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or NOR -lion 87- 101264 Huffman and Felton b Wolf, Walton. Ne. b8461 I <br />IN CONSIDERATION of the payme"t of the debt named therein, the Home Federal Savin S and <br />9� <br />Loan Association hereby releases the mortgage made to <br />Home Federal Savings and Loan Association by James A. Werth and Elaine B. Werth <br />Husband and Wife <br />on the folloming described real estate, to-nit: <br />Lot Nine (9) in Block Five (5) in "Country Club Subdivision", Being a part of the <br />East Hal'. of the Northwest quarter (e2NW10 of Section Twenty Eight (28) in Township <br />of Section in Township Range of the P. M, Hall <br />County, State of Nebraska which is recorded in i Ttk 171 of Real Estate Afortgages, page 560 <br />of the records of said County. and 80-002458 <br />IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, the said He Federal - savings and Loan Assocaition has caused . <br />these presents to be executed by its president and its Corporate Seal to be affixed hereto this 3rd <br />day of March ig 87 <br />Home FQerpl —y 93 arld Loan Association <br />Witness. <br />------- ... ...... .. --- --------------------------- President <br />---------- ----------- ----- --------------------- ------- - -- --------- - ---------------- Cashier, Secretary <br />STATE OF ------- _ --- Nebraska -------- ..................... <br />On this- _arc_ ---- day of- - -- -- March- ---- ----- ----- ---- -- 19B7--- <br />Hall� ............. .... C <br />-- .._. -- -.Hall----- ----- --- -- --- �o before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for. <br />came .... §�,�phen R. Beltzer <br />said County, personally ----- -------------------- ---------- ---------------------------------- ., President of the, <br />------ HGma--Federa-1 ----- 5aui-Rg&--and-L-earv-Assc3c-i-atior4 ------ - --- ------------------- - ------------ -------------- a Corporation <br />to n3ie personally known to be the President and identical person whose name is affixed to the above release and <br />acknowledged the execution thereof to be his voluntary act and deed as such officer, and the voluntary act and <br />deed of said Corporation, and that its corporate sea] was thereto affixed by its authority. <br />Witness my hand and Notarial Seal at--.- Grand. -1-slarw_ in said C%i;ity the day and year <br />f last above written. <br />i My coninnission expires ------ 19 jez <br />�L fi _ 4-L4C btan, Public <br />STATE OF ----------------------------- — ------------------ 1_11L_ %ARM - '_ <br />13= Qlbml*K� numerical index and filed for record <br />County of ------- - - ------------_------ _---------------------- I in the Register of Deeds Office of said County the <br />- - ----------- (lay of ------ ­­­ .............. at -- - --------- ..-o'clock and- --- °- - ----- <br />-- .minutes -- - ------- ------- Nul <br />and recorded in Book------- -------------- ------- Of ----- ....... ------ --- -- - page ---- -- ---------- ------ -- - -- - - -- <br />­__­ --------------- ___­ --------- ---_----------- ..Reg. of Deeds <br />kv------------------- __ ---------- ------------------ ---- - - - - -- Deputy <br />Eleven 911) North Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska <br />to <br />R <br />M] <br />