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f <br />ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF DEED OF TRUST- 87-10 <br />BORROWERS READ THIS BEFORE SIGNING: <br />Borrowers (Trustors) understand that the document that the Borrowers are about to execute is a Deed of Trust and not a mortgage and that the power of We provided <br />for in the Deed of Trust provides substantially different rights and obligations to the Borrowers than a mortgage in the event of a default or breach of obligation under the <br />Deed of Trust, including, but not limited to. the Lender's right to have the Real property sold by the Trustee without any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers <br />represent and .anent that this acknowledgement was executed by them before the execution of the Deed of Trust. <br />ebrrgwsr(ROb -ert C. Chisho m) <br />Borrower (Carol A. Chisholm) <br />PREFACE TO DEED OF TRUST <br />COMPLETE this portion ONLY If this reel Im rty described wmNN of INDRI DUALLy OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND. <br />If appgcapta+ comptele ONLY ONE eMm A. 8, or C: <br />❑ A_ DfSCLA1MER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br />The BnnOwerfs) acknowledge that they are about to execute the following Deed of Trust upon Me mat estate described therein- The Bonweil and each Of them it <br />mole than one. do hereby disclaim their rigM to designate a homestead pursuant thereto. NO part of the homestead of either of the Borrowers) is presently or will in the <br />future be situated upon said mat estate. The Borrower(s) underetana that if either establishes a homestead on any part of said mat estate dunng the time the Deed of Trust <br />rdnarrts urlsstlshed and a lien upon said real estate, there shall be no right to mekea designation of ho,- iesfead in the event of a foreclosure or trusrea'san* with respect 10 <br />said Deed of Trust <br />❑ 8 WAIVER OF RIGHT TO DESIGNATE HOMESTEAD: <br />The BOrrOwer(s) acknowledge that they are about to execute the following Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrowers), and each of them d <br />more than One 00 hereby waive their right to designate a homestead pursuant ;hereto The BOnower(s) understand that they have the right to make a designation of <br />homestead and that by executing This waiver. theyare waiving rights otherwise available for the purpose of affording them the opportunity to retain their homestead m the <br />event Of a detson upon the Owed of Trust <br />❑ C DESU MATION OF HOMESTEAD: <br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act (Section 76-1901 et sea Rev,sed Statutes of the State of Nebraska 1. the Borrower(,), do hereby designate the real <br />pfOperty Oe Abed in the "Designation Of Homestead- attached hereto and incorporated herein by th6 relerenca <br />Borrower <br />BOr,Ower <br />DEED OF TRUST WITH FUTURE ADVANCES PROVISION <br />THIS DEED OF TRUST" is made as of the 4 thjay of _ Sept . 196-5— ty and among the Trustor.. _Robert C <br />Chisholm & Carol A Chisholm Husband tk *���RP1Z��ea +,rtggr s 2507 - -W_ Phoenix, Grand <br />Island,__NE here 8orrowe neTra,see William G. Bla_c_kburni_ - Attorney <br />wnosema;rrgagdress,s _._P -fl -- _Box 2280, Grand Island, NE <br />and the Beneficiary. ____ _ Fi V2 Po_ints_. Bank <br />whose mafimg address ,s <br />P-0. Box _1507, _ Grand Island, NE <br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION incwa g tt'e +rdebte. ss ,de i e^ - ­10 d st le h? tea ?eq is e r= ipt of which rs hereby acknowie —aged_ Borrower <br />Hereby irrevocably grants .transfers co— eysand assgns tcT ee iN TRUST at -aO EtrpFsA E Inr Me gef.t and i.yity of le��� under ttq. <br />terms and conditions nere,naner set rgnn a ,Pal p.gpe =r. xsc ceg as r i'.ws Part OL to O s N lne ` / of Le �e71 r Block <br />Eleven (11), Parkhill 3rd Subdivision beginning at a point 7.08 feet west of the <br />northeast corner of Lot 9 westerly along and upon the northerly line of Lots 9 <br />and 10 to a point 21 feet west of the nortneast corner of said Lot 10 ten south- <br />erly to a point 21 feet west of the southeast corner of lot. Then easterly along <br />and upon the southerly line of said Lots 9 and 10 to a point 6.68 feet west of <br />the southeast corner of said Lot 9 and then northerly to a point of beginning, <br />Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together w,th all buildings ,mpr.vetnent5 tr xtu: es S!,—Is a'le- passageways easements rights pnvr+eaes a "'. acpurt =na <br />patterning thereto. aria the rents . issues anq profits reveiS,pris and remamders thereof. including- but not i, mr ro "eating and cooing eOwpener:i ant 5i n per•5(pnge <br />a�OCvlvrdtyv Mate ;S dCiNdched to MEd; mprovementa so as to constitute a ii» Pure anq together w• ;h fi+e nomesteaq •rierest5 many wnfcn t,hrtti-e_s-ts are hE eby reieas eo, <br />g replece:nent5 anq agd+hpr,s mE•et0. •s rnxi,dy declared m be a part of the real es2te Secured by t"e I}ern of this,./ Of Trustand Mi of [fe <br />foregoing being referred to herein as the <br />This peed of Trust shall secure (at Ina payment of the principal sum and interest evidenced oy eorruwer s note and -O' _refit ag,eemeaf gated <br />haying a matn,fty pate of <br />medifrcations. extensions and renewals Meteor or ine,elo and any and wi future advances and readvanced here voer purSuami to one or more prommsoTv notes or civic <br />egreements (herein called "Note I, III l file payment of Other sums advanced by Lender to protec! the sec ,;.y of the Note i c i the Deriq•mdrKe 8l; cO Vendn[S and agfeenteni <br />Of 80""O' Siff firth herein. and (d) all indebtedness and obl,gations of BOrroWer to Lender whe Met direct rnq:reci .Ib Jte Ur contingent anq wrtether arising by note <br />guaranty. Overdnh or otherwise <br />Borrower. to prgllci the securely of this Deed of Trust. covenants and agrees with Lender as lost.., <br />I PdpwdMOl Pvkmi lseld Interest. Borrower shalt promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on.andan l,feso, char <br />Dorf of Trust Y gas prov,aed,n. the =pole Or,n Mis <br />2 TRie. BOrtOwertstbe Owner0fthe Pfoperty had the right and authority to convey the Profeny and warrants trial the hen created ne,eby,s a first and prior her, pz <br />the Property, e.cept ad Tay Otherwlae OB s8( torah hereto. and the execution and delivery of this Deed of Trust does not violate any contractor oche, obligaton 10 Ai <br />80"Ovirer is subject <br />Tape, Asaeeenienb. To pay when due all taxes . dpecrat adsessnenld and all other charges against the Propert and <br />Lender Such amount N may be sufficient 10 enable the Lender to Y upon written gernanq by Lenae,' Iq pay *c <br />- pay Such taxed. dadP.SSTentd Or Other cnargts ax they become Cue <br />+1 IndWallaa. To keep the property insured against damage by fire hala,ds,nciudeo w,m,n the term e»IA, c t,' 84e dn0 5uln Other halalds a5 L"Oe, may <br />raOUfra to amOUMd and with COmiliMlf ecceplable I. Lender and with iosd piyabie to the Lender in use of Cgs5 unite, ,urn pt>hcies. the Lender ,5 au!nnr +£ed to dgiuSi <br />[wwfa*M cnmprprnide. ail claims the,inu,Me, and shall have the option of applyinganpr part of lne, insurance Cn,c,,,ds :In arty ihae tAI) ss 50,,110 ne,ehy and _ liv <br />wilhou• dR •da+ mat Oaler mina 1") 10 the BOr —fit to he used lot the replier o, nealo,ation or the pine ty 4 ,._ f Any i?tne, ;­P1111 or <br />g in`e Mir W Orix Deed pf TrU5t 1r }r the tuff amount secured he.,eby belora soon payr:enl eve t., •.+i c.t:r -< any app! Oat t r ri p. ,r,.ggs t -_ .ndiblegrtess sna:- <br />,rUt a,irn5d nr pttilpsx,a the dut AiM3 qi any pdylrrdnl6 under iha Note f>r r urN dray rte }airll thereungnr Ur ttere ",rnr,. +• <br />5 momuflialee Regain a" Conwhomo Willi Laws, 8rniuwer Snell keep the p .tai ..,, ,rag <br />r »ff,r+rempnr w,,v- n mwy p.r d- 1414"d u- deal Oyad site r ! r 4 n .- .. " i .- c r. t a r t r a•, i <br />ant +ff iha rmii, n.e t—it -' , ins C,r - nT+n n, imemfl any wa91E U i t <br />OW EY 4.i1 ,mil ;,itfei CY!Pirlrifd ya[Itn f,,rd - t. -t. f "t ,ri a•, , l » <br />oe 9ii l• »ya +••1 p + -,.r 1,f!a irr held,, ai 0io -,r,nr er.,a 3 /nrtMnsE elf uinrs! r. C a -i. eaa,t- -r•yns .er ,. i .r, sxvnw - ' r } <br />- <br />