87- 100971
<br />L`- �tFC?x .f C!iyF. S.A i s Borrower and Lender covenant ind agree as follcnc s:
<br />Interest; ['repayment and Late Charges. Rt- urower shall promptly Fay when due
<br />1. payment of Principal and
<br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and ant prep a3 meat and late charges duet "der the dote.
<br />Kaiser by Lender, lkirro% %er shall -p+.
<br />2. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. subject to applicrable-law or to a written
<br />Payments due under the '*tote, unzii the \oic ty paid in full. s sum ["Funds equal tit
<br />ti}'l,endcr on the day monthly are
<br />one .,f: Ca? yearly to es and assessments which may attain priority over this Security' Inst- ui»ent ;t l y I>
<br />hazard premiums; nerd td/ yearly
<br />leasehold payinenr cm ground rents an the Propetty, iE anc. lei yearly- insurance
<br />insurance premiums, if am . These items are called eur{iK aims." Lender mryy estimate the funds due On the
<br />mortgage
<br />tfasis of current data and reasonable estimates of futItre escrow items.
<br />be held in ail institution the deposits or accounis of which are insured of guaranteed by a fe�*erai Or
<br />The Funds shall
<br />state agency tinetudirg Lender if Lender is such an instizuaioRl. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the ttic'rc +w'items
<br />verifying the escrow itcal'. unless
<br />Londe{ may not charge for holding and applying the Funds, analyme the account or
<br />Lender to -make such a charge_ Borrower and
<br />r;cmdez pats Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits
<br />Lender may agree in writing that interest shall be paid tea the ' Funds. Lnlcss an agreement is made or appla-a#>ie lave
<br />or earnings on wile Funds. .l endr'
<br />requires interest to he paid. Lender shall not be required to pay fke rrt }wer any one
<br />Ftinds showtn9 credits and debits ivy the Funds and ilia
<br />shall give to Borrower, without charge: an annual accou;azmg of Lhe
<br />Funds -as made. The Funds are pledged as additional security for the wins sac {tax! by
<br />y
<br />I}ttrpc»e for w bleb each debit to the
<br />this Security Instrument. - - -
<br />the Funds held by Lender. it+get air w itii the future me ritiiiy'parmenr, of Farads payable ptsa r xsi
<br />lie-
<br />r s
<br />�
<br />if the amount o£
<br />-vivo due dates Cat [lie etir.rOw SLCms. shall evct'ed tht amount ri'gAr[Ted to pay Fhe eSCrC?w" items w'i1eR doe_ the e•3Ck'_VC yRall
<br />w, Bnmower iiit mtintflly' payments -- of Fund.:. If tip
<br />-. at Borr'ttwtr S option. caber prompt))' repaid Ll Borrower or credit,'d
<br />amozmt of the Funds held by Lender is not sulficieita. to pay' the escrstw items ahertiltie Borrower shall Ea }' act I.eitz e[' an
<br />tlRx}unE necessan' to make up the deficiency in one or more paym��its as retlnireal by Lender.
<br />in full o£ all sums sic erred by this Security Iastrucriesat_ Lerxiei shall l nymptty refund to BiittxtRer , .. :
<br />Lipcxt Later
<br />payment
<br />any Funds Geld l y Lender. If under paragraph 14 the Property is sold c'r acquired r y LeTZder, Lender shall apply, nc>
<br />ttv Lender. anc Funds held by Lender at the time of
<br />#I
<br />than immediately prior za the sale of the Property of its acquisition
<br />Wlication as a credit against the sums secured E y this Srcuriic;TictrFtTa:ertt,-
<br />Unless applicable law proyxle'S othic 'se. all payments re<ezted by i r iffier
<br />t"
<br />3. Application of Payments.
<br />hest, to Late charges due urukT ire \o-te: secxttai, to prepayment charges dt� a der the
<br />Ph s 1 and ?shall be applied_
<br />Note third. to amounts payable under paragraph =: fourth. te. interest dix, and 3asx: to principal due.
<br />-hat s fun and unpMIions attritu tabs to the
<br />q_ Liens Borrower shall pay all talcs. assessmerus.
<br />o'er This. Security- IV;trirt °= ascin*Id Payment -err ground resets ii auFC- ,
<br />Pic petty Rhx mac' attain pnority
<br />Borrower shall these obligations zRS rR live manner Iutnit si irT para th ,'_, 4- ?f to m ghat ritanaies BcnrcaRer shall
<br />€s '
<br />l}ac
<br />{gay them tort time directly to the person owed payment. B<vtrrw a shatl pryitnpil= TatsTish to Lender all ni*EiceS a s
<br />ducialc. Borrower shall Prompt tiTrrrrsit txi Leifer
<br />,
<br />10 be paid voider this taragraph. If Borrower makes these paytirent_
<br />receipts eytdenciag the pa }'meats.
<br />Borrcvw'ershall promptly discharge any lien whit ILas prw+rary+* ry thts aunty lastruarterrL trtikas Homo* fat
<br />€estsht ga�od
<br />agrees to writing to the pas'ment of the c t�hgaiion soured its t`tte lien sic a rrranner aeiejabic €aa Ga;ec: tbj ec�m
<br />of rite lx� t i 1 +k s s.lhz k na rite Lender s z?gitTin€a c aerate >c
<br />a;
<br />faint Live )Len k p. c?r defends against enforcement ,
<br />eycttt T#ie enfarcVnienT of the lien tit forfen re. cf any port � i -he Property= or to '•``yes from the bidder's t� eta an
<br />agrexsit�itt sansiac.ory to Lender subordinating the Tien It, dot S-- Ocurrty htsar� era- If Lender determines that aarpar't
<br />tilts deny Instrument. Lander ma} give Beim es" a
<br />l
<br />flit Piopen3 is sublet to a lien uhtclt may attain priority tncer
<br />notice identifying the lien. t3orrt}Rer .hall satisfy the Iten or tALC c . t trnsre of tip ae'trnas set t`nrth abos- ewrthin Mesta(-,
<br />M
<br />of the gi*zng of ntmec-
<br />5. Hazard rnsnrance_ Bo?rro er shall seep the i tiyeatcuts rtow y vita tereafier errxieii }n the Priipertt
<br />included wi alstn tier vet st °fix =erg c *cam€ and any' Sher haaards za sr metre '
<br />sai[rrl against Ictss b +` fire, ha?ards
<br />reinutes insurance. This insurance .hall be maintained in vile arritsnis [sI fc_V �,be.pes viral � �� �
<br />-. ti- l�. "- °r`�Sll'R'ITiCIf Ylt"4. tvK
<br />= i
<br />,.
<br />. -. rnSTaraRiY i.;arner providing Tlle'inStrranCe slaaiL t,e s:CiSI'Ti 6?i Bzs€st}svir site _'SI?I
<br />l
<br />Marc ,nat>ty withheld-
<br />All insurance policies and renewals _hail be a�ept.el?lc ?; Lei and stall t lrnle astanvta €a mortgage s€a
<br />Borrower shall p:.R at y gyve ty? L
<br />Lender shall have the right LO tnakl the perlKees and n wits 3f Lcr:cSer regwoea,
<br />dJI r+nYipts owpatd premiums and renewal none cs- In tiro event u(kis s, H"Ti'we{ shall gr% r prompt rat sr it #the tn±zrr3> rt c '
<br />carrier and Lender. Lender mat. snake pnx}f of Ixns_ of sL.a€ rrradc primly by Bvxrct+yir. .
<br />the[RiSe?gZCC iF wZifii[aR,. IT proinebtis S iriil:K- pod i4." re!ht1= KSiiCM2 W repair
<br />-
<br />- C X1255 Leader and Borrower t'-
<br />of the property damaged, if the restoration or repair IS ec TUC311y feasible acid tender M.settrnty SY's�.'p lessened e z the
<br />fie. Ii5- 'Cec7t'd1 the 3nSnr'dt3�'E r;rik "kY',IC�SI�II lX`
<br />_
<br />e
<br />'
<br />,' f,£StCitBtk�a for- {epaiT SS ROt economically fewable or Lender's security would
<br />ap +pliad azs 1112 satins seen by this SecurtTV InsLrumcrit, whether o rikx then dtic, with airy' excess paid to I3[xts?wt If
<br />ai r has
<br />$- a -k,*er a candons the Property. or dotes not answer wahm 10 days a.MOM -Y fn -s<'ra I..tude that the ittsursace
<br />the nsurar pie cceds_ Lender [nay use the prt.-ttvts to repair <lr restore
<br />o$�ed to settle a Claim. then Lender i[ta} collect
<br />the Property >r tz, pay _unas secured by' :his Secunty Instrument_ whether or not then due- The � - y period evil begirt
<br />when the nt,,iwr is given.
<br />I. titess Leader and Borrower r therwiSe agree m "tang. any apprt No o pr2k5eCd.S t(} pi3tai:tpal sla:tll tai`aT e- 'Sit`.'iRCt is t'
<br />refer ca to in paragraphs = and:! or Chan the amount "f:he,gayi,*ita' ' If
<br />.
<br />'
<br />lc' tI" the due date of the monThly payment
<br />under paragraph 19 the Property is acquired bc" Lender. Borrower's right to any Insurance l?zIr'r� and proceed- resulting
<br />client fif €he starTti secured by sill- Secttnry ,
<br />i
<br />from amat a to the Property" pnor to the arquasttisan shall pass is Lender to the
<br />- In�lTuRaentanniethitely prior too the Acquisition- - - -
<br />6. Presesration and Maintenance of Pre-rpertt I easeholds &. -- +'cr s Jll * s?t de_ jrM,, damage c r subsran ..a.£y
<br />wad. Is SecunFy_ Instrument is aaa a h yid,
<br />-
<br />l the Property, allow the Property t+a dcterl"Tate ox_ Comm" viRS
<br />eeiilO
<br />l2"3X,aitti if Borrower 3tia?tri'fQ f�tlS�Yii #hi Pr[tiertY- ti3e- Ir- ',ll.'tiehchS .3RC1._._.
<br />err; s' �,.'.�t�ali:.t,.,ply..0 oh file �irpy2�t1+aS Cti_tIK
<br />- - Ice title yowl; not merge unless Lender agrees to the merger m w `twig, . _IHSnraBfe. it Btcrriiyi2t t srl_ LU perf rtn the -
<br />? Proteetion of Leader's RiOn in the Property; . tart °e
<br />t'twet`aanIS and agTc'emCRtti contained to this SeLunty instrument, or there tS a kTal proceeding that may sig�iit#[cantl[ asTe+:t -
<br />for condemnation or icl enforce laws tar
<br />Leru3er's rights in the Property' ('such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, pr?i ate,
<br />regulations), then Lender may dci and pay for whatever is necessary t.? pet rte •bite value tithe Pn* {any and I his
<br />this Se a
<br />rn the Property. Tinder's cafe +ns may tnclttcte paying any runts secured by a lien which has pnOnly n.ver this Seyu ivy
<br />fees and entering on the Pro' }perty I" make repairs_ Alt3iz b -
<br />333, 11
<br />`� _
<br />Instrument, Appearing in court. payittr reasztrarik at[oraeyti
<br />t rainier may take action "rider this paragraph °. tender does not hate tot dot s,
<br />it wee ecured I" this
<br />An% amounts disburscd by Lender under this paragraph shat" rr ae i aW n ti dent r r
<br />I. Borr weir And Lender agree` to other term. ? 3'Me :t- thevt .ii7' :a11i'tt Sly} 1] iK'1r t °t'eSt tr<'�i5..
<br />ii9. Urtt\ tntitrunirnt nIt`S-
<br />the .wale nit dKhulleiRi nt. at the Noll Tair and _ball }ie I`ayata? {. w „n ;Itf z`. e� ;: is•yit nr,ti:e s.. nr # rn.z.t Eta Rnri t�w+C:r' -
<br />'
<br />