Lot Six (6), in Block the (1), in Jack voss Second Subdivision,
<br />being a part of the West Half of the Southwest Quarter (W'sW })
<br />Of Section TWO (2), Township Pleven (11) North, Range Ten (10) ,
<br />West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska,
<br />window toll"ahew with SU Mee tenasrrernta, twmdrtritemts and appuntenanors thereunto hektngulg, including attached flour cowruns, all window scrams
<br />stadia bhmh storm windows, ". n w. heating, air conditioning. and plumbing ant! water equipment and accaaorKS thefeto,puRrpa'atCVea
<br />q� +riots. �d tM t fixtures and equiprtaent now of hereafter attached to or uxd m connection with said real estate.
<br />And whereas the said morlpfor has speed and does hereby mire tlwt the nwrtgagor shall and will
<br />?uWered etpnn and P and upon this morn and the bond secured therrbv befoe the same ley as taxes ent a enp kvi a the ""wince Wool the be ttiga cm sand plea swot situated in the sum of S 47 r 900.00 ptaysbk w become delinquent; to flattish approved
<br />policies few said tmuratwe: and ma to commit n, permit any waste tan or about to premises, ai ASSOCIATION and to dehfver to mid
<br />In ere of clef" us the performance of any of the terms; aruh awidtier2x of waste n or
<br />OR demand. be entitled W ' le ' possession of the runt d of the bond secured hereby, the modpre shaft,
<br />� the rents, revenues and premises and the mvrt her a, trsndera sad Wets over to the
<br />utrprd; and the iRCOrrae to Fee derived from the meet d Premises during such there u the mortpge n
<br />rlsaag have the power to tint ear agents it tRa reptaYt Purpues a ow"Fam"oft and expenses taws" the rants. revaattny and imas , and i! may Pay out of said income all cx r s of rep aft mid P-ni- Wall rebel;
<br />pphed toward thle dtaetrarp chinas mortgage einrd seed managing the anx and of colle,tirtg rentah them :from: t�lte�rfballll mid � � MoW�
<br />ate, urrrspeetive of any to rthe saedreess; these rights of he muftgagee may be exercised at ey time during the existence of to be
<br />such
<br />temporary raiser of the same.
<br />These Presents, however, are upoas the Co dition, That it (fit said Mcniptior shall repay said loan on or before flat maturity of said stares by
<br />payment. Pay �Y laid std BASS rtttIATI untdtI the bean is fully in tfu liesnd secured hereby as interest and principal on mid loan, on or before
<br />the Twentieth d
<br />� the tier secured the y pad; pay all taxes and Assessments kvwd against said premises and on this Mortgage
<br />to said AS'SOC ecured t, , ' before dehngRamcy: furnish approved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the scum of S 47, 900.00
<br />clay to sad ASi(XlA'Tt(iN upon demand all rmneY by t paid for such taxes. asso�tatnt$ and uwuanlCe with interesthe t legal rate tteeran fawn date of payrtem all of which Mot/gMyw hereby "Wets to pay; permit r!o waste oft mid Preamesce with
<br />and eeomply,
<br />with an the areements and conditions of the Bond (in S 47, 900.00 this da
<br />W" &I the r s of the Constitution and By -hews up' said Y liven by the � no
<br />to staid ASSOCIATION, W W Comply
<br />shall rc art full force and sru he fa- ASSO('IAT10N; then thew presents shat! bemoan, Rupp awl void, otherwise they
<br />Y foreclosed at the option of the said ASSOCIATION after failure for three rreonths to make any of sad
<br />PDYM90ts or be three rmnths le arrears in raking said monthly ploy rats. a to keep and comply with the agreements and gaup; conditions of
<br />mid Ilbftptgut agrees to have a receiver appointed forthwith in such foreclosure proceedings. mid
<br />If these s any dtange in ownership of IN real estate m rt
<br />we
<br />ri the OPIUM ri of 7 Budding said boas atd�in offerwW Island, Ne ratiy�bo the rmiiatmy due an payable m �
<br />, and the
<br />� s�raile of"Woptinn.4scu uateresr at the rraxximum y bond for any additional advaarxs its theretutder,
<br />bend.wd any ertlaf bwd for additius legal rate, and this ttrrtgage troy then be foreclosed to & t the from the
<br />p for ' teas ell toVtber with all suns paid by said The E gtttabk Satisfy amount dae on trial
<br />rate, and abstracting extensions char.,., with mutest tble Bg tili Building date n Aviation of Gruel [dead,
<br />payment at the nmxumum
<br />As le the guns secured hereby, while this mort
<br />mewed 49 s Arnd, then margals or !Uccmas in out which flage remains in effect the mss "I be within tie security oaf Mtis tt taftrr �vurce additional sums to the
<br />mewed thereby, t!e total ammuot of principal debt not to exceed at any time the Original aneount of this m+utga� the um u the funds originally
<br />Deard this day of May
<br />y A.D., 19 87
<br />E.
<br />STATg Oar A.
<br />Cf7lffiPpy OF 11A L � w' On this 15th day of May 19 87
<br />, bet«" ae,
<br />1Mi 11 i D. Dal r y�gile and E. ES line Dal the under$Wwd, a Notary Public in and for and County, comae
<br />Of' other, z}+>E>1e, each in his and her otvr right and as�,g who tae to be the pnsr�, S whose S are are l"=J=to
<br />afrAed fn the Abom iustrurenf as mwrtgosm S and they
<br />the ten rte their vxrtarrtary act acs dcwd. � severally
<br />WrMfW mY hand and "tined Beal the a sforraid.
<br />MyC expita �� '
<br />lWaaau Wf Jlfl6i/It a f1pl�Ml i �, °a✓'r.`A`t�sl'.?c's�'.. � f �' f .
<br />�1 Anna Ent► Mw. N YS,1f1M � � 1 � isiy, -public
<br />