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' a?- ' 1025'7 3 <br />r .. <br />Dated this...{ ...._. day of „... [)aced this .._.._....- --- -..__. day of ..... ....... <br />�j�• _. <br />Ott the above date, before me.A�MA� a- personally ^"" On the above date, before me ........... _ ...... - ., .... <br />_.._ _ <br />A Gene *tary Public dal mix '*tied nd qualified, <br />a General Notary Public duly corntnissioned and qualified, ^parsonaUy <br />! e - °• ._---^ came <br />--•--••-- -_..__..._ ................................... <br />1. ._...._..__...._.._ ................_........_........_.._.......»_....... _.........._.._.._..........,.. <br />to me known to be the identical person ........ ^ ...... <br />_... whose namt5 to me known to be the identical person ......... . whose name <br />_fY(k-_ affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantors .._.._••_ and __ affixed to the foregoing instrument as grantor,.-,--__•, and <br />acknowledged the same to be a voluntary act and deed, acknowledged the same to be a voluntary act and deed. <br />WITN S my hand and Notarial Sealqia day .nd year above written. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal the day and year above written. <br />Notary• -r�L� .CCLt__ <br />_ _ Notary..__...._. <br />........ ...... .- .... .............................. <br />....._.. ^....._.......... <br />i' My commission expires the day of_�_--- _,- •,•____• 19 ...... My commission expires the- • - -__.• day of,••,•,^ <br />STATE OF STATE OF_ <br />............ <br />l - u <br />-- -- - - -- ...._. C <br />by Qwtti FaP• AN• 23, NItS <br />MORANDA <br />PLEASE PRINT ALL NAMES <br />Exact and full name of OWNER, as same appears of record - - - - -- <br />.. _ ..............._- '_ °....... ---- -------- ------------ ----------- --•- -- <br />i! married, full name of spouse <br />If unmarried, show "single," "widower," "widow" _•_ <br />If - ---- ------ <br />.-_..-----_--- liens, .---------------------•----- -----•- <br />mortgage or ocher liens, show names of holders, amounts, dates and book page of record _ <br />---- ------- -•- -- ----- ---- ------- --- - <br />If an estate, give the names of all the heirs, with the share of each. Show names of spouses of those married <br />----- - --------- --- - -.. - -------- ..._----------------- <br />Name of executor or administrator ---- _- - - - - -. <br />If any of the owners or heirs are minors, give their names and ages --- __----- _ -_ - ------- <br />Name of guardian <br />-_-._..--..-....-.... -------- ----------------- <br />T91%AMT - Exact and full names. Rent Agreement --- - ------------ - ------ -- _ ...... <br />REMARKS <br />State agrees to construct a driveway within the following described area, as shown on the <br />attached plan: <br />A tract of land located in East Half of Section 24, Township 11 North, Range 10 West of the Sixth <br />Principal Meridian, Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows: <br />Referring to the Northeast Corner of said section; thence Southerly a distance of 2230.89 feet a- <br />long the East Line of said section to a point on the Northerly Union Pacific Railroad Company <br />Right of Way Line; thence Southwesterly deflecting 059 Degrees, 12 Minutes, 23 Seconds Right, a <br />distance of 1280.49 feet along the Northerly Union Pacific Railroad Company Right of Way Line to <br />a point of beginning; thence Southwesterly deflecting 000 Degrees, 00 Minutes, 00 Seconds a <br />distance of 24.23 feet along said Right of Way Line; thence Northwesterly deflecting 097 Degrees, <br />51 Minutes, 45 Seconds Right, a distance of 235.47 feet; thence Northerly deflecting 023 Degrees, <br />20 Minutes, 02 Seconds Right, a distance of 75.01 feet; thence Southeasterly deflecting 150 <br />Degrees, 02 Minutes, 30 Seconds Right, a distance of 47.43 feet; thence Southerly deflecting 028 <br />Degrees, 35 Minutes, 14 Seconds Right, a distance of 11.40 feet; thence Southeasterly deflecting <br />029 Degrees, 49 Minutes, 32 Seconds Left, a distance of 3.88 feet; thence Southerly <br />031 Degrees, 11 Minutes, 48 Seconds Right, a distance of 18.81 feet; thence Southeasterly deflecting <br />deflecting 023 Degrees, 20 Minutes, 02 Seconds Left, a distance of 222.23 feet to the point of <br />beginning containing 0.16 acres,more or less. <br />Upon completion of construction of that driveway, the State agrees to convey to Owner, a <br />Permanent Easement to allow Owner, along with other landowners, the right to use the driveway <br />for ingress to and egress from their properties to and from old Highway 1130. <br />r - .__ - -,___, <br />l� <br />R <br />