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(b) t bBVCMW, is I, the " I.IArIITEO W AeRRA -which accompanies nies this corrah aci. It ex ttte ce sitete h Ihu <br />Will � rvad or r Fl ad I take sn¢xnce of the huntafroat on tits w y, 1 icul ly t t y i w ' )p <br />9-6 laft- <br />y y orsarveie container. <br />IA[ - • 1 know that yore have treasured my house and its opening% sat that Voss cat, nuke the products W 64 trey ter2lat . I <br />IM& dint am manufacauled take notice dwal ft <br />for my specifics im ly will hart fit any other houses. alai r such conditions, I know I c c I Witt t <br />tk Wirral a any time <br />oftia given to teas by law, in which tocatcel. After that legal period of tirrmc. I know that I have the oisligatsaast to pay you in €€affil ft amouratcrartainal. <br />(MUGATIONS PERTAINING fo PRopFR'Py INSt RANGE AND h4y HE %1. FSTATE: 1- 1 prnna'se ter keep my NMI in coral repair and to keep <br />it Insured tax at least 80% of a!y mplseenoent adhw by having a lire anal esten<Ied arrersaga -,lo -amt, p,hty- The IRsura€ac'e company must he approved <br />by, yaw. and ¢tae pclacv must Passe a bergeto� rsv clauve which arc that vrau are tat tie pail It there ae . bras- The ire turaovc vorapany must agree that <br />a will Act cm cl MY FxAK'v wtthrrut tilt iallol4 yoti I auahNIfe the 7n,uramv tvinpaam r, pav wear dsrc°ctly t,q env jos yga� tart cha)$rse to use this <br />inmearassea azagretesu to etcher re v anv anrourta I rsv%e vnu or ta• repair Inv hour I have' tin opKion nl prorlchng rirs ri) inaurat> through an existia <br />policy or thmug@l a pnccy l pas t ntly T�AItrot arxt pubic I r Iry rate. 1 Ii„ etnnt� a That i will t a aRiaa anyone elm uI place y 13ett ,ktfl my <br />6 <br />6Ytaa €a¢ vv'itl@4$ut your Gnf3tts'P ' #a$gtaaatj . ti t ti atl.SZ ter (iav :rtl iJk:s, :1,5 vyrlenl� tnd r?the, I'at'gC5 on rn4 rcal 0, late when due. 4. 1 promise to tirmis, <br />allarke all Payments 'In any WRX II1an, W'Ut i ltv im tea! ,,;ate I al'o 1"ron'.1", that I w1il rio! oste n.9, renew U4 i- a°ta€tg4' p$feM 14natts w(i1,}pnt ;rosier writtie8t <br />( tastss€t- 4 It T 4, non resume III, 31"id e Ix luifali r3 y a,Iiwl hleu:atiorrs t I nIy car c iuie Thew can 4cI iE P Inc d cats! want (but a3L4 ttQ i3t1i . <br />if Von & net s,AV In there a'�atry4a is n* Orr€ rs.,. I ieree .o pay vcu hac4 r l n and plug mte•rt »t at tl:r highest lawful c(nitract rate of interest. <br />Uoul 1 5xa4 you ft"Ir wr.3U y adh N xfted t ) d"Igr .aI vow shish n yr I god ha my real evtaEe alxl hr >ume. € know that if ynu decide to buy <br />m e for was that gees t rat 4 ce t.r r irl :,r,v rte n «,a -nor r hahtlov 1n,unimc <br />SALE OF MY HOUSE: 1 pionose r.,t to sell. tz,jiw jtr tnv� rlr. ? use t" am Ilc kintlI 1 dude (ulh re ;raid r,IV elder 411 DFFAULT: I will he in default under d us contract if, <br />I . I don't Betake a payment when die, ax <br />1 p I Isa y6u India, 4 a ettss t or <br />u! whuah y tiro t lacvt its. gr al frith chi I do rum imcnit tag pay you az putoused; air <br />"I a{i fz whh !u ussng nag Ixrr. as ca 1lateraT: a <br />$. Sainsiburiall hapapastass, to soy Pictme which thmaieaaa your rights, itatty.iaw. <br />W1 A E AULT: I widlarsuarld that you have the right la, foreclose the NMO Ago a 1 have given to you and have my house sold to repay any amounts I owe you if <br />a ft � this cam- Before tart' UM&C" is s id. you will do everything that law r�urres If you hire an auotacy to assist you to sell m hcw�, M. to sew me. <br />o, was . t roc nPhis. 1 to y you for yenta ret�t ynahle attorneys' feed and 6ir @ether related eap>ensc% such as court cs, acs, title searches aced y you expended <br />hi mac, aiia� x1u:cetliey suchasictaenbsht''Law. <br />OTHM RIGIM We chat chmme not ge, crIftn a any a?f the right% under this contract as olien as we wrant without losing them. If Dr, we can delay eatforci any o1 "dad tipfhts <br />them We cars alma Lass any right%arse nw, in the feature given to us by lace <br />dvkp that me Caused 1'R. I know that vuvtt wail ti-we yonat test elfinAx tee Install the products I am purchasuir, on nn house. but 1 also understand that its some situations you in eracoutttr <br />M be by strikes, wead3ter c 3autans. delays. you have in seats €ring ntatt11815, or for other rea om that are heyond your control. I undcrstat d drat you will <br />bable for reach e ym. <br />If I Svc A do ow iairw with you coraccruing the yuaaa ni , quality car performance of the pro ms, 1 made And that my dispute rally be subirtitted to <br />to the tx n- €ra¢isnt prograrn that acay ha,e• c'kvc lcrp cJ to arty ::errnrnunity. I alas, know th=at anv do isnon made by an adritrator(s) would be en- <br />raw to diecourt gd fe 73'tt@it over Inc and you <br />541NAGE VALUE. I know, dual lik wmduws, udwork. and Bather MMx`r AN that have la, he reourvecl by you for this installation have NO salvage value. When you re- <br />MOW them, yes sam hiro fisr c'er you w'am, <br />+fit,A ter the uaaaytacaicas of so oc of the p ftsaia� is that Vane cfl. I uttxlsrctand tiani in .+pas ial situations t ices 1 Office y have to review <br />and aces" di c t i s . that Ilin tak avccurred to try faune ataei that sreu atxi I me-'' tint have had all the cv '"formation i to this bean <br />I gave yaw any r. israscat to cortrel smv otgv v'u$ Crease that Buss have o cc nsrc:i when the tt1 r, au this couur •t were Completed. <br />1. s it my p ar visiao art tt av arrxtaxct v olato the lass and is urrep aiccaisle. the real of the contract will be valid If any part of this coastrarct rellmants <br />Paymm ofmare oftrest than € ie law p*esar ors, then yaws will osr3y ?nave the rig3- I0001400 ITOM me the amount of interim which the law allows you tocol t. <br />"i:vioina icast only be chanageal Abourym alai I agrate an writing. <br />