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........... . <br />87�- 10; 820 <br />(a) O sum equal fire the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable <br />on policies mortgaged fire and other hoard insurance covering the mortgaged property, Plus taxes and assessments next <br />by on the er of Pmptnsy fill ar ealimored by the Marrgogee) less all sums already paid therefor divided <br />by the number of months to elttPae before ate month Prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, <br />taxes And t6 win become <br />tielingmant such sums to be held b Mortgagee in to pay said ground <br />�* (b) f�Y�nk Premiums, tattra rood aprejal ts; turd Y <br />I m the two preceding subsections of this <br />the secured he y be added together' - and the Purdtgr ®Im and at payments to be made under <br />Mortgagor eacht °month in • payment to be aggMortg amount thereof shall be paid by the <br />set forth: applied by the Mortgagee to the following items in the order <br />A) <br />pound ran"- taaift, ts, fire and other <br />t3 04 the we hazard insurance premiums; <br />). of the secured, hereby; SA end <br />� in the aat of �� h note. <br />Putt to the due dtue of the next aggrWe monthly Payment shall, unless made good by the <br />T �Y collect a "hate payment, constitute an event of default under this mortgage. <br />more the flrken IS charge" riot co exceed four cents (4t) for each dollar (SI) of each payment <br />( )days in arrears to cover the extra expense involved in handling delinquent payments. <br />3. That if the total of the Payments made by the Mortgagor <br />amostiff <br />of Payments 80UA Y made by the Mort ent under An of paragraph 2 insurance shall exceed the <br />sublifill!'"i"t Payments OW .bc, excess. it the loner is currents at the ground rents, taxes and Assessments , shall be r ned by premiums, ee the <br />to be made by the Mort gagor, ur refunded to the M Mortgagor, shall be credited by the Mortgagee on <br />b' the under (a) of paragraph 2 ortgagor. If. however, the monthly Payments made <br />as the case ma <br />preceding Shan not be sufficient to PRY ground real, taxes and <br />y be, when the Sartre Shan become due and payable, then the assessments he <br />t to make up the deficiency . an or before the date when Mortgagor shall pay to the any Moffffilfac <br />taxeu, s of insurance Premiums sham be due. If at any time the M Payment of such <br />accordance with the ground rents. <br />Of the trace cured hereby, full Payment of the entire indebtedness represented the Mortgagee, in <br />Mortgagee • to ct�mPns' (hr amount of such indebaainess. credit to the account of the Mortgagor <br />thereby, the <br />any balance remain" <br />is the fins rccamnated ender the <br />u r any of the of ib Provisions of (a) of paragraph 2 hereof. If there shall be a default <br />require the PAY reatmng in a public sae of the premises covered hereby. dx it the Mortgagee <br />alter defruEt. the Mortgagee Shan apply, at the time of the commencement of such <br />Proceedings. a at the t� the property is otherwise acquired, d, the balance then remaining in the funds accumulated under (a) <br />Of irgagrapa. m a ageless the amount of principal then remaining unpaid under <br />g Theo the win lmY rents. taxes, said note. <br />. limas, rt ' bur ts, water rates, and other governmental or municipal <br />chaff Pry the : and that the 'i has not been made herembefore, and in default thereof the Mortgagee ma <br />s 71te wilt premaptty cleaver the official receipts therefor to the Mortgagee. y <br />wan fay an taxes which may be levied u <br />Improvements. end enyY be tl tx9tt the Mortgagee's interest in said real estate and <br />W by law tl or the debt secured hereby (but only to the extent that such is <br />or Fetdcrm, to tbe extent that such will not make this loan usurious), but excluding any income tax, State <br />and wU Me the official recegpt showing slob <br />violation <br />Of this 'r' . or if the Mort - Payment with the Mort <br />ur �Y pat of the at ed by any law now or hereafter existing from na' Upon <br />of taxes. ur upon the rendering of any court decree Paying the whole <br />at R*W Y tie retie, nr if such law or that any amount n9 prohibiting the payment by the Mortgagor <br />F*qukft the �' the have the c to gave nines paid by the Mortgagor shall be credited on the <br />gs, of the t g Y days' written notice to the owner of the mom <br />at 'be 04*11tiort of d de3rt. !f such mat e be given. the said debt shall become due, Payable gaanndidcollectible <br />6- That Y days. <br />rf fad to Pay Any seta or keep any revertant provided for in this Mortgage, then the Mortgagee, at its <br />option' �Y i�Y ur peferrm the sarrrc, ) an expeyediturea so <br />ouse- be hereby. made shall be added to the principal sum owing on the about <br />7. Then interest the rase act forth n the said note. until Paid <br />all suffis . <br />armed herby i . ttans&rs and s over to the Mangag C. to be a <br />said note, hereby n sass of a default in the performance of any of the terms and conditions ward the payment of the note and <br />Akbt*dftu an the Hats, and income to be derived from the wort of this Mortgage or the <br />Purpose of than re "Ram ' and the ` shall have power to a premise, during such time as the mortgage <br />repxirini »l and of rend the appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the <br />Of SAW all of .. � same and collecting the rents, revenues <br />and income. and it seta <br />managing out <br />Said WAMSW indebtedness. the same and of eealpecteng rentals therefrom; the commissions and expanses incurred in renting yand <br />e remaining, if any, to be applied toward the discharge of <br />g, Thu he will keep the -apes is now existing <br />r fry tau to taste by the Ion tx hereafter crated on the mortgaged property. insured as may be <br />for such Periods a may be requires by �by ore and other harards, casualties and contingencies in such <br />for Payment of which bra not i and win Pay promptly. when due. any Premiums on such <br />Sps by the rt free And the Policies and renewals thereof shah bef urheld by thewMat elan be carried ac companies <br />and in form saga aced have attached thereto of "like by to the who may Acceptable to the <br />oss if not in event of loss Mortgagor will give immediate <br />the - mf berlmy authargaed and directed to make a Promptly by Mortgagor, and each insurance <br />praymerrt far such pas directly to the Mortgagee instead of to <br />he t® the r jopntty, and the ntaurance proceeds' or any part thereof, may be aPPIW by the Mortgagee <br />edaetiem of the ink proceeds' <br />secured or to the restoration or re <br />ht,as�t of of this meet Pair of the property <br />the btreby, A rte♦ title ub later ofranshef f titre to the mortgaged property in extinguishment of <br />Pam to err palates. Mortgagor on and to any insurance policies then in force <br />!. M for cite <br />( the to geYmett of the note described, and all sums to become due under <br />1 MilartOW OWK Any and an ud and Sm lasalf On t� trolNs. revenues, royalties, rights and beftlits accruing to said as try before as &fast' dalauh i t ' with the right to receive and receipt for the same and <br />i d for and <br />condithorts of this mortgage, and the Mortgagee may <br />le to ✓ upon when due t .a but span not be required so to do. This assignment <br />T1sw1, � <br />UP" OW4 buildirigs * s tam upon � Pretm m good repair, and neither commit nor permit waste <br />d'1• if ro be for any Unlawful <br />POW a*, . the or part'thereer, be e <br />awa+ . the proc"'" for tots take under 'be Power of comment domain, ar acquired tot a <br />the' aaaownr Of this "O" he of, ox the rcrnsidcrat"m for such acquisition, to the exleill of <br />*MWVAod the to the tit and the Hate wh hit is given to Wure remaining unpaid, are here <br />afta"M by by <br />of the ' and Khan be paid forthwith to said Mtxt <br />ew#* inn s of .Wh ttadp 119 he applitYl by PtpC lattM [lit <br />-i <br />