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4 <br />a <br />t F <br />r <br />87— 102449 ) <br />stn of Nebxaska <br />Mortgage <br />fl1A <br />321.11765+19 -703 <br />TYN MWWP- made and ex*cutrd this 29 th day of A <br />19877 ,�4FEb"wcem PATRICK A. JAMES and TAMMY S. JAMES, <br />of . <br />of the qty of HALL ,and State of Nebraska, tine MMOOM. and GRAND ISLAND, S. NE MORTGAGE, �2 P.O. Box "SN party of the first pan, hereinafter called <br />party o and under the laws of THE STATE OF NEBRASKA , <br />Put, hereinafter called the Mortgagee, <br />SY34e OOI ThO the said Mongol". for and in consideration of the sum of <br />Hundred Fifty and No /100th,------- --- <br />Fifty One Thousand, three <br />'"-- °�----- "-""""- ------ Dollars (S 51 <br />and Confirm unto f whi is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these Wants does Chant, )• paid by the Mon - <br />ottgagee, its successors and as.ig" forever, the fovovr �tp�. Sell, Convey <br />nmg- described real tenant, situated in the County of <br />HALL , attd State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />LOT TMELVE (12), IN BLOCK TWO (2), LAKE DAVIS ACRES SUBDIVISION, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA. <br />of the SWAM PriatiPal Maridiao, containing in all <br />acres according to Governments survey: <br />Plumbift TO Hoe d lighting Te Hefb the f and c s above dtarribed, with all the appunenaaces thcrcunto belonging and including all heating, <br />ia0ett, and to "=Mon agu�t Do or hereafter attached to or used in connection with said real estate unto the Mort. <br />gagor W pod tight w acv and assigns. s . TLe ��or represents to, and covetanti with, the Mortgagee, that the Mot. <br />veY an persons that they are free from encumbrance: and thu the Mortgagor will warrant and <br />bOftutUd. and the awful claims law all persons whomsoever: and the said M <br />described promises, ion big to convey hereby an and all other mfee ens interests of the M i�A��he above- <br />rights ond i as aforesaid. m as absolute title. in fee simple. including all rights of homestead. WW other <br />PM <br />"" MmtPWr 40M MW Aft"s. and these presents are executed and delivered upon the fallowing conditions, to wit: <br />and tb /100thy ---t6 Pay the Mortgagee, or order, the principal sum of Fifty One Thousand, Three Hundred Fifty <br />---------- ---- --- ----- ------ ----- -- - --- -- Dollars S <br />* from date at the rate of ( 51,350.00 <br />Eight ). <br />aapaid balance until paid. The said Pnuapd and interest alnail � per centum (8.000 %) per annum on the <br />P.O. Box ^S° Payable at the office of SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. <br />it GRAND ISLAND, ME 68802 <br />nnay dewgaate in writing. in . or at such other place u the holder of the note <br />-- --- monthly WKWImerits of Three Hundred Seventy -Six and 79 /100ths ------------------------ <br />Dollar's (S 376.79 <br />!9 87 and on the first day of each month thereafter until the )• combing on the first day of June <br />principal and itgarat. if not sooner paid, shall be due and Pnncipai and interest are fully paid, except that the final payment of <br />p17 payable on the first day of May <br />aoconvng to the tertu of a certain promissory note of even date herewith <br />_ executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />T torn is wad nI connection with nwnt7apea Insured under tM one, to lour-famil y ylat parlodlc Ineaaranoe Pn,mtum MYmernb. Y propttuns of tM NatlonM Houslnp Act which pro <br />P►evmw toll" Are Obsolete <br />•,._ .. nwan4 attl(7ia EdNion) <br />t o• reo ono .� •. <br />0 <br />