w, without OOM"d. *hail be nmmerllatlly Out and payable by Truslor and mall
<br />bmer UNW"t N the mNllylum otrow*bls "of efe. provided however, that W Ins
<br />as"" of ds"f cialy or Tru *Ime B-c" "ma may to added to tam principal beeac,
<br />N eny IhdobN4n*" secured hereby and &hail pa" tam same iniersel Id sllca
<br />M$abp$fltas w Woe be Wy"le /ale «Y a'sr the remaining farm thereof.
<br />10. Assirmmw N Mop. Nnaticlary Short have the treat, power and oulhomy
<br />dwwlg the c«dmusacs W this Trust Deed 10 cOIW I lha rents. Issuma sho profile of
<br />tine Pt*MdW end of NY pereenal «openly Ca Cato It-- wan « w maul taking
<br />PO"609" Of Ifam pt•p«fY all «tee hereby. sod Trull« netaby absolutely and
<br />wlendtiQA "Y ""lpns ale such CMlo. iNume and profits to penal cui
<br />S$rI bt". hOWSM. notably CMNnto to IM Trust. , collection and retention of
<br />0041 range, 10 *u" and Profits N inky OCCI And become payable N 1«9 as
<br />TNN« N Ml. of won trams. In "fault .,on respect to payment or any
<br />WA*bkdndOS secured herby or in the performance, or may troomrnl hMNunder
<br />{"011 sal Such ww, derhOfklery MAY At My time, either in, pas«l by "al, «by
<br />a r00sl1 10 M &PPDKMd by 0 OWA, without notice and wrth"1 regard to IM
<br />ad$WWY N 0av 009" for IM InMa"entaA twebY secured. (0) *new upon poll
<br />MIN PO""OW N th$ prepd"Y Of My Wit thereof, And In 111 own name ede for at
<br />, Pt6rly. CNNCf Ouch fens", Isotrs" w profits mceuding Item Wet out w
<br />WAPSM, and OPO4Y NIA antes, 1"s cola held •sped »a of Operation and calCOOn,
<br />Inouw" t""Mome attorney Imes, upon arty redNNdn•" "cur" herAOy, Wagon
<br />eon order me Mnencpry, may "$panne, (W pMarm sucn acts or rpool, «
<br />PraMblMn N mav be "C@G"q «proper to cONrw the Wete of the P1Oparly, kl
<br />)s@" UM @am* We MY poi thereof f« Ouch rents', farm and upon such conditions
<br />M M fade RW" may dletNS. Imp"a Tfus,or and Sen•f'Clafy aer" o1Mne1N In
<br />w `ft Way ppNCOlbn Of fonts. 1116"1 Of Profit$ 10 any in"bledness secured
<br />hcta'Kr Wow not "tend « Ptapon" the Clue ate of Ins installment paynw lg "
<br />PPNW d in sou WOM "ry Pots Of change the amount of such m lsehhePls The
<br />OF.W" upon and taking p""ssion of ten Property. fns ColfoCtim of sucn iris.
<br />Neste" w promo, W4 IM spob catwn lrw "i as Afore"rd. Mali me wars ar curve
<br />WV da "N by Monk* Of default tweund«, w ,nvelWsts any act ens pursuant to
<br />Such 110/W. Ttuakw also s"fts to SeMlrclsry. a$ further Security no ten
<br />W,10"r4mS Of felt Ob Oselti nA secured hereby. Ali prepaid rota And all monism
<br />nS11fIh MOY nova DOOn ar may hw"ltw be ap04PN with said Tiuslo by any leakage
<br />N Ma property, to a we Iha payment of any `Ml, a" upon default rn ten
<br />W IO""Sn" Of any Of ten prOVlelns nwedl, Trusto Ogress to deliver sucn rents
<br />w dM"10 to the /erraftcery Delivery of Sumter, notice of the d•nalw4rV *
<br />"«cps a IM ryhts granted 110,01a to any iernanl occupying SSW peam,"S Mao
<br />be Sugkmont to require sad tenant to par Asia tons to the BenNlc,kry until funk«
<br />nice
<br />11. LO"" PrSd WL Within 10 days *ter Clotnand. Trust- Mall lwmM 10 Trust"
<br />" aNl"w$ COMM to be fruit, ONgleg forth W WA" of Apace In tam Ttwi
<br />PI"W If sewn In "NCI. k'Kkgl g, In each CAN. ten nom$ of the j,hr,i and
<br />"DWO& fay, s domcf*tWn of able ep"ce Occupied by Such Want w ocelpanl. ins
<br />rMlsl P@Ydw* Mr Ouch OPUS w Such Ohele1 mI«welpn Me documorge with
<br />r@@m"1 N Duch 66"" Mill Mr.6r bu se lam Trust" Ine, ngusw
<br />W"h«A able prise -r M0. consent of TnlOIA*. The" MM net, aWeclly o
<br />bI0 -11. wile t1sP@&t us APy "W of OWCO In the ODWrWN prN»A", w"wfW
<br />am" tom" N meow Or hw$Ntsf In sowww ; W accept ae permit stay prep0"Wwti,
<br />discount AN "Y01h0e tam pay"" NMrwower Sol cancel or IormhMp ram asime. W
<br />SSOM MY odllOaib~. MrWNWIon or surrOmOpo thereof, or pdraiN Say event to
<br />saw sdlleh wouMenum to less" thwowder to WR"4M «cwww ten sMN. (c)
<br />Mend der IrWWII NO WM N M te tooko a Ins laera 111«"/, ley Centel payw*
<br />100eowldw. M M ahWW SPY grower pMVppM" therm coarsened. M war" My
<br />do$llt NMqudw Of breach thersa; M ghe any consent. lusher or spphaysl
<br />1W101N1«/ M Ms0 sill 0~ acted In cenn*ct"P tomewlth, or wins a I.**"
<br />tbaewrndw, winch peons lass Ine N"cf a CrI4PW re Ins value Of leseor's Mr«wn
<br />etw@IIIIfpo, M NM ROPerfy Wow' Withela. « of to seMrq ten «w1"n or Interest
<br />N Nis Trustee « gerAWMry; « M wt, wpn. plugs. mGrtgees or ottwwtN
<br />dMp" et. ae McColaber. No wW"I In anal Such leome a any ,male, Wow" «prang
<br />fdslwy 4w 411ory amwouresr.
<br />11 owdu WNge1L a lift lO any port of sew Profit", shed be fait" In c«adowmetpn
<br />P@se$Onp, by Agin of wMM dommove or agents, ec110n, al eked be mars under
<br />Mw N OMeommrAUM ow sw«M dispute" w PtOC"" w hereby aeowwd w
<br />SINN be Pw be wen ean "Frail Ouch 4.* A . de.NNPG w
<br />PPO@@o" M tit$ Swen Secured by NI* Ilhao Dssd. when tie $"CON, W any. save to ten
<br />I'hMN. TOWOW Will 0,0-,101110, NO W M due dMgwarw, spot. omw den rso" ten
<br />a oaftry mAA N M Trust property to ten kw rwMdlt"n "Ow ft" to ten
<br />OMM MN tlM am* ffift be a"aibN wd"" to coastauge a co1110IN0 some wtala
<br />am
<br />U PON"Admorm w Upon fa0OSa1 of Trusgef, "Rok4&V, N aonoftwy@ cpaon.
<br />POW to ra$$rIS*yM0* N site propoly M N10 Tnl"w, Obey elmbe fetters odvanom M
<br />M Thar. MIOO Ph-- a$1'Ows $~ e". with #A lM"w, ~ be 080M4d by Into
<br />TIN" Oa" when dAawow by pmlHkak I not" elm" 111w eel rope ere
<br />a"Nd bMW. Mddebd the N ft gear a00N no eaowM PAINt ok M.
<br />M"S=& Mt N O ldit $OWN ,door" As P+*ISpo as @eerrlyy. Ame"ls w
<br />1NIIIrlsd gNOaf Ngeor"" MMNw av4wM oowvw hwor.
<br />tar.Ita�aCwrgmw All gpaedl@e Pleven"" ge tri0 TntyN Odd N dlsOmW end
<br />0WAMMM OM M se yesaw ryes Of IMOPy WOW "ft TfkM ONO a WMISW M tew or
<br />Mdd. w 000 M 0$Or01$$d AA1w.Odlly. Irt"Pwlwltry er o weensellwy
<br />IL A"NN@bq RSrrr gatw Upon it~ by Trugpo in Nam eel o may
<br />hmmowwmm **«a" fermoo Or ge we Wfsfr1 anm of my aYP*alUMl NNOweoo.
<br />1woft wv ow *Sam ON Samoa sewed flstsa WmWdM 1Y die WAS paves" of
<br />dWMry M TMU W N wd$IM 0$WMNM Of d*Muk. The T11eNS0 show hot* het@
<br />m$wae N soft N do Prwime P w al �0hk1wY "eO@* ins prgerry M be armed, m
<br />4kW d%NW war TfON"4 NW Tare Deed w Ad panty a nit" w 0@@Wnwhea
<br />$si"Mip taPOwwhwta aMwed rlereel. aid Mot Ober« es Trusee. • an/Mn
<br />Iwo N d~ w dlsaNSn M cwA no Plemwb M be sad and NIA Trust" In
<br />ben d hO P1epo e a Amwke NBNde M she Mho Mp1nM 13 I", wlNCn 01108 be soft
<br />M "M,lowsoyThen",
<br />M Also M" sew of a" MM " mar be foomem by tow tooco" the read•
<br />wed N "N abed$ N faW,N w Male a IMeuN w nabod N Sdp hawlg
<br />60" MoM"raIle- to sew. Tresses wtbow demand on Trooper, aa1M ON
<br />gl@ Psem$rty M 100 Mge w o g 6110.* w p$e4 M$ylyy@ N 0010 ,nose" of
<br />Mani N mltbik Dow- 10 the hy1oN MN$r. MM parofl"O Mans paves" be
<br />MwM SOW N M$ tested gas" me Me Hilt$ of So@. The person 40rldlhCtYy
<br />Pie@ lsw Whip. Mr aft Mgr 00 OMM WelasK poMpWW also "W trop Wft
<br />ge 1dWe wins a Mara M Me1DWed neR * ani@ry war ""We. nMta a odsMorh►
<br />f M @hap No g"ail by gemONt d@NaraaNl thNesl av a" WMb@ N gay gma
<br />w MsaO tow ampoWAW for M$ SOW if , N Me aura N peeq w Is,
<br />MWgw Nrwl (4 OW @*s*rn@ MO a" omorw" be no Owed of A"N. Alen$
<br />owsw ~ DO~ ge sea "We wamm M era 046W noweN mw
<br />TrAlm ~ seers w dsNw is sea PrwWasst a" OM$ Comm'" tit*
<br />promises tow bd wleew Mer am""" We wwMMy, ev "16 ae saDrel TM
<br />weds$ ge tbe am@ N me rope AS wen whir " •er Mmako PesN al No
<br />b dMM Mew my powL MMdIM NwN1MwY. easy Maisie$$ N gel
<br />milL
<br />M WMh Tits"" "f gurMMM toga Pew* hsrNn Me TlileMO abase 1 mmM NI@
<br />mnfM" N W ago Is MWMMm N De Stage w arlWw"* of Astd/aMay end
<br />pow N "M w N we Mani M*Aow ge WgNN N de TIw10@'@ f4aa
<br />taNMw Namw1". no so SWOON +A N we We prim w was SO
<br />ge gwr14MpI10DOr4peop imtte 6oadif Oiiie soma
<br />ills MM P'010ey s1e 1e$Iws smewll" ge wemsoaptlDW psi tie Oela to aY TrOaMw «
<br />ee Pam k$.Al w s1f1so ""are N Twasf"1wm w a" W ow des be pAwrunt
<br />1* 0~N @MsOWL@e McM"a "@DNA Sub he appeals be as soft ens*"
<br />gewedwMwr.
<br />N ow Naw&Aft aNNfter"w"es so."~ wen w ft tap Oro"
<br />wr fdwwlr alawpw
<br />dw All erw 106w •sawed uareey
<br />able Ttam nw4alridw, M lulu, am sew Irwsew 1fpAe1 end.k w non"
<br />102615
<br />10 ft"" Ond "NPIIMd N Trust" Is) The duties and obligations of Trust"
<br />Mall be (141lelmM" 0ot$q by 1h@ 0.0,41 Orov4lons of IM Tru "1 De" aM Trustee
<br />Mall not be liable *Rapt for the Wrtormonc* of such dutime w 00119811"s of Sus
<br />specifically Nt earth herein, and no travel" solemnities of ONyal" WWII be
<br />head"" upon Truslse; 101 NO provision Of this Trust De" sheet IOquln TAO010@ 10
<br />$spend « fl@* fill own funds. of o1h&rwIN Incur "ay IIMSMW 000pINn M Nam
<br />Dwlo,menco of any of its dulls hereunder, Or In IM "eras" Of My N M "of of
<br />PO s, It It $hall have grounds for believing Ina, IM lepsymaee a wen fund$ ar
<br />.oaquate nndem-11t, $gainer sucn risk Or IlaWllly It no heawnaWy dseWe" 10 II: N)
<br />Trust" may conwll with courl"I of ms own chOmellne w ins SOyboe of Ouch
<br />counsel 611411 be full and complelo autnarlymflon and protsclpn in We foepK1 0
<br />SMY action I "M ar Suffered by it hereunder In good faith and rofencs, 1Mnon;
<br />Truster @Visit M01 be liable tar any acifn IoM by film In good lailh Afinis
<br />believed by film to " - 11101ifed ar within the dfeorgbn of role a powers
<br />cantaered upon 11 by Into Trust Dead,
<br />Il AddVA@" d*Wft apblNllwap. Trustar. me Its *.Vomw. will suecula a" d«0.«
<br />to the Trust", pOraplly upon "mend, Ouch security iMlrwnoms "rosy be
<br />rat idled by Those", in form Dad w"ig"s Satisfactory to Trust", covering sav of
<br />the Pr*Wny convoy*" by miss Trust De", whkh WUMY tnWOWIM1 S Shelf be
<br />A"I Onai Security for Trust «'s faithful performencw a ale of the ISM, povenMge
<br />gar W1laitkrls of thi4 Trull Deed, the pOml"ot)ry teotta gapunM herby and air
<br />«w e•cuMY tnsfrurri 0+6cu1*d in conftCfeon wen this tfanseco". sued
<br />NMtM"Nht$ on" be recorded ar tiled, and f►W&ftd avid raided, N Tr1MOr0
<br />"pen".
<br />it WN@UMOM
<br />la) In the event any one Or more of ins Drovislon6 contained In We Tfus1 Deed or
<br />the PFO MI"OrY MN Or any other security IMtNPNM given In Connection with
<br />this Irgsectbn $hall for any reason be hod to be IMMM, IlNetl «
<br />~fwc"bif In MY aspect, Such IrwaiWlty, Itloo". at urpMoressbwy
<br />Shot', el .ns option of BAnsficlOrY, not affect any other provision of Into TtIM
<br />Deed, but tens Trust Ovid &Mail be construed as 11 glitch bNOW. "I"N, or
<br />uramnfoCNDle provlalM had never Dean Contained Pmr" or thaeNM.
<br />") This Trust Dead *hall be cMOtru" according to ten sews of the State a
<br />N*bn"a
<br />(el This Trust DOW shell Inure to and Wad IM hairs, I"ONDA, dovlso",
<br />&OMM"A 0.t—, esacutars, succ4S «a are "open of the p«TNs herNO.
<br />Id) Trusfor shelf pay all lax" Ieved upon this Trust Do" or ten debt A*clhrAd
<br />,want, together with any other tax" of &NtaNhMI@ which Choy be,
<br />Against the Trustee a etaneficlsry or the Is" folder of tip pMmN@Ory Mad
<br />on account 011M Indebtedness evidenced thereby.
<br />leis Whenever used r*WA. ins singular number shelf IncW"e the plural, ten
<br />Ynpuw, lam use of any g« oar Shell be applicable to all drnders, and the grin
<br />"WOnsitClaW ahell Inclua any Pay" of the urdebtodnn"e hereby secured Of
<br />My transfer Insrecl, whetnsr bir opolmfon of law «offesneim
<br />10 binmarAOae TMpW. Oeneticlery may from IhM to IIPN tuONlluiA • sYCCN"I o
<br />"comes«* to any True$" Mined vestment Or acting herwinder to OOacu /A this Trust
<br />DA" Upon such appointment and witaout cOveyeace to the euccoesdr Trustme,
<br />IM Ntw WWII be vmelad with all tell*. powers, and OutW conferred upon any
<br />Trustee herein named Of acting hereunder Each Such 4PPOIAtmMM and
<br />ku0011tut1«n Wall be made by written Instrunlevel by ItOnNkNry, contarling
<br />reference to this Tnual D od and Its place of ISCOUd, which when recorded in the
<br />Office Of fns h0g1Npo Of Dees" of the county of cdunllso M Which mold property IS
<br />siluet*d OMotI be Coni soot of proper spponinon, of the successor TrusMO.
<br />The totoWng pomat Of *ubstilullo t «rd the Peccadhlos therefore shut not be
<br />eschWlN of IM power and procedw* pfovWed f« by sew for the substitution of a
<br />Truetas On Trustees In tam piece, of ten Trust".
<br />20 Pe10eerAMS by Smoh*M" at TrwW Ise$ a wales. Arty tonbearanbe by
<br />@enNxlery « Trustee in exercising any tight ax to led hereunder, o *Inaewes
<br />Afforded bT Appl"OOIs 1w. heels race be a vialvr of W preclude the *xer0 W of any
<br />"Ohl « rOmedy hereunder LboewW. IM waiver by ten that" « TnNMA of My
<br />ONaw1 Of Tlustar under IMl Trust Deed &hall OW be dAenamd to be a wale« of army
<br />aver «avmletwe "MOWN euGWbyse 9"UrrMg.
<br />21 Tits~ No 1pisseel f ionalon of the INM for payment of mooftalion of
<br />Macau MM of ins kuma becwed by this Trust Deed granted by i@Mfkl«y to My
<br />auct"NOr M IMarasl of Ttustat ode OW Opposes to M"", M Any meaner, the
<br />IlS"ft Of ten original Trio or Trlanors S"aaamor M Inlws"t. Mnef Tory Nell
<br />non be I*Rwk" to LORWIWft* PtdOODdW4* 49~ such successor « nfueA to
<br />MW4 tale far W10nwnt «eNwwlM ChdMy M«tiMbM N the aO ft sewn" by
<br />P" Trull Do" by po"h of sav dw w w mile by th* W$PW tnmw w Tnowes
<br />araoo@Oepoa
<br />in it No-- .
<br />at f101ses' N gsI.w�rN INA a it~ MOer the D4" a TnM or under my Isibe Ft op in' to w"CWV Whey owe such skNICK w the MMwe 00MrIeM by,
<br />w deem men w stMae a the bslelMWy in Wnwnlg wed dNwtll, wen
<br />wmmo N we "Noun red r»rllwtte$ In lam NOM mw wen holey tram gM !Ream of
<br />m* ad.wfota by PSYWAma Mlerl be adtad M W a th"b"dnon meow" by "N" Trust
<br />04" w wlav be coMCed nw"OW W N achy tuft Neer me tMN N sum O"Y@WO"
<br />«O+YtIn"wte w AaWI ta awn" M ta aeeur"d hsn@y.
<br />it. OmdM M FogeNaL Upon low oceuralrw of SaT dwerrt he"urdae. SWONGW y
<br />Ohar PO" team Option ro foOCome this Trust Deed In We mamm p dvped by Iw pill
<br />tit" ke*ClesOn Of mo"gp" on raw property.
<br />24 Tr4~* ft@NW Ab"m DOMu1L Until Aril dNseN in the payment Of
<br />odNf"rM" hesty A*curse «unity In* w"ch Of My covalMdl twein consigned.
<br />ten Trwto. Its wcce"Oom and swuprw, Berl p"mmer w Sat" Ift property. OWN
<br />faoolvem the ravens said pats theame oh. Liable, pop Not N ON Awns $edur*d by rap
<br />Tart Deed. generW" Wale MQ~ Truetem to reconvoy in@ Properly, w know
<br />ww4w Me Trull D6ed and W rat" ovdsnctnd M4"p4dnsee Mound by ade
<br />TrwW geared to Trustee Trust" *hale recpent" the «dp$rty without we"" w
<br />"WWA Charge to the peteons 10g aMNIOd theraM. The Dfwdeo In Any
<br />MgwwsYante Whey be dAacreed AS "11" PwsO o PWBOM Milled VWao;' w
<br />ten LOCK" UWMn of any monwA w faces WAN be OonNlrov Moo a ins
<br />thlNdui wu nmew guCO Daemon «MHOS ~ Pay ow "Sage N mown p, a any.
<br />20. AAe@IeroN" in Ow awe N Trsonoso. in the NOM tam I,Ile 10 sad flu "ttle e
<br />wwfarnd. «COMrocted to be transferred, Iron Ins undersigned for er1y, notion « . -..
<br />Vs a" method whels"vsr, ins entum arIM010 1 Sun Mid accelood InMnem NON N
<br />OF" "Cm" due w WyOb1S Al ten Wction of IM @wwldwy. Ppek" to 0a"rers*
<br />Oft bon - b@caOM of tranow of into AS Above &told to wen tMMn" "lea riot
<br />GWA"U"a -Wv Of Ins flghe 10exelCW tam Serro In test am" N" euamenest
<br />1rwlay.
<br />a TV" da@ N will" is prior M dins am"
<br />dram/ by Tts$ksr me _ _._ TI -arse,
<br />mewed • ertwwel 0.w eer -- --
<br />Omrrswtfl"$$w rslMn AdNneft ftWgW
<br />.- .._.__.__- .----- _-- ----- __ -- -- wi
<br />of Dan" w IAMIIr@O as htlewe;
<br />