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109845 <br />87-- i, -;" � I <br />IU dft mstpgar is order taws fury as plebes Mils Moo ty of <br />M_ %W aaeM <br />1. That be will pay the indebtedness, AS hereinbefom provided. <br />privilege is Moved to Pay the debt in whole of in pan on say <br />installment dine date. <br />7%ft. together with, and In addition to, the monthly <br />payments of principal and btsrwM payable antler the terms of the <br />On nru th MongeSm will pay to tits Mortgages, <br />the following swim: until the said etas b fully paid, <br />to pay Amount �>nfffdm to provide the holder beraof with fonds <br />and moss eecMits ine�ce Premium if this instrument <br />hereby we leaned. of a monthly charge On <br />Hour of a oorvaer Warancee t'sraaium) if they are held by the <br />Seaxlary of }ioneiag and Urban Development, re follows: <br />(I) It and so bbl a said note of even due and this in. <br />mum= insured or ate Milarsci under the provisions of the <br />National Housing Act, an &Mount sufficient to accumulate in the <br />rands of the holder one (1) month Pride to its due dare the an. <br />with funds pauuy u"Mism Premium in order to provide such holder <br />Urban �n+ium to the Secretary of Homing and <br />elopmot PutnuanM to the National Housing Act, a ' <br />aasmded. and applicable Regulations thereunder; or <br />(11) If and so long as said sae of even date and this in. <br />strtument are held by the Secretary of Having and Urban <br />Developeagm. a monthly charys (in lieu of a nsMWW insurance <br />Premium) which shall be in an amount equal to one twelfth <br />(1/12) of onrhalf (1/2) per cemum of the average #e <br />balance dug on the twee computed without taking into account <br />or prepayments; <br />(b) A som equal to the ground rents. if my, out due, plus the <br />Premiums that will next became due and payable on polwm of <br />fire and other hazard uMWmce covering be mortgaged property, <br />Phu tam ad &aeumots next due on the mortgaged prey <br />(off 0 estimated by the Mortgagee) l� all sutras <br />already p paid <br />therefor divided by the number of months to elapse before one <br />(1) month Prior to the doe when such ground rams. premium, <br />held by Monpan in trust delinquent, pick sums to be <br />Pay said ground rats, troamuun. <br />tams and apsdal aims; Maid <br />(c) All payments nentbmad Is the two Preceding subsection <br />of this WaVO r and cep Peynents to be made under the note <br />uvd hereby paid � <br />the together. and the ate eg&e amount <br />thereof ha <br />Payment 10 be applied by theme each mouth is • sites <br />the order nest forth: Mom to the following items in <br />(1) Pfeminm dugs under the comrso of insurance with <br />�g f Housing and Urban Development, o monthly <br />be; &_was" prestos), me the can may <br />01) ground terra. taxes, assommem. fire and other hazard <br />UMUTA- premiwus; <br />(ltq intaees on the not secured hereby; <br />(IV) amortis tioo of the principal of said nptr and <br />M Iwo Chula. <br />Any deficiency in the amount of such aggregate monthly pay. <br />Went dog. union made goat by ire Mortgagor prior to the ate <br />date of <br />under 0116 mOr4wo. nse the fuss sack by constitute an event of defauuh <br />act nt MoSed roar ens (4S) f ��d i4rcot(31 a Ise cWT <br />(3 1) of ach pay. <br />imam more that nheen (1s) days in "ran to cover the extra IM. <br />Penn involved In handling delinquent psytunts. <br />d That <br />"A if the total en <br />of the Payments made by the Mortgagor <br />PSYMMU (b) of Paragraph 2 preceding chap nosed the amonnnt of <br />Y made by the Mortgyw for ground rents, tams <br />ieu-- Premiums. as the case may be, suck <br />shall beif o tJo is meat, at the option of the Mortgyor <br />nude by the ie by the M on subsequent poyattots to be <br />however, he monthly , or refunded to the MMVW. If, <br />(b) of h' payments toads by the Mongapr under <br />ground 2 pfd snap tux be sufnciat to lay <br />the sus city be, when the shall or insurance premiums, as <br />bete due and payable. <br />am the Mortgagor shay pay to the Mortgagee any amount <br />ttosaary to make up the dencieslY, on or before the date when <br />PRYmax of such ground rents, tams, gumnamts, or imnuar <br />Premiums shop be due. if At say time the MoftS&W " tender <br />to the M- WM. . in accordan0e with the provklons of the ace <br />represd ted hereby, <br />represented payment of the entire indebtedness <br />a Hereby, the Mortgages shall, in computing Pre <br />emount of such indebtedness, credit to the accent of the Mon. <br />SAW all payments merle under the provisions of (a) Paragraph 2 <br />hereof which the Mortgagee has act become <br />the Secretary of Housing and Urban Mn1 a d a pay to <br />balance remaining in the funds accumu�laW �t an y <br />of (b) of paragraph 2 hereof. If there shall be a defauk under <br />MY of the provisions of this mortgage resulting in a public sale <br />Of the Promises covered hereby. or if the Mortgagee aeguirs the <br />Property otherwise after default. the Mortgagee shall apply. at <br />the time of the commencement of such proceedings, or & the <br />time the Property is Otherwise acquired, the balanc than rims. <br />irtg in the funds accumulated under (b) of paragraph 2 <br />& a credit against the amount of Principal then remaining unpai. <br />under said note, and shall properly adjust any payments which <br />Shall have been made under (a) of paragraph 2. <br />4. That the Mortgagor will pay ground rents. Ws. <br />assssenents, water rain. and other governmental or municipal <br />charge. noes. o imposkfous. for which provision has not been <br />m�e rereiabefore. a d in default thereof the MMSMa any <br />Pay the saute; and that the Mortgagor will promptly deliver the <br />offical receipts therefor to the Mortgagee. <br />tAe ' Tha Mortgagor will Pay all Mama which may be levied upon <br />lNofigyee's interest in sad real came and haPfovemas, <br />OW whir may be levied upon this mortgage or the debt secured <br />and o y t o oaly to tits extent that suds is newt prohibited by law <br />and only to Mrs extent this such will not make this boa <br />usurious), but excluding any income tax. Stets or Federal, im- <br />pond on Mortgage. and will nk the official rsplpt showing <br />such WYmat with the kfottg". Upon violation of trb <br />u <br />sehiM, or if the Mortgagor is prohibited by any law now or nisting ho fter taxes, of � paying the whole or any Portion of the <br />dbiting the payment bey the M-4"_ ' of any court dean Pro. <br />such law or decree provides that an or of any mar tabs, a if <br />4otgMo shall be cradled on the curt amount se Paid by on <br />hail have the right to give N leg• the Mortgagee <br />�wtuer of tie � °� �_' written °Otis to the <br />XwIS a debt. If such notice Abe given, the said debt sh&U <br />eatme die, payable and CoWctible at the expiration of aid <br />inoty aye. <br />6. That should the Mortgagor fail to pay any stun or keep any <br />covenant Provided for in this mortgage, then the Monlegee, at <br />its option, may pay of perform the same, and all expenditures so <br />lease 2 of 4 <br />L <br />a <br />J <br />W <br />