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7--- <br />10098 <br />- <br />- -'. by :his Deed of Trust immediately prior to the date of taking bears to the fair market. value of the Property immediately prior to ter date of <br />:- faking, with the balance of ter proceeds paid to Borrower. - - - <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, at if. after notice by L-ertde to Borrower that the coodestrim offers to makr an award ter settle, a . . <br />claim fo-r damages. Borrower fails to respond to !.ender within 30 days after the date such :entice is mailed. Lender is authorized tees Elect and <br />apps} the proceeds, at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the Property onto the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. <br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherw isee agree in writing, any such appl doa of proceeds to pricc ,pal shall not extend or posm nose the dtie <br />date of the monthiy installments referred to in paragraphs I and 2 berrof or chanite the amount ofsuch installments. <br />10. Borrower Not Released. Extension of the Time for payment or nuidificationof amortization of the seems secured by this Deed cif Trasst <br />granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release; in any mariner, the iiabditc of the original Borrower am <br />Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shaft not he required to commence proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend tome ire " <br />payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by dais Dee�, ref Trust tt} reason of any demand made by the origimai Bortvvmr <br />and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />11. Forbearance by Leader Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by i ender arttver isssmg arrw right or remedy hereunder, or otitetwisr zfft� ' <br />gl� <br />+,ia appicable law, shall not be a w-aaver of or mrclude the exer:se of atsysus'= right: - ocremedy- The procurement of insurance or r#se:rtayment 4of -,- <br />Taxes or oiler liens or charges by Lender shall not he a waives t,€ Lender's to a °acl -ra e,ihe arsaturita of the imdeb ed ter€ art to, rl <br />Deed of Trust. <br />jr <br />12. Re esedles Counted Ali rerrtedies provided in th; `Deco oaf e is c tnE arsd Ott jai= eta any oi'rcr right or net anti' rxsada a this <br />Deed of Trust or afforded by raw at equity, and mar xrxrtti :xd t semi rent biertlr or sucocsssvcli. <br />i3_ Saeeesson tad Assigns Bound; Joint aid S"wal Tbec;oklrnants and azn eememts hr .,= COMtARMaf`shad%i .. and <br />, :the rights hereunder shall inure to. The resax,;.a successors and assn cti.d.t ' Bye -a ?ty , rut I- sv'thr tsxot=,s o€ paragrapt, 17 <br />r} <br />' hereof AXI covenants and agreements of Borrower shall be joint and ­cirza1. amdb-nsdirigs of the paragraphs of masDer'1 <,f`Trssr <br />- <br />- <br />'r <br />_- zm - <br />are for :aenrmrc ends and use not to be used to inreri$rt <br />14. Sober. Except for any notice'cgturrd under a1�pplicable w tee giism m number mummer, tai any rum t to Bar, et provided fcer i '- <br />liens Deed of Trust shall be gi, -eri by mailing such notice L<yrerttfied maP, to, brarrtnver at the Prc?Txrty ,Address or ar sj& athig address ;. <br />as Borrows tmav designate bV not t x to f eender as proMed herem, t a r t l smell be gee eft Ira ttftssd as�i= ref seer . <br />tegaested, to Lender "s address stated herein or to such o0v arltl s as ieatf` asa +" by rxstr r to 80drt?a3 as provided ierear. ,-_ <br />nmircr pr ov,dec for it ibis C eed of Trust Shall be deemed to'tavr beat est so - cw Lieber when anon in themannerdesilptimed tiercisir. <br />is. IwiformDeed of Tram:+Go -vrmg fiw,5r.r�trdits.'ilk to= of ; :rf _z% corm uniform :-ovenmts for national bar god <br />titer- uttifotr covenants with Iirs>Lttd variations to turistlictim to .e a . ., stns. s' irsse_-'uptxr>r �o-:ening real _iropec s _ tlbfs -Vend of <br />- <br />.:. <br />Trust shall i e governed try the aw of tttc }u ism n yc•Inzc#n lie 3'r<rxlcty' s ?cwt In a rserra too asp pttrvisxatt clause ir€ all tai <br />+T rush x zIrw 1.:. >i[ iLtii3li wSS.ii aDpi'lr K"�C! ,•' S1Z3t.z #1?; R `h? ii Trust 72iC Iti ta il " <br />t"y 3C.itig t,:rL � iStLmr. mtiU Ti} r±3tt onj z be i- Fdtit a £"u s-, and v'2e Note ale declared to be siv#vraliie <br />14. Borrowers Cops. Boor..%,r 'tall ".ne : virn ortec a , , -to *^_ .. _,f ..m lad -t :=,s, Dtrd a' T..v- at ;.he try tq tot-- rion car <br />-rcordat'-Nn%aerawaf,. <br />1' -_ Transfer of the P%opert'yr Assumption. of at' or pan :.ri .as- Ft w c i_. soi.: w ransterrm In s tow -c-- - <br />- p <br />.. without Lender's prioT —' arer. csnwrit.. excluaing fat the creation of a 5eet � m.- -riris r .saro *' :TM.n�e , a his Deed o T7jsr. thf crenive M <br />-. <br />a p cst for hL t1-chL ld appiiari.-fs. ;zC a fratntitr t a --f 2 --so tir c?r i?y s'Fpemi'aif of ass upon err fib' nn i' <br />, . :- <br />.^' <br />tenant or s`di t'ar ¢ranz of any lrasehoid interest of ciree years tar ies3 rim zioasa Fw¢":g a3. - Fides+ To pur> hicssr, Lender may, at Lr %der -- .1vsc =-� <br />--late all ah[ =cans secured by =.his Dyed of Trost t be mmsediatriy _ t shall eve watsed such op i t€tea +. ter i. <br />;:i.rstx 1 -be $a.-. -cr -� Wit? =err I ender anv uh[ : T-_-M z- torn M, F1'_` M 25 to be Old O c >ie3:- ts;'ract? aareesi Ma im .a mitt zha • <br />- <br />T <br />su.-i per-or. _ sa i ac *M to Lender and that the �n -._ rest pava on its v secsareu b,, z'o Deed of T,,u5z shat be at such ate as Lett sts <br />v <br />.' <br />ti <br />- ,.reguest- If Lertder }rte,` waved ;hr cp jet <br />- <br />f <br />y <br />assn .. mn. agTeem"en; 3 c��Lp+ee in Sir^ =R£ bN i CMde -, .t:.� .., 2th -�€' L".t'--er fiaen All a*bgWerms erider thr. D tid, Of Trwm, 8�_"E _. <br />If i>`ndL - U-es r tF. } :�a to ao- derate. Lr�.de sfiail r ,� =; :c :>wes tsmo -v 4A a;..riesat -on sr. wz__V lmznt with pas�.i5t _—re or, <br />- :Stich nose 0a.' n ._...'lair ,.av: .Tom 'h' <ti _ ._7sr ^K._-_ _ .,_._:aye.: W -t n wh -h Borro-xe. ,max pay --he yaw o'diseed <br />- <br />- + . . . F _ <br />' _, wt"A.a fanner ismice or MSM'7,^wer, btr. If Bap. 3.c ;a`. �3tih .:3P- ..' :f '_he ors 32YOr6 7r <br />invake an. , aS.apn 'S eref:♦ <br />'SQti_U', RNI COVE' ANTS <br />18_ Aceeleraboe: Remedies. Except as proait" is paragraph 17 hereof, spas iiesrower'f breach of sas cosetraat or evivetsiver of <br />Borrower in this Deed of Trust, including the onvmsats to pas when bee.orz -'. serried 9y this heed of Trent. Leader prier to acesser <br />.- <br />. shoat and notice to Borrower as provided it paragraph 1e, bere'of sprcgisiag: flF the ;- 4.2i the sefes required to cure such breach; -ts`§ a' <br />. <br />: date set leas flan 30 days from the date of molter is avikd to Ntrirower, ass which sack breach mass be cared: aid £it rust €esthete to cur sack <br />- . <br />- -breech on or before the bate specified in the notice may resat in sotelea'aboa of the arms secured ®s this Deed of Trost and sale of der f'reperts, <br />- <br />- nw nonce shall furtber iefinea Borrower of the right to reiasete after areeiersdos and doe right to bring a ewer series to assar't the son- <br />- <br />" <br />- existence of a default or any oLw defense of Borrow" to acceleration sod sole. if the bie'sci is a" cared on er before tie date speo`ad is the - <br />- - <br />notice. leader at lmdrr "s opnim rosy declare at of the sense, secured b} tW, Deed of Trust to be ineateditteiy due and pa.e4# without further - <br />- <br />demnd sad may iasoite the power of sale and ass other rem' s,psre#tted R± s�&esL�e leer. [.s'sdea's3uB he entitled to 0r aB IV* _ <br />costs and espeuses incurred in persaing the re medics provided is ties pentor isit 111. including. tied mat limited to, reasonable 2ttcf en", <br />It the power at vk is inaoYed. Trustee shall record a sober of detiesh m aa.0 c'ouno in -Web the Pro ern or setae trot thereof is Wassind <br />- <br />... aid list emu tomes of such notice in the Greaser prescribed t, y;tile law 10 Borrower end to the other perwss prescribed by' "Vurww_ - <br />__ -._ •. <br />. . law, After the rsp?r of such time as mss be required fit AVpMCWAt law. ' Trustee shy giro prctabc nosier of sak to Ike peesoas and ID the tuanaRr . - <br />_. prescribed by appiicabk taw. Trustee, without demand on Botnrneer. ebalt sell the Property" paw as cb u to the highest bidder at tie. owe - <br />- and pMtr and artier the xartnr designated It tie notion of seek ha cue vr^ mrr<r- par0tets bod as :stsrb ruder as Truster my deieres ar T'raswe, arias <br />-- <br />postpone ante of till or any panel of the Proparts be, pahlir ae2siR'ai ".eturbf sr tie 6w an pirutc Hof, as pn'vis -'ashy schrdaird sxk: [.erihtF ar <br />Let det's desigaei �av purchase the Property at aay lair- - - - - <br />i pan receipt of payment of the price bid. Truster %hell deii'aer to the purchaser TnrAft i deeed couvesiag the Property sold. The routes& €a <br />the Trustee's deed shall be prima twit widener of itie truth of idor stsitmettls made thet^rsn, Trtectre shell apply the pea v"b if tear .air to seer <br />- foll"oto order tat to oil r easooable costs and rip asn of the salt. iaeloditn, bpi not bashed te, I rustet' :c fits I,( not more than <br />- <br />it tbt Crow. "Ir price, reasonable xtuorrtty'i to and'rl±sts of utir r,kirge"' +11i to art "sur ri, ihi4 1)K41 of 1Etna', tF#€r #r, -1 file.,%ve s' €k . <br />. <br />tie +. to toil Pxrgm oz pefsom tesajty entitled /hereto.. - - - <br />- 19 tt,N Kee'! Right w Rroi w, Ni.Tw "t 1t *.— x = .. lu,- ' Y't <br />