<br />8i- 101093
<br />Borrowers (Treaters) understand that the documentthat the Borrowers are about to exaoute is a Dead of Treat and not a mortgage and thatthe Pow erof sale providod
<br />for in the Deed of Trust provides substantially different rights and obligations to the Borrowers than a mortgage in the event of a default or breach of obligation under the
<br />Deed of Trust, including, but not limited to. the Lender's right to have the Real Property sold by the Trustee without any judicial proceeding or foreclosure. Borrowers
<br />rapr00ent
<br />and warrant that this acknowledgement was executed by them before the execution of the Deed of Trust.
<br />Mary Jea t pff Borrower
<br />Borrower
<br />teven 0. Stumpff
<br />COMPLETE th4 portion ONLY H Ma real property desedbad consbb of INDIVIDUALLY OWNED AGRICULTURAL LAND.
<br />It appbpbls, compMM ONLY ONE slow A, S. or C:
<br />The Borrowers) acknowledge that they are about to execute the following Deed of Trust upon the real estate described therein. The Borrower(s), andeach of them it
<br />more than one. do hereby disclaim their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto No part of the homestead of either of the Borrowers) is presently orw9R in the
<br />future be situated upon said real estate. The Borrower(s) understand that if either establishes a homestead on any part of said real estate during the time the Deed of Trust
<br />remains unsatisfied and a lien upon said real estate, there shall be no right to make a designation of homestead in the event of a foreclosure or trustees sets with respect to
<br />a" Deed of Trust
<br />The Borrower(s) acknowledge that they are about to execute the following Deed of T rust +:Pon the real estate described therein. The Borrower[s), and each of them 11
<br />more then one. do hereby wane their right to designate a homestead pursuant thereto The Borroweris) understand that they have the right to make a designation of
<br />hdmtsieatl and that by executing this waiver. they are waning rights otherwise oval: able for the purpose of affording [hem the Opportunity to retain (heir homestead in the
<br />event of a default upon the Deed of Trust.
<br />Pursuant to the Farm Homestead Protection Act (Section 76 -1901 et seq. Revised Statutes of file State of Nebraska), the Borrowers), do hereby designate the rent
<br />property described in the "Designation of Homestead- attached hereto and ,oeorporated hare+,• by this reference
<br />t
<br />Mary �,,4pff Borrower
<br />[even 0. St. eprmwer
<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST. Is made as of the 24thdaY or februarjir mg B7 by and among the Trushn, Mary JeaU _
<br />Stuff and - SteKen_0. Stumpff_ _ w,oseman;,,yadd,esss _54G_South..10th_Str., Broken
<br />B.—we, the T,Ow- Broken Bow S —bate_ BAnk
<br />whosemarhngaddress+s - ._901..South.. D. Box 726.._Broken -Bowl NE_ _ 68822 -... _ Therein- Trustee I.
<br />and the serf -firy - _ __Broken Boo State Bank _
<br />whose mading aomessrs _901_ South D, Box 726, Broken Bow. NE ,68822 Iherein"Lender - i
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION ,nrlud:ng inei-debtedness, yen =,f,e7^e•s,nara!r,.s± ne—nI feared. the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. Borrower
<br />hereby,frev icably grants transfe,s conveys and assigns to T-slee INTRUST W +'�.tLPOW R OF 5 E t the t anVectlr'y of LendsS. under and se
<br />terms end cOnQ,hona heremAtter Sal forth tree real LropertY desc' -,:bed as !Mrowi rye ast Sall Ol Bile Jou tileast ljuarter C'C`��°C =j
<br />and the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter (SE }NE}), Section One (1), Township Nine (9),
<br />North, Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, excepting therefrom a
<br />certain tract of land more particularly described in Warranty Deed Book 135 Page 233 as re-
<br />eroded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and also excepting
<br />a certain tract of land more particularly described in Warranty Deed Book 156, Page 580, as
<br />recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska, and also excepting,
<br />a certain tract of land more particularly described in Warranty Deed Book 177 Page 653 as
<br />recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hall County, Nebraska.
<br />Together with all buildings, improvements, fixtures streets alleys, passageways easements rights pin - lieges and appurtenances located thereon or-in anywise
<br />pertaining thereto and the rents. Issues and profits. reversions and remainders thereof ,nclud•ng but not bm+teo to hea!Ing and coobnq oq..pmem and such personal
<br />property that's attached to the Improvements so as to consf It ute a fixture and together wdh Ine nomestead o, marital ,n lerests. I any, which interests are hereby released
<br />and, yawed. an of which Including replacements and additions thereto, Is hereby declared to be apart W the real estate secured by the l len Of this Deed of Trust and aft of the
<br />foregoing being referred lu ",em as the 'property'-
<br />This Deed of Trust shall secure (a) the payment of the principal csum and interest evidenced by Bor,ower s note and or credit agreement dated —9-711--86
<br />__— having a maturity date of __ =..4= tom+. -$L _._ in the prra:, -ai r+:nerpal amount of S _�•S2 �is_(QQQe�Q and any and all f..�. -,.r _.....
<br />modification- eftsrvaions and rene'walx lnerenl or thetni_n and any and all fut,.rw advaiva,ae.n.u.d..-. _ _ _m;I __ __ _ _
<br />agrssmsnls inefsm caned "Note - Ito) the payment of other sums advanced by Lender to protect the secur:Iy et the Note (Li l he performance all covenants and agreement
<br />of S."Infre, set thrill harem. And (d) all indebtedness and obligations of Borrower to Lender ffhetne, d -rest indirect, absowle or contingent and whether arising by note,
<br />geniality. overoreh or otherwise
<br />Borrower to protect the security of this Deed of Trust, covenants and agrees with Lender as tollowrt
<br />I el Pay~$of larkno and Interest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of andinieres ton and an v fees of charges provided in the Notaormlhls
<br />ed
<br />De of Trust -
<br />2 !rift. Sorrower Mine Owns(of ills Property, has the right and authority to ronvey the Probe fly and warrants that the lien cr eated hereby isa first and prior lion on _
<br />the P(oparty, axeapt as may otherwise be list lorth harem, and the execution and debvery of this Dared Of T,usl does flOt violate any conrrnc t or other obligation to which
<br />Brlrtolist Is subfec!
<br />a Tasee, Aes000msnN. To Pay when due all taxes . special asaessmenb and All Of"' ctiargas against the P,oPerty arid. upon written demand by Lender to pay to
<br />Lender such afholrnt U may bar stfhirreof to enable the Lender Io pay Such texas, easesamenl- or Pint' chAlgair as they become due
<br />a 'am-/aaaa, In keep the Properly "filed aga,nal damage by fire, hatalds included with- Ina Ism attended coverage And Such other hitards As Lender may
<br />repulre M kre+bunit Ae1d wrlh pompanwa ALGA {liable io LelldNl. and Witi� Igaa payahik to 4hn lentltr In rasa of Bus= u•vtar ,y {h pglir tai Itte Lender Is aulhurited to Atl1uS1
<br />coatci Nn4 r -ramp, r.m•tt all cfa, mil tfwreurldar and shall have the opts on Of appiylna at,,,, part of for rnxurinC rI Pr rsc ta+1- f: i In Any iodebtad•ie -s sec 11 halahy and in SUCn Cy
<br />mde/ AA ;ender mAy darer mina ::) td Ina Bgr(rlwer to nil uatd 1qf the v1Pei! g, INIM thnn • +! free Po""", " any Ahe, p••'Pnse 0, nbir,' i soh- facl!II i 11, Lender
<br />WnntMai Ana(h1}rj dy litre of PIH Deni'rf 1 rust inn thtl li,Il amdunl AeC'urnd herany het „rn auY.h Peymant 9rer ix>a place Any xl.t +l« al,+rr. i,:r llr ol.'aa,f- Iii vidnhlw tree -- snail
<br />hot #-at” Vr {xnf{n,na the due date of Any (MymehIA +inner Ina Ntlih nr Cure any,tsifault Ih+rreundar .ie N «rn +rndn+
<br />5 sehob -a H ftpoN area Cw.pbawcs wf h Lars- 9innuwel ,halt k e/r ins P"i —f v , x] -1 a r:gl.
<br />- b, +,
<br />•'rlp,gya!r >ar.4wt>,:•l: may lva dimar,sMt in dexlr =.lad xnati n «i iUnirnd fir peimH any -v. AxlN i.i.r "i..iy -i ,"<I•I.•nuh- !a•111ally alh,i
<br />♦ray r'V kha I'. YY m•nlx !' % r '>Party -i,Ali nn4l bmfRUt sulfNf n. [!: I Any a• r tr nil d, t 1 1 y, f, 1 if
<br />3 „y +Seer axis ..'lyrl,d.ar tx,,rna.)t+», +aar,I;;,i an.l arPe,•aaA l,rAn -r. +,i ,n,i••.,iexx ,t .,. t -.a i i n s , r „ «tile
<br />