a t m—sad odter - i;cti= es and , ut ,— ... �" t'attd aclrrssttries thetz'to >g®p�s,sav*ec. '_ `.
<br />- egnipsierit � ttel
<br />And wviteremm the said roactimgm has Agreed aid dais kcf apts ihsf Dw mottivow gaff xad w& pay AN taxes and asaMONAats ieatnd
<br />aid uP?a mod Pty md upon this nautpW and the bond a vwwd befam tdie saw, A.V tern a d--„ at: to fia appwwdF - -�
<br />r - ;a>Saa'aliCt upon the btuhitaps on Said pteicix= S:.ritatefi is the Stith ofS 'U, 'i. 0* *Ae •_} Amid ASSMA11M and to A hr to %ad
<br />ASSO(`dATdfiTz trite. pat ciea -for said trctmaane_ tax ttr: ti=t t pea ams or sad dam. - _ . -.. -mot"
<br />c x in t a-st drfailh to itx pertormaacc of any ,,f the tests asui 01 fttntt�ears or the t aR.St3efd #gib ?:x d
<br />- - - -7n &nand, the taiated to muwdtate �i tat ttte m. aml `,fit _ita7lt'
<br />_mori 7pe add aw fem s, rewmilm and ir lnw w ix' 4 IiYed f'R� Eric en And -gas oom to c"tG
<br />i ..�.,�.�i p dta Sa ib tow as the marts AO X� t
<br />' - _t.�y+=+- sari itte IDtr't a sbaiJ .'3a» the i7GiF'Cr'3t1 "Owt aav ap mt Avmb, ' $ deset 'fire tie pie of mpairm sod P ,2@ -
<br />- the Ozw and the letsfs,revenms And mwR Ud ii tarsi" pay Mk[S -.x4 sud mwmw as pen* eg HIf apd;.p t =wt
<br />- s.O amd ehg[p;�e�n.ty,.�e�S itK36rred to -ntm ]ad tb[.Sasle 31x4 9,v •Cdr,, x be
<br />•. tfl'Mi[Id itt[ ""`"°"5'- of Sahel - - - •- bebmw Tat ,,1f �r to be - -
<br />_ _ :dine roftL f "Mosimpm mww I- ..�tiLra'JXU $t i/61G t�►` pGfi'�I6i�4. . .
<br />-
<br />- T'9tesr Ptesats._ duawewsc� arc upon the t <auie€> --.. Tbat --ftbe .W Mk *-d. rely a � 'i t tbE tg O try si rs bry y
<br />- ,paytuent- pay —this tea Saud A$SWAi e:^- of thr sittn aeha4`,ed it rite Milnd 9aYEHed ham - aS acutcat mod. pft 71a said iarm,cia tit'btffmat _ 's
<br />th[ i't —petit ARY w r=fi -Ode,-, n ? orb, tint,. 'n m :3
<br />and the Sand swumrd ifie =ems, tas#tarG cwRrAjomcs .:Fmist Amp[u i snc -tea t rscae as 16c soma# 5 �i#:t �'e _ `
<br />. LLS sa .3SSOCdATitN+i, ef(9i'.I4' card AJFS- (t�f.' -t i ?3�tEiiF .L ,'R_' it t fie �'ch a 'S And 1 camom WAft 3t -
<br />�'
<br />the THMUMM kjAi fate :tle e . from date of pqsVveat ad tli+e ck -% lipFnt b=vb't mFtnm1OPmYPftmm1nO w=fto8sndpmmmmsAmp and
<br />- wdh ad the APrewA3US a[hd a #ad:tums o tip -&xid feu a.2}x000 00 a%za ,day y_tnres be The sand worta"m to raid 4SSOC!_4'IIOh *w raft
<br />t3 Tbc Of v'� iii3liyi3tl Lwa amd fiiy4.2w5 of smell OCIA-ittX!4:: i� i$dt'C S +wtCCy3lne �I$ 81nd _ {aC /�`
<br />_Shad: relnam m fim fot'r and ettay be tam -Cio ed at the �s�rp��,p�� 4 t°hc -d .-ASS �.+t.lm setta.� Er se tier' Mare - MORThs � to =site �w of
<br />p aymtnits or bA three n Cr jhs -fn alt�ears 9'i rna mg said akwtb4, tH W keep trill[ mw - f,,d 9.,j :.
<br />-- and M -Xppg- W— is haw a receiverapplomted talthwwrr aI wcb fOw d.=w - - It Ihm is xay daw9e 0 rwo"SMp of the read estate by Z* xit a>damme them the awn t!
<br />-.. fart
<br />swumd dm& and Optxt>mof The bqukabk Rmit3,Mg and Lam A I of:t'.tasd# „? ta�Ca.b e - . A e � wWAmK
<br />temmttit irs wade[ sail$ titaasi sari any artier ba=d tai aaeg amide therm x, dwC £trim the
<br />- ' mate of exacaar of vad 11ptsm :leer mitmtst at the amtaeam Jqw, mm, and this- may tdten be to srttsi'y rhoas�em due Oe - -
<br />- 6aed,asad arev tKditt bond tu/ sddit;onai Advances, ti ther armdtaid mma paid bi+ sad 7%v E90uhk SR 6 and €pan ofG,t d dam
<br />Wdxaaila fog muffasce, Caves and a"eS'"mumis. and 3zcm* catra>aie wok wAmem .dm..em, fttim. �e of pay=e=r . }, tam
<br />�-
<br />As
<br />1w)99dCd to itae $Ovid secured :Y[Eb], r:'iLar its4 tilWi e.re}ata8S tfda'YL the, tpltt Pv - -i- hmm tw admwe S&UMW to 1*
<br />um&w' 'I ' Sixaii., tide {F aa�tgns tit �S aturest., Wf9Yt' R Aflffi.1ba a '�R3tab. tilt 9'G e' F t}�.' -�e „r ffi tbot
<br />vmumd .
<br />inert. - -, the Imam a ndalnt of pnn a_vai detw midi to exered m its _tom if!°. 8Bt9 j - •"•.m•°:. ai��.;:�y � - -
<br />- p0e4thi% ,.0 tR '. daav ,t A,.,i).„II?; ice. - - -
<br />r
<br />.Darlene 1. Knoep ei
<br />STATk (* NEWASk.A,
<br />CftCt?t[Y iJk tdAid ss. its tis» U h dry of S^ ^E i+T ` .bet t mac, .
<br />iil,lerrLan
<br />t «' icae; ei 3k ari?ne _.. 'r`u- 5epfel, each- i a;3 iu. right afici 3�
<br />. r._ ';~1,:,?s, -
<br />are persais>apy knows to
<br />ate Lc: c tier dYBt £a! , er wix*9e a R c # of at f t + =,3m * s w iaai -wn i t zs a .Uric t[ and >rrrFail,
<br />*c*n,— *,dwd the semi .nsart nw j it- ht t .. -- •'�},
<br />i.'' 1.2' a :dstt7.a €; eCx a�i �esc#.. -
<br />ivT'jTti1'.`.4 ;?st hAnd alto tice{taiha! tieat tLtr daie a4oi t
<br />Mtt�.r7'!ziltasgxri.l r ^xpsiC+.i,- ^!z -,-, ,If
<br />34re:Nk.1 i �l XO M1t{i,�101
<br />a�±�A' M► Ullria. Iii Mn, Y5.1�111
<br />7--- 100'943
<br />MORTGAGE 7
<br />nit n AGE LL�iTf�t{3. a '' ,742
<br />ANOYIa Add MEN BY THE5E PRESENTS: chat Aivernon L. Fxmpfel and Darlene i. epfei, each in
<br />his and her own right and as spouse of each other, = wta amc tt[ moce,m € tie s� -
<br />-
<br />tA4SOCdATTDN C
<br />said t
<br />a r
<br />descrAwd test emu, situated to Hal! (aunty, Neb.**a;
<br />nnett's A
<br />Lit Sax 16) , in Block Sixty {60} r in .bier and n
<br />'
<br />to the ate of Grand Islas, Hall City, Nebraska,
<br />- _
<br />_ _ -
<br />- wpettrr wRh AN fix Irnnaents, hemditarn ats and atl hed -fiom m =- - -
<br />-
<br />