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UN <br />87- 101887 <br />;- 103!/2.- RELEASE OF MORTGAGE -- Corporation Huffman and Felton & Wolf. _Walton. Ne: 68461_F <br />Home Federal Savings and <br />IN CO.NTS'IDERATIOh of the payment of the debt named therein, the g <br />t <br />Loan Association hereby releases the mortgage made to- <br />i <br />Home Federal Savings and Loan Associat' n William 0. Julian and Dorothy C. Julian <br />Husband and Wife, each in his and her <br />t on the following described real estate, to -Tvitr own right and as spouse of the other <br />y Part of the East one half of the Southeast quarter (E2SWI) of Section Twenty (20) in <br />Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) west of the Sixth P.M., more particularly <br />described as follows: Commencing at a point on the Southerly line of Del Monte Avenue, <br />which point is 352 feet southwesterly from Lot One (1), Block Five (5), Bel -Air addition <br />of Section in Township Range of the P. M., Hall <br />County, State of Nebraska which is recorded in #W of Real Estate Mortgages, page <br />of the records of said County. <br />77-001503 <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said Home Federal Sav}nos and Loan Association has caused <br />these presents to be executed by its president and its Corpomtc Scal to -Ne"atFzed hereto this 27th <br />d°? of march �9 87 <br />x eµ ae o f Savings and_ Loan Association <br />Witness <br />- - --- -- -- -- - - - --- - -- - --- v <br />-f' -"' - - -- - - __ President <br />-- - <br />.......... R�igsi�CLAIi� -¢� - -- -- - _-fttest - - f . -.- - -- - -- -- ------ <br />arch Cashier, Secrebtar . <br />STATE r- %9 <br />< 4 f On this th -.. of - - -- .............. , 19 - - - -- <br />- - --__. y ik--Nga11 _ _ -_ County before me the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for <br />said Co J ,: r�bU caalze- _ - S_tephen__R_- Beltze----------------- ------------ -------- ---- _-- ---- - - --- -, President of the <br />and_L can__ Associati. on ------ - -------- ---------------------------------- --- ---------------- a Corporation <br />to Me :�o the President and identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and <br />ackn n thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntan- act and <br />deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority- <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at ---- -- Grard_lsiard,-- s' +ebras_., in said County the day and year <br />List above written. <br />My commission expires- Public <br />STATE OF- -- -- -- -- - --- 7G€ A�! Stier it <br />ss• and filed for record <br />county of------- -------------- .- - - - -- ------ - --- fof said County the <br />- --- -- -- &y of- -- ---- ---- --- - -- -- ------- ­1 19 - ---- at ---- -- -- -- - - - --- ---- .o'clock and- ---- - --- - - -- -- -minutes <br />and recorded in Book ---------------- ------- - ----- of ----- --- -.._.- - - - - -at <br />- - - - ice-- - - - -- -------------- <br />-- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- I ---- - - - --- - --- - - - - -- -Reg- of Deeds <br />By- - -- -- - - -- -- - - - - -- -- - - -- Deputy <br />to the City of grand Island, Nebraska; thence runninc Sot:theasterly along and upon a line <br />parallel with the - outhwesterly lot line of said Lot cne`,1) and 352 feet Distant <br />therefrom fir a distance of 126 feet; thence running scutnt,.esteriy on a line parallel <br />with the Woutherly line of Del Monte Avenue for a distance of 70 feet; thence running <br />Northwesterly on a line parallel witn the Southwesterly lot line of said Lot One (1), <br />Block Five (5), Bel Air addition. and 422 feet distance therefrom, for a distance of <br />126 feet to the southerly line of Del Monte Avenue; t,:ence running Northeasterly on and <br />upon the Southerly Line of Del Monte Avenue for a distance of 70 feet to the point of <br />beginninq_, <br />