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111—FARM LEASE Huffman and Felton & Woff. Walton, Ne. 6114161 <br />JL It"L I ita <br />; <br />THIS ACREE21ENT, Jlfada-d entered into this do, of January rg 87 1 <br />oYandbet-ween WAINE C. IRIEFLIN and DORIS RIEFLIN, husband and wife, <br />party of the first part, and DUANE RIEFLIN, 4 <br />party of the second part, TVIT;VESSETH, That the said party of the first part has this day leased stlitto the party 'I <br />of the second /--art the folio-aing drscribcd property, situated in the CowaY Of Hall and State of <br />Nebraska to ZE-it: <br />All of the Southwest Quarter (SW4) of Section Four (4), Township Nine 19) <br />'North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6th P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, <br />containing 156 acres, more or less. <br />----------- 3i - - - - - -- &W&#0 --- - - - -of dw ------ R,-Mr <br />buildings ::nd inepra erns thereon and thereto appertainixg <br />70= the 1st da-v of March ,198710th,7 last day of February '1990 <br />and 11hr said second party. in consideration of the leasing r ike ztw--c tremises, hereby co--Txards and mcith <br />agrees <br />j !,ie said ---rtv of the first part to My the said party of the first tart as rest for the saxse as follows, to-wit: <br />71. This Lease cowrs 156 acres, including all buildings, feedlats, corrals, fencim, and <br />iexcluctuig only the house and garage located thereon. <br />Tice parties agree that the Party of the Second Part is the owner of the pivot and ail; <br />�xrriqpltion equipalent located an the above property and is also the o%iner of the Cap rmf <br />'that be placed an the cement bunkers located an said prcperty. <br />3. The rent on the above property for the tee= of this lease is the sL= of $23,400 (based <br />ion 156 aerns at $50 per acre) , payable as follows: 53,900 payable on or before Marcia 1, <br />1987 and $3,900 an or before Deoenher 1, 1997; 53,900 on or before Marcli 1, 2988 and <br />i53.900 on or before Dacimber 1. 1988; and $3,900 on or before March 1, 1989 and S3,900 <br />4,on or before Decenber 1, 1989 (being two piapaents of $3,900 each in the years 1987, <br />4988 and 1989) . <br />A. First Parties shall not be responsible far -3zr.- expense in comectim with this I <br />except for t palyrient of real estate taxes aaainst said pviopertv- <br />AND FT ITS Fc"R -11,'E J? ;7XPs;- �sSt 1' 4� J-eta�,� �'�x f,--rties A mid party the *3t p- <br />- - - I- — - fh�-- the d pW of <br />sh"Idd th.-V deew it swc.--ssarr w.s�v_ c: the .east .--%sa ='xfecsc r 4 the pirrty of the second part, en*WY ners ind <br />equip"Wat to go Upon said premises and cKkawe the rrof; zxz v6urm or to do anvithing that it meressiory to pre - <br />Met: their grouln - 5".ZV lh,'Sft fit a-tv time 4,rTorr tkey z7.- m thir jaranwirF. the s; lc expeaw of Me snee to hir a <br />lieu ftj,% jivrfC-- shac <br />-I ND IT S L 1 FU1i,'TH!- <br />R !: PRE SSLi' A4'-REED t-r the the second pan that he Icia raref-ay pl-- <br />t zz; f=-nee4 axd impr'neweals: of kr%d is &ry now an said t-,erAmses or that mazy be erected <br />Ike i-r1wrazi-mef the term herein greawyidd <br />ap passeseiina of said --rcwiscs, without nofire, u.!,d zAe first jr-ty', in as good repair as they now err aw <br />May it at env 9~ during the contitaftincr :..s lease- Zvez- 'XXj = -Tu :�--i )ire 'tXr'rpW- Said zirceni parts <br />also rXtrefz%-.*Y 0-grers P e104 is -.4 4-- -T M the wenthig of @"d <br />Ian wit -alt km.# the calftwed lauds <br />"i ,da t-reViLiSCS tfff +1i`&'M WIC.4 aftj deSlvo-j Cl.` Z.r41s gk'r- 7omcer Jui :nit Z9 if inciviixg eta <br />r zhe 4w-wc At L-r'i If tkc ' Tcrr thrT ripen their see&, <br />t'at he z��Li g�.'d friP--r. rfi.-stj.' lass 1-y kewry wind or <br />Are excetted- <br />-4,VD IT TS FURTHER AGREED :kc party of ;*,e second ;--wt ri = he a-a we sviF-4rt nor = am-. <br />oflanner ::xv r7' the desen"�c <br />a r-e-T Sis - vhow j'*. ex: r4 r-zrr; e.; &r /lest part_ <br />A.Nrl) 11 T !�� I "J"? fsue 'f Zair thei r V_ -rKz-, eV ufta said prvnisr-r <br />at axy, brae me to rnspic', the same or z* zxd to -:vw fnr farw,,, z-rors axd to row smog <br />grain tu z-,,m ird slu-,NN`e y,,qmxd in thu lose_ <br />The Cv.r'.%an:S herfin Shall exlrnd L, rM ze a.z c- fih. heir=, rx.-i-xtairs =d antixirtrators of the partwir <br />to .whiz Lersr- <br />AZ�U rlt IS AGRILED tart —A <br />his io-A 14 al-fte A axe L <br />ti l AAA -1 -4 .1-4 1-7 "z --c- —"V V- d—L he <br />f". P-7 —,f .1L,:: 1: �4 I Ur— FW" s..y -.y -H —a x.9 —4 ft. <br />they -Y -- their r-- ..ea exth-A and <br />they —Y -4 . -tk-- P•4. -6--f W-3 #- ap b-C F-,L L. sh. .1 W—ft <br />L-W I- f!'.4 P."T —.4- if -T Vi, t� <br />AN—M - I" � <br />t'y clue, — — t�j- E­j­ I,- .'r-i Mist 111. me.esx. -d Zl*xmmaxx <br />Sigurd chit day of January, rg 8.7- <br />J <br />Sig <br />wcgstd d. is ed in the prescow 01 <br />in. First <br />_7 <br />a <br />L <br />OZEAL <br />Dq.�is Rieflin, F-i rst Partv <br />t SEAL i <br />ii i <br />