<br />NO ao•r •on.:et.e COU.TT R, E. Moe Tawea
<br />end -A I- S.A. by 0-6.. s.— .. 0-
<br />MORTGAGE - 101411
<br />U91[4is J.-O wets...
<br />swans a ratiulrs MaM and e: ecuta4tht41t, ... js..� ..............dq ot......... .. ..................... A. D....87-__ 1
<br />byac ,thrtwaro._..._......CrJOdilG'1 Da rf.. :......... _ .... ............................... ..
<br />......... .....................6901.South 108th St., CmaM, Nebraska 68108_...- party nf'the eras part
<br />............................ ........... ....
<br />First National Bank of Omaha, Ore First National Center .._.._•_
<br />and ».............. ---- --........................' ....
<br />.__--__ -. -_- --___- A?14,.Nebraska 68102 __ -party or the second part.
<br />. .................. *s
<br />WIITNE.SSETH, that the said party of the first part, for and In eonsideratinn of.
<br />----- flue . t110uSSJ2d.CkJuciLS_ &_00110.0_• *---__--- *_--__--- Al *---_--- __ °-- °__DOLLARS, paid by said party of the i
<br />semad part, the rerript whemot iw hereby acknnwl••dirrd has Maud bargained. sold and conveyed, and by these presents, does
<br />trans. bargain, sail and tonety, anal said party of the second part, the following described real property situate to the County
<br />of Hall_ and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />S ee att�t�hed_i'�it „A„ - -
<br />.............................................. -- --- - - ---
<br />tngether with all the tenements, hrrnditamento and &Ppurtsasaces to the same belonging, and all the estate, title. dower right
<br />Of hnmntead, ciatms and demands whatsoover of the said p►rtr or the first part of, in or to wild premises or any part, then•ot;
<br />and said party of the first part does hereby covenant, that safd party of the ant part is lawfully seised of said premises, that
<br />said Premises are fns from tacumbnna --------- ----
<br />---------------------------------- - r ----- - ----- sad that said party of the
<br />Am part sill warrant and defend the title to said promises against the lawful claims and demands of all parsons whomanover
<br />.._ .............. ............................... -------__.---•------- ------------------- --------- ---- - - -•
<br />PROVIDED ALWAYS, sad these ptescllts are upon these aonditiona: $9-75-00-1,9k
<br />WHEREAS, said party of the first part has executed and delivered in the said party of the "mud part-_- -
<br />promiaaory note .... ?t ?_M Ch_ 1 f 1987 . .. ........ ... --- -------------------------------------------•- _-----
<br />------ r. X1151 'tiZtgag.'- SeLt1AE'.S- .Sa.id t22isiS�_--_. -_._.
<br />laygsnents,_ pbstitutions, or renewals thereof and any future advances made at the
<br />---------------------
<br />(;)L _. }_ _af. P Y . of . . Bart c.1?rnvided said future advances steal l net exceed
<br />` Z00 @_of_' original pritipal_..mtu.t_ sred-,
<br />j--------•--- •-- •- •------------ •--- - - - -•• -------•-----------------------•-----------------°----------------
<br />- ---------------------
<br />and wham&', the party of the first part has &treed to keep Lisa buildings, if any, upon said promises, insured in some eompaay,
<br />or companies aparoved by said party of the second part, for the sum ant less %",L .... Rgq. .RK_.00 _________ _Dollars,
<br />and deliver to said party of the Second part the policy or policies eotttaiatag a clause with the loss payable to aid party of the
<br />second part, or assigns, and has agreed to pay all taxee and sasaesmesm against said Promises before the same, by isw, become
<br />dwinqueat, and has agreed that it said Party of the am part does not provide such insurance or falls so pa ail lases as Store-
<br />said, then said Party of the second part, or the holder parent. may pay such insurance and taxer. or eiLber of theta, and all
<br />amounts w paid by said party of the second part shall bear inesrwst at the rate of per Owl par annum from the auto of
<br />payment, and this mortgage shall Stand as security mentor, Lad safd sum may be added to ttte amount of the mornage debt
<br />and the same recoveued u a part therooL Now, if the said parry of the first part shall well sad truly poy or cause ir be paid
<br />the said sum of mosey to
<br />as DOW... mentioned, with interest theeem according to the tabor and slfect of said now and
<br />shaif keep saia buildings insured u aforesaid, and shall keep all grins sad assessments paid, and shall duly keep sad perform
<br />all the purer covenants sad agreements heroin contained, than these prwtus to be null and void. but if said sum of money or
<br />esay part thereof, or any Interest thereca, is not paid when the same is due, or if said buildings shall not be kept insured as
<br />forest�i on f the taxes and assessments st"Isall tom an act pair! at or before the time the soma become by Ia.
<br />hereof shall have the optioyn to declare the whole of said inddebtedisses due" pa of tits t any uaie heroin coauixd, tltC holder
<br />aad may maintain an setfoo at law or payable at say rims after such failure or default,
<br />Of the eaerri.c of said opp required equity to recover the Sams, and the eommsaceeeet of such action shall be the only notion
<br />AND IT 1S FUR PROVIDED AND AGREED, That the said Mortgagor shall and will pay ail to :es levied upon this
<br />marten ge, or the debt secured therehy, bl[[ether with any other cues or aaaaaam u which may be levied under the Laws at
<br />Ns s, against the said Mortgagee ortthe legal holder of the said principal now .... On aenauaI of his Indebtedness.
<br />Xes2tcttttti i�PrPUf•_..._li__----- .ftavt haroanto set._... IRS --------------- hand .... the data above written.
<br />IN PRESENCE or
<br />= ZN2.
<br />tyy
<br />----------- <_______----------------------------------------- _'�"ly7t}ac J�_Claric__Prt?ciriant
<br />KZATE 01- NEfiRaSKA, `` ------------------ -
<br />County of Douglas, I so. rV
<br />Public -- . °.da of ----- ' ----------------------------- t. D._ �...._.
<br />pain^ �, a Public !n sad-tor tbs said County, psrsoeally came the above named
<br />' 'L y('
<br />..... ............................... __•_
<br />ii ..._... _. .. .. .................. ...............................
<br />li -••-- ••- •.._.. °--who .1..____. Personally known to me
<br />fto be the L60OZICLI rsoo_...how name....:.....
<br />affixed to ttte above tas&rumeat
<br />as tnntnr ..and__ _4 f`„--•---arknnwledgad said iaatrvmaot to bs...�::�:y: _
<br />act amt deed. ...rolua4ry
<br />rf CM W WX It 10 wITNUS q hand and Nmarial Sfial tM data last aforesakl;
<br />I
<br />,.. Notary P1iDlft.
<br />N7 coraptisatas ea ntres O� the j✓ 1 r 3 ,,.
<br />_.... ...daf OL_........._t.... ._.. .... ...
<br />7
<br />I
<br />