<br />r GRANTOR(S): .. gfc�n770r,r, 87- 101309
<br />(Address)
<br />;��.. ...... "t 'Ts eLFe�oTF l`?T?11 ea 41f_, "F i T } :Z�i)
<br />ROUTE 1 Lt1% 71 Dr;_TTPt Fa , -r f;n �? o r,RA. 3 IFUND
<br />, NEBRASKA
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, Made this 141 -__ dap of .:,];ti(" . 197 between �l'T" ??A'T.?5 1' " r "'Ca r-,'
<br />hereinafter caged 7R C!STOR, whose address is -IyjT" 1 7.,'I'r 71 r PT. T'nt :.9x'r . : ?_ ^ -.2 and CL A" t• n!',[•.FRC
<br />__— . hereinafter called TRUSTEE, whose address is 1fF= : 115T-.' ='t' cT7T 1 ' 10n1 Ctrl; A, --p 6R I S4
<br />and AVCO FINANCIAL. SERVICES INTERNATIONAL, INC.. a Nebraska corporation, hereinafter called BENEFICIARY, whose address is
<br />property, situated in .'t 7 County, Nebraska:
<br />1, tract of land_' co-nrisin^ ,. t,nrt fir t; c` rectior. - „entV s_.- (26),
<br />To *-nshi* 'line (4) ::orth, ?n e 'der (Ir') "est 1 - �e f-t� . , in 'all County, ' ebirasb'a
<br />nore narticvlarl« t'escriled -r `allots:
<br />Ee ^inning at a joint or t}'n `est line or a' So;it?--e_-t '?starter (1x1/4), saie mint earn^
<br />Torte live (45.^,) ''net r_ :ryrt}: of t}te `'rut?T.. ^_-t corner r.- „air �'rnt_,J:1 �e�t d,tarter
<br />' _ _
<br />th?rce r.asterl^ naralie). to L-?-s ; suit 1_ +rte d� � -'� ter-,. xz�a ^t �t, ?rtcr ( Ii "), eiso the
<br />'ort} eel^ ri- }:t -nx "- ., lire r' tx,P cot nt n -- , - `_sire ce e` -'ine x Ln_ Yep' Ei tee "1 ^. )
<br />+ rat -1 _•i to tt,e •r`t ? _ ;;+ S�z �_ :* -teat ^+varier (F''1i ``') s
<br />net; thence rte _x' - - --
<br />istnrce of ...`,-rye ;'tarot ?r r { .f n r') get' : c -_ =x' l el .o 'gist' 3 p
<br />L
<br />t; i
<br />rvr�tst2'eet �"ttart2r (r, 1 tl, i r _ .; st,,rca nt '_'i.... t�f3 i ,door ( ^t ". _et, t..e _
<br />Ii ^,e 6 F =G2 `'7.11'_-tPr (1. 1ji i.J, tl-encr' _,. rt .Ice «t._- est -,4 r� Saic
<br />1t)lr.t'port=s_ t !'t1,?Yter (n..1 `�.) a Oistnnce n' 71-ree . -..-•r r t -- r`. n'l -'pct, to t�'n mace s.e.,s'.r, _1
<br />also knawm as / - -"
<br />_ , _ . , L �”- ! fKnmber and Street, -
<br />T
<br />ogether with all buildings and improvements now or hereafter erected thereon and all screen,, awnings, shades, storm sash and blinds. and heating, fighting,
<br />plumbing. gas, glee irconditioning equipment used in connection therewith, a6 of which, for the purpose or Decd of
<br />Trust. shah he deg re n hereof, and the hereditamenis and appurtenances pertaining to the property above dcssribcd, and ill
<br />streets, lame,, aie}'s, p s ourses, rights, liberties and privilege*, whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise Appertaining and the
<br />recensions and remainders, d 5 r>h i`reinafter as the "premi_cr<"-
<br />TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the atwve- described premises, with the appurtenance, and il,.tures, unto the said Beneficiary•, its successors and av, ms. forever. for
<br />the purposes and uses herein set forth, free from all rights and benefits under and b, virtue of any Homestead Exemption Laws of the State of Nebraska
<br />which may be enacted, which said rights and benefits the said Tructor does he rcby expressly release and waives.
<br />Trustor also assigns to Beneficiary all rents, issues and profits of said premises, granting the radii to collect and use the same, with or without taking possession of
<br />the pr ;mss, v, during continuance of default hereunder, and during continuance of such default authorizing Beneficiary to enter upon said premises taidlor to collect
<br />and enforce .he same without regard to adequacy of any security for the indebtedness hereby secu_d by any lawfut means including appointment of a recehmr in
<br />the name of any party hereto, and to apply the same less costs and expenses of operation and collection, including reasonable attorney's fees, upon any indebted-
<br />ness secured hereby, in such order as Beneficiary may determine,
<br />FOR THE PURPOSE OF - SECURING: (1) Performance of each agreement of Trustor contained hcria: t?) Payment of the principal sum with interest. as
<br />provided in accordance with the terms and provisions of a Promissory Note, Loan .Agreement -hereinafter referred to As '- promissory -Tate") dated - -
<br />3Tlc.R7 - . herewith executed b} Truss -_-r and payable to the order of Beneficiary, it, the Princ-ip_ surn sif
<br />S and navrne the dare +rf its fr' ' payment due on v � ^ i n 2. . or A, e- carded,
<br />deferred or rescheduled by renew 1'7 ut refinance: (il Payment 1 1'r,) _„+,t+ionsi advances, with to erc,t Thereon as ma, hereafter b, ?,vaned by Berreficrai. --
<br />tn Trustor in -a maximum sure If 5 _ G_4(`Q- 1 : within 15 %ears from the date of this Deed of Trust-. l=owers_
<br />this paragraph does not constitute a commitment by Beneficiary to make future advances: (4t The payment of any money that mac be Advanced be the
<br />Benefictar) to Trusty for an} reason or to thud parties, with interest thereon, where the amounts are advanled t,, pr,rtect the security in accordance with the
<br />cavenznts of this Deed of Trust: (Si Any renewal. refinancing or extension of said piomisson note- - an, other Agreement to rya:, which may be substituted
<br />therefor.
<br />All payments made by Trustor on the obligation secured by this Deed of Trust shall tie applied in the f, =llowmg order:
<br />1 =IRSI: Tor -the payment c,' taxes and assessments that ntay b• iesied and Assessed .gust said prerm —, insurance premiurx, repairs. and all oihr: char =es
<br />acid expenses agreed ru be paid by the Trustor.
<br />SECOND: To the payment of interest due on said loan.
<br />THIRD: To the payment of principal.
<br />TO PROTECT THE SECURITY HFREOE. TRUSTOR(S1 COVENANIS AND AGREES. ,I) to keep said premises insured Against loss b% fir- and whet
<br />hazard,. casual', and contingencies up to the lull value of All )mproyement, for the protection .,f Renefi iary in such manner, in such amounts, and m such
<br />companies as Benehciary nay from time to time approve, and that loss proceeds it—, expense ..T I. 411 flonr dtall. at Beneficiary's action, be applied on said
<br />indebtedness, whether due or not 'IT to the restoration of said improvements. fn event of Inns Trustc,r wvdl rive immediate notice by mail to the Benefa-Qry,
<br />who may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Trustor, and each insurance company conccrned is herby authomed and directed to make payment for
<br />such )user dares,{, the Ben,ttcury mstcad of to the TrminT. i'_i Tr, pa, Al tax,, end cpr::a; as,c•s,raan :- of an} kind that li— tnkn may by 1,,red o
<br />assessed upon said prerni— and to d,livett to Beneficiary. upon request of the Benettc:en. the • :ific cal receipt showing peymcnt .,f � all vu.h -_sec Ind
<br />assessments (3) In the event of default b} Tructor under Paragraphs 1 or _t above. Beneficiary. at its „Minn. eta} tai place and ke= ,n such ,n,ursnce stave
<br />pranced for in !otx throughout the ii(r of this Deed of Trust ;nd pay the reast,na Me p_ to m� and chars,es therefor: tbi pay 1'i! ,I:d t_xe, and acsecac_ -ors
<br />without detrmm"ing the validtiv thereof: and (c) Pay such lien, and all such dt,ba rszmrn is shall he deetmed e pan 1•t the nil,bt,dit -, seccired bs flits Deed
<br />bust and shall be immedutely due and payable by Trustor to Benefict -, t4) To keep the 6addingc and other )m provcment, - x hzrra ter
<br />erected in good condtnnn and repair- not to commit or suffer any waste or art} use of said premises contrary to re +trio *.ions of re: odd .•r con lra ry rc law. .end
<br />to permit Behef-mary n, enter at a6 reasonable times for Sire purpo,, ,.d- mspzcting the pirrub; not to remove or demolish any huddm= thereon. 't<. rc >,zre
<br />promptly and in a frond and workmanlike manner any buildings which may be damaged or destroyed thereon, any to pay, when due, all claims for labor- rxriormea' , --- --
<br />And materials fdrmsned therefor, CS) That, ff a signer of the Promisson, Note. he will pay, promptly tire indebtedness w -red hereby, and perform all other obiiga-
<br />tions to full compliance with the terms of said Promissory Note and this Deed of Trust. (6) That the time of payment of the indebtedr+e„ hvrvb} secured• cr of any
<br />portion thereof, may he extended or renewed, and any portions of the premises herein described may, without notice, be released from the lien'tereui. witb•.ut
<br />releasing or affecting the personal liability of any person or the priority of this Deed of Trust- (7) That he does hereby forever warrant and %ill forescr defend the
<br />tide and possession thereof against the lawful claims of any and all persons whatsoever.
<br />U1 Should Trustor fail to make an payment or do am act As herein proetded, or if An, action or m,weedme is =mmcn.ed wht h mT:,,t.1 -t gets -
<br />Benefiviar0 interest in the Premiers, then Heneficilin or Trust •e, but without obligation is'. do ,o. and wihout nonce to or demand upon Trit t And
<br />i without releasing Trustor from any obligation hereunder, eta} mike or do the same, and nt ax, purchase, canie,t or rumpromiv Ins encuml +nn r F.r_r
<br />Lcx lien, which m the Judgment of either appears to affect said prolxrn, and in c-s— oe any a h (,:Twers, incur am hahthty and expend whatarrT rm in
<br />the absolute ill rrtioti of Benef)h)ary or Trustee either ma} deem necessarg iheiefui Ali sum -, incurred o,, e,fx•nded by Ben ft ...... .,r Tntvt,c ,haii tv
<br />without demand immediately due and payable by Trustor, shall bear mutest at the highest ra c permitted by law, end ,hall t,, c.cand h,rr'a
<br />12) Should the Premises or any part thereof be taken by reason of any condemnation pr -1d le li refs tan- ,hall be ennrted r., .dl : :n pen.,: n. n nfs
<br />and ether payments thercfof. and to apply the same on the indebtedness w_umd hereby
<br />111 Rs atreptins payment err any su,n hereby Wi'ured after :tie due date, or -:ft r the fdme .,i n „fk -e : -, dhlaula ,end ,�l .k, _11. H, nett., s -'
<br />+ t e or- rtglit to'equare prompt payincm when doe of all other sums so wturcd, r Its 111110, d,tault f „T talon I` ,n pas t P111,11'11 -oath rh, ..
<br />a.:) much n„ ter „t ,fefaulr and of els, iwn h, sell, for an. unpaad hA.bcr 4 'All uulcl.tednr +, It Bono Inv h"dds nn .,oido tai duns ,, r a , -
<br />v wvij ti hg r ,,as enf rr,•e ih, safe thct n:! at tax nl,bi.”. e:fhe, br!nre. nn temporanc•�ai,h wi +h, :. a. . .:i ,.ik :. ,.:.,dr sots ::nJ,: •.
<br />I. L.r- !...,r • E.i RTE —.4, N,i. ""o. V ,_A..
<br />ttHICONF,L
<br />