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r4pace � This to* RW M, I OMMI <br />DEED OF TRUST <br />D <br />t <br />TJ <br />iV <br />1-1) <br />M <br />19-AL. The trustor is ------------ <br />2- ­- <br />N 'I ........ L ---­--------­----­-- t -Trustee"). The benefician- is <br />- ----------------- -- - ------------------------ -- ---- ---------------- -- - <br />- - <br />FIR&T which is organized and existing <br />under the laws, of The..United..States-,jaf.-Amerixd--. and%lboseaddressis ------ <br />,4 --- <br />Lin 1a.Aebx&ska..6A5O8 .... ___ . .......... _.__ ----------- -- -------- ----- -------- ---------- Mender)- <br />Borrower owes Laxkr the principal sum of Bumdred__&u&_aoi11M ------------ <br />................. ___ . . ..... ------------ - ...... lmlarsws 5, 465W tip- Ji This dRn is c%idenced M Borrower's now <br />dared the same dam as this Security Instrument (-%ote provides kir nbmbh pa\mcntswtth the full debt. Wont <br />paid earlier, due and payahk on _ Kaxch- ------ . .......... ..............---.-_...........-.-__-.__._-_.-._.____- <br />© <br />Z <br />nmciwak, extensions and modgfications. (b) the payment of A e7ther stuns, with interest. advanced under paragraph - to <br />0 <br />Loan Number 73804 -1-18 <br />jP THISDEEDOFTRUST ('Security Instrument-) is madco, Februata 23, 248: ; <br />19-AL. The trustor is ------------ <br />2- ­- <br />N 'I ........ L ---­--------­----­-- t -Trustee"). The benefician- is <br />- ----------------- -- - ------------------------ -- ---- ---------------- -- - <br />- - <br />FIR&T which is organized and existing <br />under the laws, of The..United..States-,jaf.-Amerixd--. and%lboseaddressis ------ <br />,4 --- <br />Lin 1a.Aebx&ska..6A5O8 .... ___ . .......... _.__ ----------- -- -------- ----- -------- ---------- Mender)- <br />Borrower owes Laxkr the principal sum of Bumdred__&u&_aoi11M ------------ <br />................. ___ . . ..... ------------ - ...... lmlarsws 5, 465W tip- Ji This dRn is c%idenced M Borrower's now <br />dared the same dam as this Security Instrument (-%ote provides kir nbmbh pa\mcntswtth the full debt. Wont <br />paid earlier, due and payahk on _ Kaxch- ------ . .......... ..............---.-_...........-.-__-.__._-_.-._.____- <br />Pius Securny Instrument scumies to Lender ta) the repaynamat at the deft e-k—d by the NOIC-livith mtems. and 311 <br />nmciwak, extensions and modgfications. (b) the payment of A e7ther stuns, with interest. advanced under paragraph - to <br />protect the security of this Security Instiument, and (c) the perfainamwe and agrommuts For this <br />purpose, Borrower uTevocab4 grants and conveys to Trussm in a -_-ith power ot'sale, the folli:iwail; described propen-V <br />locued in .... Hal I -------- ------ -------- __._ ._.___ -_. __..,__.._._. -. - ._._._._._- Counry- ! ca- <br />The Northerly Thirty Five Feet (35') of Lot Ten (1G), arid the Southerly Forty Feet <br />(401) of Lot Nine (9). Wolfe's Subdivision, in the City of Grand Island, Hall <br />CAY=ty, Nebraska. <br />which has the address of 503 Kennedy Drive Grand Island <br />---- -- ------ -- <br />6803 <br />_%Cbras - ----- 9 --- --------- --- (-P.-,perty Address-), <br />TOG"MA WITH all the impmvemm-m ncyw or he—scAm- cr-cated or. !'-- pmiwn and it! easements, rwhts, <br />apporteriances, reaM royalties, mineral. cwt avid gas rights and profits, water rights and stock and all fixtures now or <br />homer a part ofthe property. AN replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Security Instrument All of the <br />fbr�pietg is referred to in this Security Instrument as the -ftoperty_- <br />BORROWER CO*-'P-%^?%TS that Borrower is lawfully' sened of the estate hcrcb% ccvoeyed and has the right to pant <br />and coav" the Property and that the Property is unencumbered, except for encumbrancr% of rec,,rd, lkwo%rr warrants <br />and will defend generally the title to the PfopcM- against all claims and demands, subleci to anF cricumbraxwes of recorii. <br />THIS Su('VRtTY INSTRUMENT cominne-- uniform covenants for national use And non - uniform ; ith <br />limited vwiatk>t�bvjun-sdkiumtocortstttutca uniform Security instrument �--,%Cnng reall Pr"Myly <br />x. <br />NEBRASKA_s*4a empty -4w&atrmtw uwrow nosTkumtivt Fr - 3025 IZr53 <br />f-fiFT'i " 1145 <br />