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SWO of Nebm#M Mortga e _ <br />8 T— 102315 3z1- 11696k4 -7D3 <br />M* MOOPP, made and executed this 21 at day of April <br />ice. by VVWjFbE9I ween DOUGLAS R. NENOYK and BARBARA S, NEIAIYK, <br />Of the county of and State of Nebraska, <br />the Mortgagor, and SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. P.O. BOX "S" Putt of the first part, hereinafter called <br />GRAND ISLAND, ME 63002 <br />a COM"Atitm alaaiud and existing under the laws of <br />THE STATE OF NEBRASKA , <br />Party of the second Part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee, <br />Miftioneft Hundred aid That the said Mortgagor, foe and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Six Thousand, Four <br />No/10oths---------------------- <br />---- Dollars (S 36,400.00 }, paid by the Mort- <br />SOW' the reoapt of which is hereby acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents does Grant, Bu <br />and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and Pitt. Selo. Convey <br />aaigrha, forever, the following- described real estate, situated in the County of <br />WALL and State of Nebraska, to wit: <br />LOT FOtIR . (4), IN BLOCK EIGHTEEN (18), SCNIlatER'S ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY. <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian. containing in all <br />acres according to Government survey: <br />TO Hays and To HOW the pra lis s above described, with all the appurtenances thereunto Wbulling Phoobin and li0ft fixtures sad equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in conneoxioth and including <br />gtt3ee, and to its sites Amd ,ys *N. forever. The Mortgagor represents to. and in covenants c o wit the ai unto ort- <br />Na3ot has good right to aaU thud convey said pretn .that they are free from encumbrance: sold ,, d the fie, that the Mort. <br />homeland. defend the and against witaal lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; a� the sold Mortgagor hereby r Mortgagor will warrant and <br />rfslua, either in law a in equity, and all other cont' all d to e of <br />deacrted Ptsndaes, the iatarNio► being to con contingent interests of the Mortgagor in and to the above <br />rifts and e u aforesaid. convey hereby an absolute title, in fa simple, including all rights of homestead, and other <br />Flovliai Always, and these Presatts are executed and delivered upon the following conditions. to wit: <br />The Monitor e8raes to PAY the Mortgagee, or order, the prmc(pa1 sum of Thirty Six Thousand, <br />No/100ths ----------------------------------------------------------- <br />with Interest from date at the rate of Nine and one half Four Hundred and <br />Dollars (S 36,~00.00 ) <br />aupdd balance until paid. The aald principal and interest shall be Payable u the office of SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. um on the <br />P.O. Box "S" <br />in GRAND ISLAND, ME 63802 <br />of at such other place as the holder of the note <br />meY im writing, in monthly installments of Three Hundred Six and 07 /100ths-------------------------- <br />DoUara(S 306.07 ---- --- <br />19 87 .and the first day of each month thereafter until 6. )' commencing on the first day of June <br />Prldelpal and ice, if no sooner principal and interest are fully paid, eztxpt that the ftthMl payttten, of <br />X17 paid. shall be due and payable on the first day of pay <br />ME according to the terms of a certain Promissory note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor. <br />Thla lam h used In Con MUM with mortgagee Insured <br />id under She ens to four•iamll <br />ve Mort frtsurance Premium ts. y PrOgrems of the NAUOnAll Housing Act which pro. <br />Prerio rs Editions Are Obsofets <br />- tiWR1431111(3.89 E44bn) <br />• nit .. <br />In <br />