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<br />E ew" From lnhmd Rmnw Code
<br />Sec. 6321. Lien For Taxes.
<br />a " per ion Bahr w M any sax Mon or rarum to
<br />may sin s arm after d«wl ar ar.aen C ecu0mp my ow-
<br />at allo" anturrt. soft" to taz or mummubN pemb.
<br />weep' wih my oft tit a" amps at am thweta)
<br />atrMh
<br />to a Iran In faeer at it VOW Auer am an viewsy
<br />and ngew N Pp/w9. moment raw or we", oancing"
<br />m auca merw
<br />Sec. 6322. Period Of lien.
<br />tinteat aromw am 1, f. "fl, I Toad oy taw. Dr user
<br />earaea Try 29c tr+toyl"wise a pr um nM awesv Am
<br />is roes and era owo m seep me iffy, for pt am ast an
<br />aeaatesd i f a lane —e pare i■ mxwyw sump sot of
<br />Tai (aTiAly1 r Test, r imenwaaba Try moon
<br />of apse we bete.
<br />Sec. 6323. Validity and Priority Against
<br />Certain Persons -
<br />(a) Pialclo `t, tf0ldew Of Sam" ln-
<br />McdwOei Us ors, And
<br />f.Nn C141111M —tar ant tmpeses try section w snali
<br />nat be track', a agaat shy $Wdusw bower of a aaGaiey
<br />WA at, mechaK's hem', a irrdgrffatf hen crib for ado ft"
<br />canoe .11aaf+ maw the WXORMn of subsection !ti has
<br />bra fWO by die Sw wary.
<br />m Pbw For FWAill Notice Form. —
<br />'1) Ptaae For riltg - tpi, not" refefred to ,n sub
<br />nown ia) all be new .
<br />(A) brag Stan Liters
<br />W Ifew i' mly - in the case of rani Property. in ona
<br />office a th. True style far The, county. or rntw vatvGrtmerru t
<br />saw nfsmet. a desigmtea by the laws 01 suer Saw in
<br />wtFith the woarrty subtecs 10 the hens sduated. sad
<br />Ftxspnaa P -operty, - 11 the use of perwn '
<br />ompe.'fy, -thaw ittg&w a Inurra,bN. m one critter
<br />.qhm the st-.4 to, me c L ty, or om, i;o w menct
<br />suborvrswni. as de"nand by !re laws et such state
<br />n WITI, +,rue ;Apperty s»tr_! to M,i ':e:. is Atud1C.
<br />a
<br />(fit Wall Lwra of Nstr'ct Lau" !*e ems a! - v',
<br />tee undo slates datr'1f Cwd fa , d G S ',CY .n .
<br />tea Coxrh sJgecs fa ++er a s,lua,ed. rr, .�c.e: r ^e scare' has
<br />rot Try 'a"o"Inaled one aff,Ce «a,r'n meals P+a acu:•,T2""S W
<br />atwaregraD+r �A' a�
<br />;CI Wstn Recorder (n Caada O!x Ds:� -acrd ra,:my ,
<br />ifeeMes Matt lteCMWhofDseaa of Uee itsi rctc Go-.T d::
<br />riAetepi
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<br />8�iered as ac-:umenf No.
<br />cranf^.r
<br />Grantee 6u
<br />Numerrcat
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<br />P¢7 Frq 15 lei{ 10 03 s
<br />0 Smrs Of PreDarty Sotyect To Lich . For pwwem of
<br />DarpnDM f t) err (4). Properly shin be doerI to be sthrand-
<br />fA) 1Nat Property - wit ma of MM faODaly, at fie
<br />phytka loCaiM: or
<br />(81 PertMal Prat" - In the tulle of partial Wepwty.
<br />wtrthv tanpwN or mtafWhbee. at ft 'siesta of !ta
<br />taxpayer at its time the MON of Wtr is feet
<br />rim nirvDaa MpafegffWef R) Iel. itraidslrnMa rmparaion
<br />or pwhws" then be dan" to be the at= at enter et
<br />$mowf ana6N oteot of ih brraas is worse. am in
<br />nadeocs of a axptyw wtrw ratdaaA is feWalW et Dead
<br />stews sha0 to daaTa' to he in ft a der Of CokmbU.
<br />_ M;Form The ]err ale cement of No faiA;
<br />_retarrtl to sitaaetiw ter amp to pravead by the
<br />sec it" such notip SW be eafw na mahm brg airy
<br />eirr wowsw of Iii resented the fora a tstrdad of a
<br />mm of W"
<br />Nola: See section 6323(b) for protection for
<br />certain interests even thoWh notice of lien
<br />imposed by section 6321 is filed with respect
<br />to:
<br />,. Secu.-mes
<br />Z Mom* ,xrac>ax
<br />3 Pinatas) prowty Phtdaimm at mat
<br />a, Paepnal Drapery purcesed m Antra sale
<br />5. PeraaW PcMiy sutr(tled W ooesrimy am
<br />6 Rea praDarty to as swuv ammumem -Ares
<br />Reswefhbl'. DrapMty L'>AttL! #a nucianK a
<br />1w fm amen'toll" am +rnprayM+w:6
<br />6 Aiorny't terra
<br />a. carton rtruranae coe t acts
<br />ID Fasabooe roans
<br />%g) RofNft Of Notice. — Far Durwaes at vem
<br />settwn -
<br />il General Rule. — tiaras nun a w, s rased is
<br />It ^an"'m pnsar_3ec ,n DaraOrw 7 t.f -red 'he - Q.W
<br />ref,i, 9 x- +oa. sere^ vr:� c' ah s*u:_n<'.`Eafe6>S tnedpre see
<br />Cate c?wixa": r, :s elect serar,�a:e ., € ^. s�se::,,•,: a.'fa
<br />the a.prwwn at sect, etiellN Woo
<br />r) Place For Mg. — A .- , t< •e+V C
<br />..eta'•• rims• <.cc. ill'
<br />"'- case _a' :' ^C44 s_
<br />-
<br />- 'car
<br />.e. ",y tt- .t', err V A tie
<br />Z
<br />0
<br />Secretary reaWed wrttbn Won to limn (w That ftwarer
<br />prescribed M repulatlons maerd by true Secretary)
<br />comernlnp a chimp w the taxwyar'i rae11 - ef et noDa
<br />of such No Is Mse filed in woreaccewebaubsacke in in
<br />the state in which such ruwarta is Nowt
<br />t3) Required Rol" Period. — in to can
<br />M any notice M den, ittam -ragrdeed refieeg griod- mans -
<br />(A) the one -year paled a"30 daya war ter liape uim
<br />of 6 pare after the data M fir awnwatrt d tar sea, and
<br />(6) thott•pwpuMer hVwhhtheexpkMw Moyers
<br />afar the dose of at Drece6rrp neuead meeting Dated far
<br />Suctfwfaof1M-
<br />Sec. 6325. Release Of Lien Or
<br />Discharge Of Property.
<br />W WNW Of then. — satoct w smt
<br />regidaDOm see tire satrom ray praaibc fir seclowy she
<br />!saw a cerifcata of'slim" of any hrfhepps -was nspeoa
<br />any mtafrh w~ fax not taw than 39 a" ahar it tfy on
<br />(1) uabaify satisfied or Undwo abk - The secretary
<br />We the the R&D" for Tim as me- aaawt cape6w with as
<br />Martin a respect varical Time bun ffry sebow or has
<br />become legally unafforAabN: or
<br />0 MWAMWW- ne Ttrre+s ba to ire Secretary and
<br />ataaptad by am a bond them imatmsrd upon That N of
<br />tar amount assa"d. together truth as karat it ratpaat
<br />6tnM. within the her prataeed by ter mina any
<br />etwnwl of such hone). and let s +f acmrdarls, with such
<br />rotamwm m ntabm to twins, camthom, and form M The bow
<br />sad sereaa iwreon. as may be wow q such mwat®a
<br />Sec. 6103. Confidentiality and Dis-
<br />closure of Returns and Return In-
<br />formation.
<br />le, MIldbIIIIIIII of CwtUn Returns and
<br />pR.eltu,.nInformatiat For Tax AdrtinistraROn
<br />a.tsfz ^ y .� sEC,,re .. - -ay:a
<br />]-yDrsa nafAn-- .Shessmafacfof— neneyita [eitafne
<br />-.,d-a-;- - tine .
<br />M1
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