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The following notice brings to my attention the rights that I have eventvhen thisrontract is sold to a financial inslituti n or a bank(y�u[ I should notice that the impor- <br />tance of this provision is stressed by its appearance ir. ten point, bold face type: 87- O 13 V <br />NOTICE <br />This credit contract finances a purchase. Ail legal rights which the Buyer has against the Seller arising <br />out of this transaction, including all claims and defenses, are also valid against any holder of this contract. <br />j The right to recover money from the holder under this provision is limited to the amount paid by the buyer <br />under this contract. <br />A claim is a legally valid reason for suing the Seller. A defense Is a legally valid reason for not paying <br />Me Seiler. A holder is anyone trying to collect for the purchase. <br />INSURANCE CANCELLATION: If 1 have requested insurance in this purchase. 1 may cancel such request for insurance for any reason within fifteen (15) days from the <br />date of this contract by notifying you or the holder of this contract in writing. I know that the cancellation of my coverage will be arranged with the insurance carried s) and <br />a full refund of my premiumts) together with applicable finance charge will be credited to this contract. <br />PLEASE NOTE: If1 have rreeqquested insurance in this ppurcha_w. i will receive within thirty 130t day s acenificate of insurance more fully describing the insurance coverage. <br />1 know dull if there is an yy conFlct m the coverage or the language of the certificate of insurance and the following Notice of Proposed insurance that I am covered only to <br />the extent stated in the following Kmce of proposed Insurance. l also know that I have insurance coverage only if I have been chargCd for it. <br />NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br />1 take notice that either Credit Life or Credit Accident and Health Insurance, or both. will be applicable to this Sales Contract on the reverse side onh if i have chosen <br />It by signing the request for such insurance This insurance will only cover the person signing the request at the cost for each type of insurance shown. Subject to acceptan�'e <br />by the Insurance company, the insurance will be effective as of today and will continue only for the n ®bee of , a d t attar the effective dare equal to the uncover of <br />monthly payments. I understand that this particular insurance may not provide coverage for my last few pa} °mints, and that during that period of time [will not have any <br />insurance coserngo .AII benefits and prt�cceds of the insurance will be paid to you or tea financial instirunon cu a bark if it purchases the Sales Contract to the extent of its <br />interests and any balance will be payable to me. The initial amount of Credit Life Insurance is the amount required to repay the Total of Payments: thereafter_ the insurance <br />decreases by the amount of each monthly payment on a scheduled 30 day basis. If] am jointly obligated on the Sales Contract with a Co-Buyer, and we have both signed <br />the request for Credit Life Insurance, death benefits will tic payable only with respect to rbe firsrore of us to die. Subject to exclusions. eliminations or waiting period stated <br />in the Insurance policy or certificate. Credit Accident and Health Insurance is for the benefit amount of t - of each [north's payment for each day that [ am rotalty disabled <br />due to an injury or sickness while I owe any payment to you: however. i understand that I Kaye to be orevented from working due to such total disability for mom than frwr- <br />teen 114) conskutive days before the msurance benefit is pald back to the first day of my mttl disaDibt } -. 1 also know trot I cannot obtain tiny i>u�ance from you if I <br />am over 65 years of age today. and I also know that the insurance coverage provided to rue may com"Jin a maxeuam Amami of covet whieb `*>H net p� mseme <br />cases, the entire amount that I owe you. Due to the maximum amount of coverage stated in the insurance policy, l know that any unpaid amount in excess of the assurance <br />coverage will still have to be paid. If the Sales Contract is prepaid in full prior In the last pay mcm dare. any unearned insurance premiums will be refunded to we in the man - <br />terpresenbed by law. Within thirty t301 days. i will receive the certificate of insurance men, fully desmbing my insurance coverage- If the insurance is not by <br />the insurance company, I will receive a refund of the insurance premiums I have paid. <br />BUYER: The text two paragraphs contain warranties relative to this sale given by us to the tnancial Institution or bank m order f for it to buy this contract- <br />SELLER'S WARRANTIES AND ASSIGNMENT OF INSTALLMENT MORTGA <br />FOR VALUE RECEIVED. Seller hereby sells. assigns, conveys, transfers and deliver to <br />(Assigncel ail of etc rights. tide and interest in and to the Installment Sales Contract and Wffteage, ioget er with all liens existing to secure r paymeat. and tie property <br />enctriiheted hereby. Assigrxc is hereby substituted as Mortgagee under de Mortgage provisions of this csmtract- Seiler warrants and represents: (1) It has the right to make <br />this assigtatenK (2) All statements and figtues in this contract and in die Buyez's statement ate materaiiv true and currect: (3l Ttus contrau arose from the beta f� sale <br />sidle goods and services described herein: (41 The cash dowmpayment sfiowm in tftis contract wa acnully paid by Buyer and no part of said downpayntent was kPoed di- <br />ra:dy ori�im-0y by Seller to Au}•er. (5) Facfi Buyer is legally competent to contract: (bt Thu contrdc[ is not and w-i11 not be subject to any claim. defense. demandarright <br />of offset; i'7)'[be execution of this contras[ and the untsri)ing sales aansauion giving rise rirnto did riot violate any federal or stare law, directive. rule or regaiazien now <br />is effect: tB) in de event. drat this contract ar the underiy °rug sales transaction is wb3ect ra a tight of rescission or cancellation by the Buyer- such resei>sian or caecdia- <br />tinepaiod ltasupiredartd orSderdicsak nor this crnpar�act loos been saacrlled ar rescndcd TB1S CIBiiRAGT f$ SBt6 BC SELLER WNW BECBI#f15E. <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEI2FOF, the uridersigne�tt�s ari/inrtttontid rePre 0'77 of the Seller and has signed below on behalf of tte Seller on this <br />day ofI u� _ x_ 1! <br />Tile foregoing instrument was act rwwledged before n PACESETM PRODUCTS, INC. (s~ <br />by die authorized agent of Seller who is <br />My commission ecpirer. <br />�fXE atTARY -floc d arata.r <br />Mt Groat Exo Doc. 12, 1967 <br />Ia <br />I� <br />i <br />7 <br />n�l <br />
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