnystie ®claiming matter <br />truntiestatenorithetinterest of <br />the Trustor therein, shall have the right to apply to any court having Jurisdiction to appoint a receiver <br />of the property, <br />30. Trans, (sr of_ Property, If all or any part of the property or any interest of Trustor thereto Ss <br />sold, transferred or further encumbered without the express or written consent of Beneficiary. Beneficiary <br />may, at its sale Option, declare all sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be t dlately due and payable <br />and proceed to the remedies available to it .under the default provletons contained herein. <br />11, gvente -of Dafa�ult. Any of the following events shall be deemsd an event of default hereunder: <br />(a) Truster shall have failed to wake payment of any installment of interest, <br />principal or principal and interest or any other stets secured hereby when due; <br />(b) There has occurred a breach of or default sunder any term, covenant, agreement, <br />condition, provision, representation or warranty contained In this Deed of Trust, the <br />note or any other loan instrument secured horebv; <br />(c) There has bean a default by the TrusGOr in the Payment of any prior or subsequent <br />lien or encumbrance in respect to all or any part of the property; <br />(d) Truster shall file a voluntary pet ltton in bankruptcy or shall be adjudicated <br />bankrupt or insolvent, or shalt make nn Iss1gase'nt for the benefit of cI,ditors In respect <br />to the property; or .aaa actlon to enforce any lien or encumbrance or Judgments against the <br />property is cc need. <br />12. Acceleration Upxxl Default_. In the event of any default, <br />he- Beneficiary may declare all indebted- <br />and the, "as"' %"All thereupon become due and payable without <br />env Presentment, demand, Protest or notice of anv kind. Thereafter, Beneficiary mav: <br />(a) either In pe•rtoa ,:,r by agent, with ar vithnut bringinR any act inn ur proceeding, <br />r !.y receiver app to +d b} it lourt and vlthout regard to the adequacy of any security, <br />rater ,:pan and tak >:nesst. n of t?se l,rnperty, nr ally part thereof, in its ore name or in <br />the naltilir <,t the Tntate:e, and do any a-• whit d, It deers, nec....ry and desirable to preserve <br />the value, marketability nr rentabilit cf the Property, or pert thereof or interest therein, <br />inrease 'fie Income therefrom er protect the se <br />c curfty hereof and, without taking possession <br />of the property, sue for sr otherwise collect the rents, Issues and profits thereof, Including <br />those past due and eanpald, and apply the sates., less costs and cxpe.nses of operation and collection, <br />including attorney fees, uPOn any indebtedness secured horebv, all In such order as Beneficiary <br />may determine. The entering up:m and taklnR possession of the trust estate, the collection of <br />such rents, issues and profits and aIpIlce", thereof as nforesald shall not cure or waive any <br />default or n:,uch of R.e f 11 ., "rennder or Invalidate. any act and in response <br />to such default or <br />Pursuant to such notice of default and, notwithstanding the continuance in pa�ssesslon of the <br />Property nr the rollectlon, receipt and application of rents, Lssues or profits. Trustee or <br />K,nflelart ma., he; eat pled xe rciec every right provided for In any of the loan Instruments <br />r hg law },cm ,.r "o vent of le f,wlt, fnclud lnR the. right to exercise the power of <br />va e; <br />F,) ,>rilia"nce An a:: f ton o Fore: lrne thi» freed of Trust as a mortgage, appoint a receiver, <br />cc spe,_1 ft;aLly enforce anY :t* c,. <br />+. -! deliver ro 1,: tee a .ritt.en dncdarat ion of default and demand for sale, and a written <br />roe leer of default and electt:xa to r:auae Tru :at or's !rat "rest In the property to be nand, which <br />nntlee Zrust ar, s;al] ..r, so co be duly filed for record in the nfflclai records of the county in <br />which the pr.,pe ;ry to ,orated. <br />13. F, rr sue 41, } we e -old p f 1 nary r•rat to (­"Jo." ?. exercise of the power of <br />snl herein to aired F4ene €I Ear st 12 ,r if r. ,t ee, a,, d wt,ali dgpaslt 11th Trustee this teed of Trust <br />and the not end s rece lilts and evld,. ..e .,f ea, e...dtrurcri ,n i.1e and secured hereby as 'f russet may require, <br />and upon request .: r be rn:ol lacy, <br />silo County Acts to r pert L r sees .'ail file f -.r record, In the Re1;lster Of Deets office in <br />Book and Page or Ip,> u a.nt y -cats -.f �-Ireault nett tog forth the name of the Trust Or, the <br />descH Vt1on of f1 f t that recorded said Of Deeds office, tile legal e,ca "-.1e» :ibvd wee s tateAnd a Oresh of an obligationf. which said real <br />estate was conveyed as sec.urtt., has oc: c.ur red, and setttng forth the nature of such breach and the Trustee's <br />cnith,t to se1I tt,s call intern to :aat1 »f., the nbllpae.ten; and after the lapse of not less than one (1) <br />a d h, the At rhea shall glee writ t.en -cot ice of the time and place of Kale which may be between 9:00 a.m. <br />and 5 p.m. at the pre,mises, ur et the Cuesrtheuse in the Coulity wherein such property is located, describing <br />the property ,, he so1J by Its legal description, cold notice to be published in a newspaper of general <br />r ire ulat t.xn in the ca�a,ty v ? :erefn each pr-pert,; is located, once a week for five (5) consecutive weeks, the <br />Last publicarfan to be at least ten (1?)) days, but not score than thirty (]P7 days, prior Co the sale; and <br />ehe Trustee shall then soil »Aid prOPerc at tt,e titre and place designated it the notice, In the matlner pro- <br />vided by law In effect is tl:e Elsie ct filing ,aid attic., at public: anus ton to the highest bidder for cash <br />and shall deliver to xnct, purchaser a deed to the property <br />t 1me. Kefd, cnnatstrnt with the ]a1 in effect at the <br />Upon, re eipt of p.syment of the PEI— Old, 'rruntee shall deliver to the Purchaser. Treatee'K deed con- <br />veying tea ,;spawn.• sold. Recitals fn the Trustee's deed shall. be prfma facie evidence of the truth of the <br />statements Made therein Trc,stee s ?,all . apply' the proceeds of the sale in the following order: (a) to all <br />rwas:sr,aOle Wars and e•x ^sneer of thv ,..ale, including but nor limited to, Trustee' fees of not more than <br />3zd ,.f the De,sa gale srlce, reaa,.mable attnrnev ,. fees and costs of title evidence( (b) to all <br />aces secured h sty Deed of 'r t; and (c) the x, -ems, if any, to t: he Peze,xp or persons legally entitled <br />ttpretr.. Any .c -s.: >n ,:1_11nR heiefl..f ary. <br />may Purchase said prnperty at said sale. <br />,c,e pars: ?n condu, : i.rg time sa_ clay, for any cause he nr she deems expedient, Postpone the sale from time <br />e Elm ton It sr„a 11 Pe .o&g letad and it every such case, notice of postponement shall be given by public <br />daclartpone thereof by -,, ty at tie time and place last appointed for the Kale; provided, if the sale <br />IN ll be given far longer s pan rx,e +1) ,far beyond the date of =Jgtraced 1n the oat ice of sale, notice thereof <br />aftal ]. hs given 4n the saw mranner .p. t?e a 1j"Inal notice of <br />'Ale. <br />j4' Relpe?i lee taut .fxkluat_^e. Trustee and Beneficiary, and each or thews, shall be entitled to enforce <br />Payment end Per'fvrmsace f Any 4•pJ :Ot ednass or ubli.gsc. ion secured he rcOy and to exercise all rights and <br />After carder this Deed of Tztut r and "• any loan instnement car other agreement it ally lzw,, ntrpo or here- <br />after enforced ,enter[ise ye.tog „r any <br />of tip" indebtedness and +,bliRati.a. ser:ured hereby welch may now <br />r hereafter to otherwise se securci wh ct s "z My mart %sea. deed „f toil »c, pl"dp lien. Oise lerebnt hi Ot marines. <br />power tl the asccptanee of this tires° .f gust our its enfot�ement, whether by r��,?urt art inn or Pursuant to the <br />pacer a. °, sale .er rtear 1,oc ull herein :onatained. hap pre ed Ece ,?r [n anY :a:anner of -3rtl 7ror PurK or Bto t <br />fdciarY's right te,• t Trust uprnp .r en: „rte an', other N curtt. n�v, r v'f'Ntte +T held b.• Trusts+” or @enef lrfarY, <br />is P fey{; a$r,; .5 EtpaC rs,,ater. art treneficiar, Y, atilt c ,`of cts€.w, shall <br />;iexat and eery MCfgo-r ae ur lty n w nr horse(ter held Oy ttnr Rene'l claw r TntlJtt,uudit�y�nforce tills Daed Of <br />the" t ei(hscc d t:h¢,.?m may !n e. ?,air ahsnlute d!a ret�c,n �,gter Hell h,i'terafd <br />cetwu •n 8 1 ll order d upon oc e- <br />as <br />.roar es* :r RavanfS liar. is fntanaded t., fe exe Eus lvpr n � i ?.. sin e�,m creel upon ar re- <br />•,z S sal tti b,,t €,a,, haY i :s, ` any ether Felled} herefn „r by taw p rovlde,l <br />.. ,coat Lvv Lind hall "e° 1. ,d1t. lczp t. e. very „the, rrtmedy given here+,spder ,. <br />scow e,ea t xtst! a at 1a , ire ,..dolt r by at ate, <br />ia9 S' " ai"HrY 1Pt ) a,dv yi y d, f the! l.,n,l <br />�e€r can €1y s @ttr4ep.e. -, lexe S :, r,.s time tt rhith.e <ftfhcr;•ft .r. — i.av ..< ,.,•. <br />S - e,�t <br />