87- 101825
<br />the Indebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust. If the amount of
<br />th >, Funds held by Beneficiary, together with the future monthly
<br />?.;tstallments of Funds payable prior to the due dates of taxes,
<br />assessments, insurance premiums and greund rents, shall e.:ceed the
<br />amc,�<nt required to pay said taxes, assessments, insurance premiums
<br />and ground rents its they fall due, such excess shall be, at
<br />Trustor's option, either promptly repaid to Trustor or credited to
<br />rustor against future monthly installments of Funds. If the
<br />amount of the Funds held by Beneficiary shall not be sufficient to
<br />pal taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents Zs they
<br />fall due, Trustor shall pay to Beneficiary any amount necessary to
<br />make up the deficiency within thirty Jays from the date notice is
<br />mailed by Beneficiary to Truster requesting payment thereof. Upon
<br />payment in full of all Indebtedneszz, Beneficiary shall promptly
<br />refund to Trustor any Funds held By Beneficiary. If the Trust
<br />Prot ^rty is sold under the power of sale or the Trust Property is
<br />otherwise acquired by Dencf=ciary, Beneficiary shall apply,
<br />immediately prior to the sates of the Trust Property or its
<br />t;(_gnisition by Beneficiary, any Funds held by Bene=ficiary,
<br />ji.neficiary shall -apply, prior to the sale of the Trust
<br />^rec•erty or its acquisition by ?3eneficiary, any Funds held by
<br />Fere`iciary at the time of al-,71
<br />-ic-ation as a credit against tYe
<br />Indebtedness. Ii Benefi.ciary executes a written waiver of
<br />Truct_or's obligations und,:�r this paragraph 4, Trustor covenants and
<br />aq rimes to pay, before the sam_ become delinquent, all taxes,
<br />asa•_s=ments, insurance preminrts, ground rants, and all other
<br />charces whatsoever levied upon or assessed, placed or made against
<br />the Trust Property. Trustor further agrees, upon written request
<br />L3> Beneficiary, to promptly deliver to Beneficiary all receipts for
<br />the payment of such charge -as. Trustor likewise agrees to pay all
<br />tax assessments and other charges levied upon or assessed,
<br />pia:rd or made against, or measured bv, t'_tis Deed of Trust or the
<br />i �_-crdation hereof _
<br />5. Application of Payments. All payments received by
<br />'? n =:licia y as to any debt, liability or obligation owes. to
<br />I3rr,Iici4ry by Trustor may be applied by Beneficiary to the payment
<br />of the Indebtedness or to any such other debt, liability or
<br />ol-i_,;ation, in any order or manner of application which
<br />Be?e;_iciary, in its absolute discretion, deems appropriate. Unless
<br />c`herwise elected by Beneficiary, any such payment shall be deemed
<br />applied first to the payment of any debt, liability or obligation
<br />other than the Note.
<br />6. Charges; liens. Trustor will keep the Trust Property free
<br />t =a =em all liens and encumbrances which in any way may, in the
<br />=udament of Beneficiary, have priority over, or impair the security
<br />e`: this Deed of Trust but Trustor need not discharge any such lien
<br />so Long as Trustor shall agree, in writing, to pay the obligation
<br />_-cured by such lien in a manner acceptable to Beneficiary, and
<br />f:hall in good faith contest such lien by appropriate legal
<br />oc- _edings effccLive to prevent the enforcement of the lien and
<br />t- less of any interest in part of the Trust Property.
<br />. Hazard ; nsurance. Trustor shall keep the buildings and
<br />`1 ^er im_ *_,rovemer.ts now existing or hereafter erected on the Trust
<br />oI:••cty insured by insurance carriers satisfactory to Beneficiary
<br />-- �-r ini t I.osS c3 ° tire, s zest .._. inclssd�� .�_: he e � ext-end --
<br />cLhrage" and su�_h other hazards, casualties and contingencies as
<br />} be required by Beneficiary, in such amounts and for such `
<br />trieds a may be required by Beneficiary. he policy of insurance
<br />'•all be in form ,acceptable to Beneficiary, rrovided that the same
<br />V rot be can_�c.11cd or modified without l ftcen t15) d. =,. >s prior
<br />s:ten notice to Beneficiary, and shall have lo-s7 payable
<br />�
<br />�to i?rsions in favc� *' of and in form acceptable to Beneficiary. :.ii
<br />i emiums on i.nsut ante policies shall be paici in the mannei prci-ided
<br />{, i., • r paragrilr -11 4 hereof cr, if not .-id in such manner, by Trustor
<br />:- I- ) paytne:jt c i. i-easi fifteen 125T days, to the _:ue date,
<br />t-Ctly to t1v! insurint_c: carriri. renefiei y sha'l .e e Ito
<br />Ill!_ tv h.. 1 the Foltz r,s and renewal, t h,•- c .end Trlistoi IA
<br />1•, 1 ti. nt_,Ii to B4�t,.! ici.rlr•, all - oner`+al i.ie and �.l1
<br />t.
<br />M
<br />