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no acceleration occurred; (b) Borrower cures all breaches of any other covenants or agreements of Borrower contained in <br />this Deed of Trust; W Borrower Pays all reasonable expenses incurred by Lender and Trustee in enforcing the covenants and agreements of <br />Burrower contained in this Dad of Trust and in enforcing Lender's and Trustee's remedies as provided in paragraph 18 hereof, including, but <br />not lirnired to. reasonable attorney's fees; and (d) Borrower takes such action as Lender may reasonably require to assure that the fien of this <br />Deed of Trust, Lender's interest in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums secured by this Dad of Trust shall continue <br />eenimpaired. limn such payment sad cure by Borrower, this Dad of Trost and the orations secured hereby shalt remain m full force and <br />effect as if no acceleration had occurred. <br />29. Asuigimatet of Useft; APPoialeaeat of >i111mi7a; Gusddr Is taresimm As additional security hereunder, Borrower hereby as®grrs to <br />Linde the tests of the Property, Provided that Borrower shall, prier to aecdcation tinder paragraph 18 hereof or abandonment of the <br />Property, have the right to collect and ratan saeh trots as they beamme due and ptyaW <br />Upon acceleration under paragraph lg bereof or abandonment of the Proputy, Lender. in petson, by agent or by jaduially appointed <br />reaices. shall be entitled to emer upon, take possession of and manage the Property and tu collect the tests of the Property i>s thtrrc PEA <br />dust. Alt ren t: coon ted by l estda or the tnoeivs sbm be applied tiro ro payment of the costs of management of the Property and coon of <br />carts, iachrdkm& but not limited to, rea dvet a foes, premiemms on receivers bomb sod teasasabie attorney's fees, and then to the sums surared <br />by this Deed of Trost- Leader and the receiver sbas be liable to account only for those teat: actually received. <br />21. Future Advances. Upon request of Borrower. Leader, at Leader's option, prior to fug reconveyance of the PropcM by Trustee to <br />ibttro+a, mry make Future Advances to Borrower. Such Future Advances, with is hit thereea, shall be secured by this Deed of Trust veim <br />evidenced by promissory notes statitd shut said notes are sensed hereby. At not time shall the pnincipal amount of the indebtedems secured by <br />dais Deed of Trust, not including sum advanced in accordance herewith to present tie sacuslay of this Deed of TMM exceed the orW" count <br />of toe mm plus U.S. S -©- <br />22. Reesswelame. Upon payment d all mms secured by this Deed of Treat. Grader shut requea Trustee to reconvey the Property ad <br />AM surrender this Deed of Trust and all noses eoideo - indebtedness aamme I by dais Deed of That to Trustee. •trustee slot resommy tie <br />PraImty walicat warranty and without to the paws or petse ms high! added rivaeao_ Sacs person or persons Shan pay an cares of <br />recnadsaion, if any: <br />23. SubsOrse Tnume. Lender , at Leader's option, may from tmme to tine raaaue 7nameaad appniot a successor ttaatee sommy Tre am <br />appoi�d hereunder by an i .acceded in toe casmmy in whisk tba Deed of Tut is tneosda 1 Without eoavefnroe duce PraperQr, due <br />sataaor tenet shall su cored to an the tide, power and datiescodasa I apoa due Timber here a and by applicable loss, <br />24. 1aipuat far lam. Dorrrwc regaads tint copies of ttse notice erf default and usadQ d auk be asst w Borrower's adiu: wui� is <br />Ae Property Address. <br />29. Swam foam m4oata dust copies of Ae metier of ddait and me*= of ask be cant am eat pawn win's a pa! uses at elk <br />aideea <br />of sri pesos at forts hams. <br />113Wl•IT:f %IWWREOF, Borrower JUNK eaxn "dm Dad oft— <br />STATE OF NEDRASKA. Mail: Caches! sc: <br />OR this 18 day of _ ;eurj r' ss _ . idure cur. the tsdnsDaaet, a Now, d* <br />and qualified farsaid == C 'far' a ? lrt2. H arty atrl <br />-- ----------------- ------ ------ ----- --------- - - - - -- <br />----- <br />-- ---- ,tumdekmawsto4etie <br />iedcaocal pnsouts) wime>u»� are msbserfirrd to �e fa�a� asarwearar cad ariaoaAedped cue earacudiaea tiaoof to be wit <br />vahmiury act and dad. r rare island, lief ask a <br />Wanes my hand and notarial hid at is said coup". tux dace aforummit <br />F 4 TrEll <br />R15Q[nM feat RECONVEYAMM <br />TO TUMMIM: <br />The usdreaisnod is the udder of the note at moan scared by dris Dad of True_ Said mot or scam tt>lsYet with d od er mdebatdaess <br />seeoresI by this Deed of Truce, have be m paid in fill. You we bare" diacaed so amcd aid am or mesa and this thud of Trut4 sbsch we <br />deiaasi bends!, and to recomvey, wOrfA warranty, an slut came am beld by you rite ruffs Deed of True so riot penum or persons i gaff <br />esgtled suaeto. <br />Detae: <br />(Spa¢ Blow i'kc that Raevwd Far l.esieraad Recaraierl <br />t <br />CO <br />2 <br />�^ ttjii <br />w, <br />; <br />