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-1 <br />#.1 -- SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DIM F-It.. & W.IF C..p..,, U­6, N.I-. <br />SURVIVORSHIP WARRANTY DEED <br />87-101070 <br />Larry L. Evers, a single person , tcrein raked the grantor whether one or nwM <br />in consideration of Thirty-five thousand dollars & no/100 (=9000.00) <br />received from grantees, does grant, bargain, sell conve-.' wA confirm unto <br />James E. Keeshan and Mar-5 Am Keeshan, Husband and WIfIL-- <br />as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common. the following described reiti <br />propert} in . ... ... ........ County. Nebra, a, <br />A tract of land omprising a part of the Soutbwest Quarter of The Southeast Quarter <br />(SWtSEI) of Section Thirteen (13), Township Eleven North, Rang�e Nine (9), West of <br />the 6th P.M., in Hall County, NE more particularly described as follows: Beginning at <br />a Point on the North Lire of said Southwest Quarter of the Sc east Quarter (SI12.SEA) <br />s" point being Two Hundred Nine and Ninety-eight Huntredths 019.98) feet East of the <br />Northwes� Corner of Said Southwest Quarter of the Southeast QuwaTer (SFM); 'Thence <br />continuing Fasterly along the North Line of said Southwest Qu;nx-ter of the Southeast <br />Quarter (SWJSQ) a distance of One Hundred Fifty-two (152.0) Feet; thence Southerly <br />Parallel to the West line of said Southeast (4zarter (SE}) a di2stancie of One Hundred 1 <br />(180.0) Feet; thence Ves-terly Parallel to the North line of said Soutlawst Quarter of the <br />Southeast Quarter (WASE.' ), a distance of One Hundred Fifty-lVao (152-0) Feet; thence <br />3 <br />Nortberls Parallel to the We.-, line of said _13batheas't Quarter (W) a distance of <br />One Hundred Eigbty (180) Feet to the place of beginning and staining 0.628 Acres <br />Uwe oy-Aess.' ,Nty.a 1 --t X— I We jbdkvt����_:Uty. W&. mi aL _.g!?Lll <br />Wfl%ruft t..CC114 <br />and, appurtenances zi­rcto be!.,ng.n(; mut) the rr3utees And to their asaigux. or to the beirs and <br />of the sur-.,ivor of ti­!!, f-,revrr. <br />And grantor does herehy cove"at with the grastees and with their suakw mad with the beirs <br />and sssigu • the survivor of them twat grantor is. lawfully -rised of said pressitiews; That tb*7 we free from <br />enrumbrance <br />that granVir 14a, al: thonly to Axaj that eranter WarraAft anA VFA <br />deferk the title tv JIr"211-, '_vM5t the iawfui rtainas afar persons whamasmever- <br />It is 1110 ml"T�tloa of -j", iartics h-reto that to the erect of the death of either of the CraxiteM <br />the entire fc< sinii:h- -0, ,, the r,al estate shell rest tr h­ nmi%inLr grant r,�._ <br />Janua,-T '9, I 87- <br />NEBRASKA DOCUMENTARY <br />2­6 1.9.87 ----- --- ---------- <br />STATE- - - ------- <br />Before me, a iaotary qualif" for said etuwy, 7 -r.OGAv = am- <br />known 10 it fl, h. t;.4 i'lei.l zx-;; ! l'--; .11 01' percon, who 1, -­ f­o�ing instrument and acknowl"i9rd <br />t L'�.' lj� -n o iw Iii, -r or their volnulary art ay.,3 dc4A, <br />the execu i, ��n . f I <br />P _7 <br />Witnes,i my hand and nw-ariall seal on .......... .. '9__ <br />A-, <br />04" CL 0100" <br />or am 1* bL 34 in aIr c4l"I'llis"iqu <br />