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1N %-- RELEASE Or MORTGAGE - CorpmaHen <br />l - <br />�.- 0162 <br />Huffman and Felton 8 Wolf. Walton, Ne_ 58461 <br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payment of the debt named therein, the St. Paul <br />National Bank hereby releases the mortgage made to � 3} <br />St. Paul National Bank by Eugene L. and Lila F. Stout } <br />I on the following described real estate, to -wit: <br />All real estate described in said mortgage <br />of Section in Township Range of the p• M. Hall <br />County, State of Nebraska which is recorded hi dh" of Real Estate Mortgages, <br />of the records of said County. as document #82004839 <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said has caused <br />these presents to be executed by its president and its Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto this 23rd <br />day of March rg 87 <br />Witness: t. Pains oral Banff _ _ _ <br />--------- - - ------ _---- ---- -- - -- - -- - <br />- - Bxs� - - -- -- • President . <br />STATE OF ----------- lie&xaska--------------- ---- ---- -- 23rd March -- -- ---- -- 19_$7 _ <br />ss. On this of --•--------•------------- <br />- - _Howard - - --- -- ---County before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for <br />said County, ------Leland S�anjer - -- — -- .--- ---------------- President of the <br />personally ame----•----------•- <br />-St. Paul National BankrPma - <br />--- - --- - -- -- -- - - -- - - - - - - -- ------------------- a tion <br />to me personally known to be the President and identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and <br />acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and <br />dead of and 'Corporation, and that its corporate seal was thereto affixed by its authority. <br />Wit nes_ s my hand and Notarial Seal at .......... S t . - Paul -- _ - -- --- -_ in said County the day and year <br />- - -- -- - - ---- <br />last above written. <br />M commission ea <br />November 20 _ 19.. -$g �%} - -i 71t y Notary Pnhlrc <br />Y pt - -' -- v --- - 2 <br />L <br />a <br />J <br />