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SWO Of Ndneks P1kt �,a Nw <br />321. 1173x10 -7A/ <br />Mir and executed this 14 th day of Noy <br />3 M <br />. FI UK GARZA aM KERRY E. GARZA, <br />Of ties County of HALL a n' and Shade of Kaska, party of the first Part, her flaked <br />Mla MWIVSK, ad SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. P.O. BOIL S <br />CWM ISLAM, NE GM2 , <br />a 4010010111001 01111101ised and exiatial trader the laws of <br />MV of STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />q of as See nd part, CSW the Mort�ee, <br />9g1nO "Ill" That rite Odd INortpW, for and in consideration of the sum of Twenty Nine Thousand, Threw <br />Fifty and No/100tAs........................................ Dollar (S 29.350.00 ). paid by the Mort- <br />NOW 64 NaWIt Of whM a hereby ad mledged, has Granted and Sold and by these Womb does [halt, Her <br />and Ctratlres the MestWes, its woomors and alas, forever, the followinj- described real estate, �uated � Country oell <br />BALL . mad State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />LOT SIX (6), IN BLACK EIGHT (8), IN WEST VIEW ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAM, HALL COUITY, <br />MWASKA 316. AND THAT PART OF VACATED 9TH STREET AS SHOWN IN ORDINANCE No. 4948, FILED IN Boat W 21, PACE <br />of site Shah ltecipat Merin, contsials in an awes according to Govatuaent survey: <br />TO Mere and TO 8W the prssnaer &bore described. with all the appurtamm thereunto <br />p aasbhtg read t6rwu and NOW or hereafter belonPM and including all beating, <br />Wss, and to he waosatass and attached to or rued in casnauctioa with said raw estate unto the Mort- <br />War has seed right sar OaaH and •forgives. nw MOM MW represents to. and covenam with, the M <br />aotsv y said prewhaI; rite they arc free from arum � � that the Mort- <br />khod the sae ageing the htwfW claisa of all p a whomsoever; and the said brarme. � that the Mortgagor will warrant and <br />and as metal ripittsv either in �r a in Y. and all other continom i o uhhes W d to the <br />�8 to Ivey hereby an absolute title, in fee simple, i MobU Of la and to the above <br />rig m and harem as &Nreadd. txlatdini ail rights of iwrnestead, and other <br />roe Nisd AlwaM and time pre am are esrcttted and del rated upon the following coal ww. to wit: <br />and ie0J100 aims to pay the MWWW, a Order. the principal of Twenty Nine Thousand, Three Hundred Fifty <br />------- --- ----- -- Dollars (S 29,350.00 <br />wish ia/erm timer doer at the rare of Eight and one half ) <br />aapdd bahmw MW paid. 7Ae sold Per omtum (8.500 %) per annum on the <br />principal and interest ,$tall be payable at the office of SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. <br />P.O. flat wS" <br />GRA10 ISLAND, NE 68802 <br />in d wridpg. moathl - ce at wh other place as the holder of the note <br />Y of Two Hundred Eighty -Nine and 2 /100th-- ------ - - -- - -- . and on the am 1 and teach raoath thereafter until the principal and interest fully paid, except that the July <br />payment of <br />]OO2 tW paid. SW be due and payable on the first day of June <br />In the tersest of a certain ircanhsory tote of even date herewith executed by the said Moateyor, <br />Tlth fw111 a Ia�uranae to ur�r 1"m ww to lourdamlty proprane of tM NalonM Houaing ,tact ,sgt�h �p <br />rIM fOr a+rledle venkon Prevaoua Are ObwM* <br />Pape 1 of 4 M 1e3 Ai (" Ed1 l-) <br />24 CFR 203.17(ba <br />