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L <br />87- .101523 <br />Mate of Netxaslla Mortgage =321-IISS316-703 <br />IU Mortpp. made and executed this 20 th day of March <br />19 87 AL and and between JON 0 POWELL and CANDACE L POWELL, <br />HUSBAND lit FE <br />of the County of HALL , and State of Nebruka, party of the first put, hereinafter abed <br />the Mortgagor, and SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. P.O. BOX "S" <br />GRAND ISLAND, ME 68802 <br />a corporation orSauiiud and ezistiol; under the laws c:` THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />party of the second pan, hereinafter ailed. the Mortppe, <br />Wit#eesedi: That the said Mortp{or, for and in consideration of the sum of Thirty Nine Thousand, One <br />Hundred and No/ 100ths---------------- -- -- ---- ---- -- ---------- - - - - - -- Dollars (S 39,100.00 ).pad by the Mon - <br />Vqm the receipt of which is hereby acknowledpd, has Granted and Said and by these presents does Grant. Barpin, Sei4 Convey <br />and Confirm unto the Mortppe. its successor; and assips, forever, the following-described real estate, situated in the County of <br />HALL . and State of Nebraska. to wit: <br />LOT FOURTEEN (14), BLOCK ONE (1), IN NEVES FIRST ADDITION TO Tic CITY OF GRAB ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian. contamin8 in an <br />arm a000rdins to Govern waiver. <br />To Have and To Hold the premum above dabbed, with all the appurtenances thereunto befaep" and including all boom& <br />plumbing and lighting fixtures and equipment stow or hereafter attacbed to or used in connection with said real state unto the Mort - <br />save, and to its succemon and assips. forever. The Mor4mor r I; -eats ter, and covennoti with, the Margage — that the Mort: - <br />sasor bu sood right to sell and zoom said - ' - tdat they we fine flan encumbrance; and that the MatggW will wat:a®t exceed <br />defend the same apin the lawful claims of all persons wboneoe+er: and the said Mortgagor hereby relingoisha all tights of <br />bomeaeeed, and all marital righa, either in law or in equity. and sB other coodwo itaietnu of the Mortppr in and to the above - <br />dda9led psamifa, the intention bed to convey beeby sin absolute title, in fee simple, including all rights of homestead, and other <br />tights and nd u aforesaid. <br />ltw +fin! Mwsfa, and those pteseats are said delivered upoL the foilr ring Nine W wit: One ts,twred aria <br />The Mortpaor aataea to pay the MartgaMr, a order. the principal s sm of Thirty <br />No/ tOOths-------------------------- ---------- ------- ---- -- --- - ----- Don. (S 39,100 -00 - <br />with inomm from due at the rate of Eight and one i,alf per cesium ( 8 -500 %) per atamim on the <br />unpi d balance until paid. The said principal and womm shelf be payable at the office of SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. <br />P.U. flux "s- <br />in GRAM ISLAND, WE 68802 or at such other piece as the holder of the tote <br />may designate in writes, in moodily installments of <br />Three Hundred and 64/100ths ------------- ----------------------- <br />------- '-- '-- ---- -- 300.64 M <br />Dollars CS ). mmmes>sffig on the fire day of May <br />19 B7 . and on the first day of each mouth thecsatier un6 the primal and interest are fully paid, except that the find payment of <br />principal and intent, if Dot sooner paid, sha8 be due and payable on the fast day of April <br />2017 ; all according to the terms of a certain pcnminory ante of eve due he mwith executed by the said Mortpgor. <br />This form Is used in confection with niortpapaa ineund under the one- to fouatamily prognime of the National 140ta imp Act which pta- <br />rids for periodic Murtppe I now" Prionkun payments. <br />Previous Editions Ara Obsolete _ M D4M43If (egg Eu» <br />In <br />tom. <br />OR <br />