7-- 101927
<br />of NOW66M Anon ® nax OWN air.
<br />321- 1163704 -748
<br />Thin UK*". nude and executed this 7 th day of Apri 1
<br />l bar ,,)rwan MICHAEL C. HUTCHIN SON and MANDA M. HUTCHIL 1,
<br />Of cite vattatOy�D of HALL and State of Nebrash, party of the fire put, hereinafter called
<br />the ,and SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. P.Q. Box "S"
<br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802
<br />a corporation organized and meting under the laws of THE STATE OF NEBRASKA ,
<br />patty of the moved part, hareinafter ailed the Mortgages,
<br />VAIna eft Tim the raid Mortgagor, for and in oonsidwation of the sum of Thirty Nine Thousand, Nine
<br />Hundred and Nei /100ths----------------------------------------------- Dollars (S 39,900.00 ). paid by the Mort -
<br />pyee, the receipt of which is bereby, acknowledged, has Granted and Sold and by these presents doer Grant, Bargain, Sell. Convey
<br />and Confirm onto the Mortgagae, its successors and sauges, forever, the fonowing-described real estate, situated in the County of
<br />HAIL , and State of Neebsaaks, to wit:
<br />of the Swath Principal Merlon. containing in all
<br />acres according to Government survey:
<br />To Baeeand To MWM the promise; above gibed, with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging ad including all hating,
<br />plumbing and Vsbft fixtures and equipmem now or hereafter attached to or used m connection with said raw estate unto the Mort -
<br />ppa, and to its successors and sari, forever. Tie Mortgagor represents to, and coveand wkb. the Mortgagee, that the Mort-
<br />pow has good d@M to nsn and convey said press law, that they are free from encumbrance; and that the Mortgagor win warrant and
<br />elslsnd do mane aghast the law id chins of aB par non whomsoever; and the aid Mortgagor hereby rdbKpAdm an rights of
<br />ham,
<br />and an marinl rights, either is law or In equity, and an other . Contingent wnte[vats of the Mortmor in and to the above-
<br />duarlbed the intention big to convey hereby an absolute tick, in fa simple. including all rights of homestead, and other
<br />rights and eetnes as ateremid.
<br />haw latsd Mwrps, and them presents we executed and delivered upon the following conditions. to wk:
<br />The 1 inrtM- spat to pony the Mortgages, or order, the principal sumo of Thirty Nine Thousand, Nine Hundred and
<br />Ne/ 10QNa ----------------------------------------------------------- Dollars (S 39,900.00 ).
<br />with it= date at the rate of Eight per centum ( a. ODD per annum on the
<br />bald balance until paid. lie said principal and interest shell be payalde at the offke of SUPER I OR MORTGAGE, I lit.
<br />P.O. BOX "S"
<br />in GRAD I SLAND, ME 68802 , or at such other place as the holder of the note
<br />May 4$dP&ft in writiM 12 MOMMY WIWMWDU of Two Hundred Ninety-Two and 77/100ths---------------------------
<br />- _- _- ��------ - - - - -- Donats (S 292.77 ), commencing on the first day of June
<br />19 87 mul as the first day of cult month thereafter until the principal and interest are fully paid, except that the final payment of
<br />principal and intact, if not sooner paid, stadt be due and payable on the rrvt day of May ,
<br />]B 17 ; an according to the tams of a attain Doty note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />"We norm la easel In onsuacUn with mmtguga hauad WKW the one- to four - family programs of the National Housing Act which pro-
<br />Are Ob WNe
<br />1 Edkbei
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