102494 m rt W, kw,;dwdw�," t
<br />tour -tamay provl®Rxma of tM44 N4 I"
<br />HouOV act.
<br />bdnwTin M0I1TQAfibm, made and OW' 'led Nis_ .30th & April AD 2987
<br />_.. , _...7 by and
<br />• Ittsa a an a r. e. a d a ue a. w
<br />Of the CovnN bl�a t t
<br />called the Mortgagor, and and p1e 81aN of Nebraska, party of the Ilnrt Pal, hereinafter
<br />a ootPotatlor► MVWked and "ft under the leers Of The United States of Atn tics
<br />set:Ond Part• hereinafter called the Mortgages, party of the
<br />WiTN'SISUN: That the said Mortgagor. for and In consideration of the sum of
<br />— 11100 ._._F3iteen Ttto_uand Thrna HunArart Qom,:
<br />paid by the Mortgagee, the reealpt of ~ N hereby ckn by these (s_ presents nn )
<br />Convey and Conikm unto the Mort y owledigns has v ranted and ing. end by these i><esents does Brant, Bergsin, Sell,
<br />Mortgages, its successors and assigns, forever, the foNowktg.described reel estate, situated M the County of
<br />R'tt
<br />and the State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />Lot One Hundred Ten (110) in Buenavista Subdivision, an Addition to the City of
<br />Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian, containing in all_ ct tv nro art
<br />noes accotding to Govemment e.ltlrrS
<br />TO HAVE AND TO MW the premises above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging and Including all heating, plumbing
<br />and N*m and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the Mortgagee. and to its
<br />successors and assigns, forever. The Mortgagor represents to, and covenants with, the Mortgagee, that the Mortgagor has good right to sell
<br />P1nd oorway said Ww"Isea; that they are tree from encumbrance, and that the Mortgagor will warrant and defend the same against the lawful
<br />deans of Of persons whomsoever, end the said Mortgagor hereby relinquishes all rights of homestead, and all martial rights. either In law or in
<br />eortr a"d+t interests of the Mortgagor bt and to the above- described premises, the Intention being to convey hereby an ab.
<br />solute tale, in lee simple. Including all tights of homestead, and other
<br />rights and interests as aforesaid,
<br />PROV"D ALWAYS. and these presents am executed and delivered upon the following conditions, to wit:
<br />The Morttt W agrees to Pay to the Mortgs9ee, of order, the principal sum of
<br />_ Lit /100
<br />V t interest from date at the rate of v. + a Ookrs(S 15300.00 ).
<br />-er ceWm( 8,515 %) Per annum on the unpaid
<br />balatlCe 1NId Thad Ptlttclpai end bterest shin be Payable at the office of
<br />Savings and Loan AesociArion of Lincoln inn First Federal
<br />_ Lincoln Nebraska
<br />as ft hokW of pre no" may deslgnNe in writing in monthly instalments of or at such other place
<br />Dofias(t 117.66 ), commencing on the first dayol,
<br />artal 6" d On day M each month thereafter unntN the principal and Merest are y f except that the final Did. shd be due and payable orn the Mat payment of principal
<br />tin lime of a oerleier �Y a �° a017 ; d according to
<br />Y tW1a tit awn oiltN htt►evrNfi staclNad by the said Mortgagor,
<br />The Mortgagor In order mere My to protaat the security of this Mortgage, agrees:
<br />1. That M wifi pay ft 1
<br />intdeMednMS' as hwal nbefpye provided privilege Is reserved to the debt, In whole or m
<br />k" Ml'
<br />rt der daft,
<br />� Pat, On any
<br />Y. That. *gather with, and In addNgon to. the monthly payments of
<br />'hereby, Noe M�9�► win PRY to the Mcwlpgse, on the first Principal and interest payable under the terms ll the note secured
<br />stay of each month until the said note Is holly paid, the following sums'
<br />'I f'27 tin fm"M 1`000 1 of 3 HUD • 92143M (9 >'1 .
<br />