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State of Nebraska Mortgage PHA C.-N> <br />321- 1154911 -703 <br />TMs Mortgage, made and executed this 3 rd day of March <br />19 87 (yy and between MAX L CONROY and MARY E CONROY, <br />HUSBANt) AF81 WIFE <br />Of the County of HALL , and State of Nebraska, party of the first part„ hereinafter called <br />the Mortgagor, and SUPERIOR MORTGAGE, INC. P.O. BOX "S" <br />GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 ' <br />a corporation organized and existia; under the laws of THE STATE OF NEBRASKA <br />party of the second part, hereinafter called the Mortgagee, <br />WNnmssO: 7bat the acid Mortgagor, for and in consideration of the sty of Sixty Eight Thousand, Six <br />Hundred and No/ 100ths---------------- -- ------ -- --------------- - -- - -- DoUan (3 68,600.00 ). paid by the Mort - <br />pgee, the ramp of which is hereby admowledgd, has Granted and Sold and by these prevents does Gram, Bargain, SdL Coa M <br />and Confirm unto the Mortgage, its vm=ston and asdps, forever, the foEowftw -de=1W real estate, situated is the Co®ty of <br />HALL , and State of Nebraska, to wit. <br />LOT El(--T (8), BISHOP HEIGHTS THIRD SUBDIVISION, HALL C0UNTY, NEBRASKA <br />of the Sixth Principal Meridian. containing in an <br />acres aceordin>s to Govawmem sarsey_ <br />Te Hasa and To f dd the pranum above dnari bed, with au the appnrtmaom thasamo bdo S g and iodadft an Mang, <br />phtmb -s and light rog fixtures and equ# meat now or hereafter attached to or and in om®eetion with said real acts uomo the Meat. <br />Mal and to its .uoceacrs and asigru, forcrer. 7U I 1 9 —or fepfe@=M RD. and w+wms with, the that the Mort - <br />gegor ms rood rh* to ad and oOUM raid pry that they we file from ewes and that the kfor%vew w$ war and <br />defect the — app the hor[us daims of all persons, botmoem and the said 19 xw hereby relinquiahes erg ruts of <br />hasesmend, and all marital rig+bts, either in law or iu equity, and a® other comaiegent imhreols of the Iifortpgor in and to the above - <br />de m*W I aa, the kleation being to soevey bereby an ab tMe, in fee simple, iadndatg aB fio" of hoaumtead, and other <br />rights and i amem as aforesaid. <br />PVmmW i Ahaga, and these prase u arc eseamd and de&s i , I upon the foaowiW aoeditimm6 to wit: <br />Tie b6ortago" apm to Pay the MortgMee, or order, the pdK*d sum of Sixty Eight Ttwusatd, Six Hundred and <br />No1100thv--'- --------------------------------------------- »ti__-_--DOt3asa {: 68,600.00 ). <br />with * - ttom dose at the rate of Eight per 8.000 sh <br />unsaid balance until paid. paid. TU aid principai and ®ta Shan be payable err the ofrioe of SUPERIOR WORTGAGE, INC- man the <br />P.O. BOX "S" <br />in GRAND ISLAND, NE 68802 or at swcb other ihwe as the hobier of the name <br />may daignue in writaM. in monthly inacdmaiu of Fire Hundred Three and 36/100tha--- ---------------------- <br />Doom (S 503.36 ). commencing on the fast day of May ------ <br />19 87 . and on the first day of ach month thereafter we the prmcipal and iffinva are falfy paid, eacept that the fine paym na of <br />priedpai and interest, if am sooner paid, shag be due and piaymle an the firs day of April <br />2017 , an a=crding to the tams of a certain prommory now of eves date brsswub emecuted by the said Mortgagor. <br />This form 48 umd in Connaotion with "Ortgagaa Ummed under the ono- I o tmw -kwoy tat of the MatiMfd Flow Act w1w pro. <br />s10a for p kxoc ""gaps lnai rw" P»ndum pronaita. <br />Previous Editbna An <br />L <br />I <br />