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87-101270 <br />Know OW lien bpMbat Prtanw, Tha where=, in an adia. in the Dwrw couH of ne <br />Eleventh thennU flail whasin <br />The Equitable.. Uilding-,arxlTr-,an Asscriatinn of r-rand 4a <br />Martin Heltzel and Dorothy M. Heltzel, et <br />pitabIe Building arid Loan Associat <br />—"— or TrabT-JIM <br />didobbin . d. find.W that a.,e is doe f._! Heltzel and qDi <br />M. Heltzel <br />-- <br />to The Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebraska <br />cl Ei. O Hundred and Two arid 00/100 ($8,802.34) <br />�icjj�t_ . ...... daRaft, <br />and cab of suit fazed at- _-`.`- --- ----- ------- ­­ ­­­ - --------- - - and, wheftnr d was then and dwe <br />further ordered in the said action that in default of the payment of the sum sofound due by the said - Marton Beltzel and <br />M. Heltzel Charles Fairbanks <br />- -­ ­ - --------------- ­­­ . . ........ <br />Sheriff of said County - --------- Hall <br />­ ------- ------------- shouid cause the lards and tenements hereinafter dcocribed to be <br />advertised and sold according to law to pay the some. and. Whereas. default hoeing been made therem• the ------ <br />Charles Fairbanks <br />- ----- ------------ ---------- - - ­­ --------- ------- - -- iff Sh� of said county, under and by virtue of the said decree and <br />the order of sate to h im duly directed, did an tke---- 12__-- _-_--- -----,&y of D. 1.9 <br />_?7 <br />at U._­jpwr lobby *Qp ,, ac C�...�, Court H. in the ty r <br />Island <br />Hall <br />in said County of ­­ -- ------------- ------------ -- ------ ---------- laving fast gium due and k9d notice of the time and place of said sak <br />kypublitWion once in ewh u�eek(or four successire weeks in the <br />Gland Island Dail <br />,,�qependent <br />a newspaper printed and in _wnerd <br />civulation in said County qf­ ------------ Hall <br />sell said premises of public auction to The Bquit-able <br />1gqjLcbxig and_ Iran of Grand Island f,&,. - Nine 'sand Five hbndred <br />and 00/100 __($9,500.00) --- --- -- ----- st <br />--- - ­ --- - ---- - ---- -- ­­ --- <br />A. D­ fq8T-.' examined and confu7ned and the Charles F�7 barl'KS <br />to convey the mid premises injw simple to the said-The As---Q=-'ion of <br />-Ooto i9bertfort, i, a. said-­-Piarles Fairbanks IA" Sheriff of the C—ty of <br />­ --- -------------- ­. aforesaid, in consideration of the premises and by virfac of the powers tested in me br I= amd&r <br />decree of said cowl, do hereby Give. Grant and Gom., to the Pguitable_ auldyn and Loan Association <br />Of Grand Island.Nebraska <br />­- - - - ---- ----- ---------- ----------------- -- /heirs and arsigns, the premises suas aforesaid wK to w&- <br />------- --- -------------------- - - - - --------- - --- ------------- -- <br />_1ot__Sixty:-Nine­(69), in Buenavista the <br />- ------------ - ----- City q� <br />Grand , Island,Hall County , Nebraska <br />-- ---- ------------ -- -------- - ----- -------- - <br />Fi <br />M <br />the aj*w*rsanvrs. <br />2:0 f$abe anb to f$01b tf)e OaMe ,do the mid_ The­EqU3, <br />-A9EQgIa:tj - Of_ G ISlaI1d`- --- - -_ - -- <br />and assigns, and 10 them and their use and behoeJorever. <br />3n Ttaimonp Vbtreof, I ham as such Sheriff, herd. set my hand this-- 6th <br />-------- ---- <br />- --- ----- MArCh A. D., ig <br />— <br />Executed and delivered in the pcesenoe of <br />Sheriff of ---- C.ourdy, Nebrasia. <br />R.L. VvUliMIS <br />----------------- --------- <br />STATE OF NEBRASKA, <br />_­­­ 1- 0. this ­----§tk- -- - ----------- <br />fq.�7 - before me, the and,,,4..d-­Eodqer_-_j . Williams <br />m andfor mid county, personally appew�� the mid-- ---- ---...---...- --- -- - - ---- - ----- ----- <br />­ - -'- ­ ------- - -- <br />— ------ Qf said Counir. <br />1W me Per$ MWU'Yknown to be the L&rJkal person idw s4ned theforepOing ingfument at grantor. and <br />heacknotcledgedthe mmc to he his olwAwy oat and deed as such sheriff -for the umw and purpcees <br />therein 1'effora. <br />A2MNWMMW—d---w% ftt"my haft: and the day <br />I..&.AMLMM 10� -- <br />ffiw� a-& I �ORA-11 <br />