State of Nebraska Mortgage
<br />�1 �4� 321 - 1146468 -703
<br />iris Mortgage, made and executed this 5th day of March
<br />19 87 , by and between Curtis G. Sherrill and KayCee D. Sherrill,
<br />Husband and Wife
<br />of the County of hall , and State of Nebrasta, party of the first part, haaoafter called
<br />the Mortgagor, and Superior Mortgage, Inc.
<br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Nebraska
<br />Party of the second put, hereinafter called the Mortgagor,
<br />%lawn in- Thu the said Mortgagor, for and in considentfion of the wan of Sixty Seven Thousand One Hundred
<br />Fifty and No/100's h i Dollars (S 67,150.00 ), paid by the Mort-
<br />gagee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. bas Granted and Sold and by thaw pramts does Giant, Bargain, Sell, Convey
<br />Mort-
<br />and Confirm unto the Mortgagee, its successors and aligns. forever, the follm ring - described real estate. stuated in the County of
<br />Hall , and State of Nebraska, to wit:
<br />Lot Twenty Seven (27) , Block Seven (7) , Unit One continental Gardens, an
<br />Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall City, Nebraska.
<br />0( the Siab Principal Meridian, containing in all
<br />acres according to Government surftr.
<br />TO $eve seal To HNd the premises above dam bed, with all the appmtm>daces thes�o belonging and iacl�iog a8
<br />ph bi%
<br />and fnettnc and oquipmem now or hereafter attached to or used in coonectson with said real state unto the MM-
<br />peee, and to its successors; and assins, fotever. The MortSa@w reI r -mrs to, and covmanti
<br />per has good right to sell and convey said premises; that they are free froze �• the a Moro ee, that the Mort -
<br />eacmnbrancC and that the Mortgagor wt's warraist and
<br />defilad the same agahan the lawful a 1 1 of all persons wbwmaoevv; and the said Mortgagor hereby rclinquMm all rW" of
<br />ho- esteed, and all mm' I tights, eitber is law or in egoky, and as other contingent httKaft of the Mortgsaw is and to the above -
<br />delct%ed petesa s the bas to Convey hereby an absohne title, m fee side. ink all rights of homasad, and other
<br />tuts gad i n aforesaid.
<br />Pa-Wed Alwaga, and these presents are executed and ddivemd upon the following eemdunms, to wee:
<br />F� agrsa to pry the Mottpgee, or order, the pnoMal era- of sixty Seven 1txx,carri O Hundred
<br />�Y and No /100's— tS 67,150.00 },
<br />with itderct fiom done u the rate of Nine per ccatuns ( %) per mnttm on the
<br />uWaid balance until paid. Tbe said principal and inWM :ball be g -00
<br />payable s< the office of
<br />Superior Mortgage, Inc., P.O. Box -5 -,
<br />in Gram Island, NE 68802 , or at such other plea as the bolder of the r
<br />jai die in wry, ir. mombiy im, or F-- --- `uixlea FI
<br />DWlus it rLy me 30/100 the f s
<br />540.30 }, eootmeaciag on the fast day of y
<br />i9 87 , and on the first day of each month thaafter until the principal and iotereat are fally pled, except that the ffnat payment a[
<br />ptiaepN and intact, if trot mom paid, shall be doe and payable on the first day of April
<br />2017 ; all according to the tel of a certain
<br />promissory note of even date herewith executed by the said Mortgagor.
<br />X
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