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r us% °..,.+ALE AsE or MORTGAGE- Coeporalbn 87-101819 Huffman and Felton & Wolf, Wattmo, fk- 6W1 <br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, the Norwest Bank. Nebraska, N.A. <br />formerly Norwest Bank Grand Island, N.A., formerly hereby releases the mortgage made to <br />The First National Bank of Grand Island <br />The First National Bank of Grand Islandby Robert L. Siemers and Betty J. Siemers <br />on the following described real estate, to -wit: <br />East Half of the Southeast Quarter <br />of Strtion 28 in Township 12N Range low of the 6th P Hall <br />County, State of Nebraska which is recorded of Rea Esta Mortgages, OW <br />n r 3 0 176 <br />of the records of said County. as ocuatent -0 <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOFViW said Norwest Bank Nebraska, N.A. gaud <br />these presents to be executed by id president and its Corporate Sed to be affixed hereto tips 19th <br />day of February 19 87 Norwest Bank Nebraska, N.A. <br />I Witness <br />{ t tl J <br />President <br />--------------------------- <br />st — - -- .�._ a Secretary <br />'- --- ----- -- ° - '- - - - - - - -- - -- 1 tie _ Cashier, S <br />- - --- -- On this_ 19th �y ��Fehruary_--------, 19� .---- --- ---- _.-- County IS& befcze me, the nnderagned, a Notary Puldic is and for <br />i <br />�• r Gary L. Ott ©icepref'41ezt of the <br />iborwest,$:k Nehrask N.A. --------------- - ---- ------- •-• - -- -8 <br />to ode pexstta� known to be thi President and identical person whose is affixed to the above release and <br />acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as -uch officer; and the vehmtary act and <br />I deed of said Corporatiu:., pIIi thereto affixed by its authority- <br />€ Wib m my hand an N 7 - -- - - -, in said County the day and yaw <br />last above written <br />lg -- r -7, _z i a- �1- ' j . -. -._, Notary Pthk <br />III <br />