MR019 XH Atli by It We f rue atop That, Shave., In .� �roR r� as D4aid Cearl � Jh.
<br />Eleventh ...... J wified Dial 4 W S" W NAtwka, within ow for as many q/ ................ .Hall
<br />_ .............. V................_.._..Hansen
<br />. ............
<br />..................„ ............................. ........................_....__ pM(na�... ad
<br />_...._
<br />E]rn�sr..Dn wld. ar�d Winifred K. Anugswld . ..............
<br />.................. ...............................
<br />_qanum ................. TOM A. A 19.�T , 4/ said rou►1,. �V ..N... k'� �t K .. �1 ............................ ...
<br />did oksie s dwwFniiry that NMt a ie dae frwK _ r, prugsvald .and Winifred K. Dnx�swld.
<br />........ ............................... ...............
<br />LaVlxnne N. Fletcher Hansen
<br />....................................... . ............. _ ............... _............... .. ......... _ ........ ....... ,. ......... _ ....................... ....... - ..................... »..... .............. the cam
<br />�/ Z'w gty -Eight Thousand Fiv...9=1red.- Ninety -four and..97 /100 ($29, 594.97) dotka,
<br />..................................
<br />_ ............._.............._................................._..........................................................................._.... ...............................
<br />and eats of Suit loved at ................................................... .__ ................... ........ ........._......... .... ................ dollars. and, whereas, it um then and there
<br />fwd wdwed in the said adios that in defmsU of the payment of the sum so found due by the aid__ Ej 99r .ZrLV= d.. . ......
<br />Winifred K. Druswld ................................. ............................. that ...........- ......._......_. Charles Fairbanks
<br />.................. ...............................
<br />&—if of said County of. ........... _ .............. J.Wi1 ... ........ ..... ._....... ..................... should cause the hands and tenements hereinafter described to be
<br />mhwtaed and sold accordirg to tau to pay the same, and, whereas, default having been made therein, the mid ....... _ ...............................
<br />Char..
<br />- . ........................ les...FalrbaI]....S _ - sheriff of said county. under and by virtue of the said dam and
<br />the artier of sale to him duly direded, did on the ......... ......30th... qf...... March ............. A. D. f9.87.
<br />r y,,.lower- _lobby .. o the tY ......................
<br />J tourdy Court Ihouse in the. Ci.. 0- .GrdIK; Island
<br />_.... _ ...........................
<br />in mid
<br />C°""h oj ..........................
<br />Hall
<br />--.. _._...... _ ................... _----------------- ....having fuel pisen due and legal notice of the lime and place of mid cote
<br />by publication once in each urek.for four successive uweks in lhe.Grand..ISI an _,j)aj],y__Ir1de ' r printed and in general
<br />e&culafion in mid Courdy oj._... -- . -..... Hall
<br />{r���,�� .-_.._.°_..° -- ---- -- .......... . ....._.._... sell mid premises atpublie auction t o... ._.._..........- _..............
<br />_...? Y.o!! rye_? ir... F1etCklei._ 1rAi�Ci1--------------_--------._.---_.-_.-----. forthes umof- Fifteel--. `Pt}4u.raAnd..A[1d._00(100....
<br />......-......_ ........... ..-- --...----_._......._....--. °....dollars. which oak was aflermard at /he dan....ISt....__Term of said court,
<br />A. D., 19..$7, examined and confirmed and the s aid -- - ..................Charles..E such Sheriff, ordered
<br />Fairbanks .. ...........
<br />b convey the mid premises in jee skmpk to the mid._...IdVOl1I12.. N.,... F ZetCht'Y.,.}jdT1S( 7I_.
<br />M G:berefort r, ae aid__ . ....... .. Charles_Fairbanks..._..
<br />sheriff of the County of
<br />-- •- ----•- Hall..._ ............... as aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by virtue of the powers vested in me by kwv andthe
<br />dean of mid court, do hereby Oise. Grad and Coney to the mid-- -- --.. _._--- - --- -_ .......
<br />Tl._ ......... - ........... . --- --------- --loin and assigns, the pnmim m as ajaremid sold, to wk-
<br />.. . ..............__........ -- - •- -•--- -- --- - - ------ .--- --- .. -- - - - ..- - _
<br />the Southerly Fortx Two and Fbur-lenths Feet (S42.4') of Lot Five (5)tin Block
<br />. ....................
<br />tY.?yA ..i22Z College_ Ar3dition to. west Law, City ofr.- Island,... .
<br />Hall_Cotazty,..Nebraska...._. � .........._...._.....
<br />............ --
<br />_ ................ _.. .. ...... __ ... ....... - _ . _.... __.• - -- NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY
<br />_.- -- ....... B7q ;��£
<br />_ APR 2.a 1987
<br />_ - • ..........
<br />«_._... ......._ ....................... .._........... -f.-�------ ....._. -_ .._-.._.........---._. ....._.._.._._........_.... -------- with the appurkrwnas-
<br />�0 NAW And to ypolb the IPAMt unto the mid ...- W.onne_.N.....Fj e.thex. ............... _ .......
<br />.......
<br />3a_............._..........._...---........_. ...."ha---a--such-Sheriff, .....-- ........ -- .._.._.__.._..heirs and au*w, and to them and their use and behoof fo emr.
<br />a tsetiMonp 3gi�trtofr hereunto set my hand this ............ 1 .. ................... °.-•-- °-- °dV of
<br />....... .._... AVr il__ ......... ............... .... . ._.._....._..A. D.. 19.87.
<br />k AVWsd and deinwed in the pmm m of
<br />sherifl of- -- ------ . Hall ._.___.....__.._.._...Couui[y, Nebevka.
<br />R.L. Williams
<br />�Mrd Hrll } on.... ...... 14th- ........... day of �Z11 ................. ..............
<br />19- 21, befwe me, the urdsesi,rwd-- -• 8 „L .,. FVi 1 7 i amSS......
<br />in and for mil —9y, personalty appmrod the mid .._..__._ ........................-------
<br />Charles Fairbanks 1d d mid Craw j
<br />sanakty knosm to be the we beat pow who $*w oaf. uyl iructrusnswN as p cedar, ara�
<br />limethe coma b be kin vstanrry .d and dad, v Suh {,� far JIM awn and pwpwn
<br />Im m`y hand "'d
<br />�..:
<br />