<br />i
<br />f0li:?wc 87- --100876
<br />UNIFGR\1 CpyENAS I S Borrower and Lender covenant and agree as
<br />1. Payment Principal and Interest. Prepayment and Late Charges. Borrower shall pro mpfi pay wh due
<br />--
<br />of
<br />the principal of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note-
<br />-. Funds for Taxes and Insurance. Subles�t :o appiicabi c iaw ar to a w rtten way zr by Leader. Boi Dice s' i' ray
<br />th-- Dote, the Note is paid in full, a sum ("Funds i equal to
<br />to Lender on the day monthly payments are due under until
<br />one- twelfth of. (a) yearic taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Instrument: (b) yearly
<br />leasehold payments or ground rents iii the Property. a an tci yearly hazard insurance premiums. and (d) yearly
<br />Ps row' items Lender may estimate the Funds due on, the
<br />rrsortgage insurance premiums. if any. These items are called -"
<br />bast-, of current data and reasonable estimates of future escrow items
<br />The Funds shall be held in an institution the dep.^si or at ttsunts of which are inst *rte or guaranteed by a federal or
<br />state agency (including Lender if lender is such an institution)- Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the escrow 12e1115
<br />may not charge for holding and applying the Funds. analyzing the account or verifying the escrow items unless
<br />.ender
<br />Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable lave permits Lender to make such a charge Borrower and
<br />Lender may agree in writing that interest shall be paid on the Funds- Unless an agreement is made or appli cable law
<br />.
<br />,:,quires interest to he paid. Lender shall not he required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings m the Funds Lender
<br />'
<br />shall grave to Borrower. without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds --hewing c editsand debits to the Funds and the
<br />The Fun& as additional security or the sums secured by
<br />{sttrrpos^ e for which each debit tr the Funds was made. are pledged
<br />y
<br />this SecuntyInstrument,
<br />If the amount of the Funds held liy Lender. together wit the future mtinthl payments of Funds payable prior to .
<br />ti&
<br />the due dates or the escrow stems. shall exceed the amount reutu. ed ro pay rile escrow itetriz when dux the excess shall
<br />:.. ,
<br />at Bsirrower's i�ptson. &ahoy pre -mnty ; etwd to Bc,rewer or tilted to Bi�rrcwer on mot thly payments of FurK%. If rite
<br />amount of the Funds held by Lender is not sufficient : pay the escrow it ens when due. Borrower shall pay to Lender ary
<br />if
<br />anti unt hec-ssary tc make up the delcien_ y in one or more paymctts as required by Lender.
<br />Upon in toil of ail sums >n ured y thi; s r*.} Insnntneni. Lender shall promptly refund to Boy t wer
<br />p ymert
<br />any Funds held by Lender If under para`'r aph i" the Fr ape. y is slld ter acquired by Lender- i�tder shall apply. tee later
<br />by Lender- any turtds hole( by Lender at the ttutt of
<br />Leta - immediately poor to the sale of the Property or its acquis�asor
<br />application as a credit against the sums ,&cure:( by this 'Se: u.3F_y Insa-- rumem-
<br />3. Application of Payments- ti nlcss applicable save i s .+thew tie all pavmmts r eed In i Tm r £m ,e. ,
<br />paragraphs i and 2 shall be applied: first to late charges due under � No_ second. w prepaF'mt�t charges due under the '
<br />vote third, to amounts payable under paragraph 2. fourth_ w tot t due and last, toptintipai due
<br />chargm h.-tes and impositions artriburalik w the
<br />t. Ckarp= Dees. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessmenm
<br />this Security` Instru icier and lea a payments s r grouted rents if atta-
<br />-`
<br />P npertc which may attain priority over
<br />itttrrower shall pat these obligati, ns in the mianner pstyv °ideti ni psrag ap3t 2 c i€ tiro paw is that tnaisaer. Borrower shall
<br />pay' them on time directly to the person awed payment, BotxC++FFer shall' promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts
<br />er
<br />to be paid under this paragraph. If Borrower makes tl�e payxrenis JzTecrly. BBB rowre shall promptly fiitttisii it Lender
<br />recetpts evidencing the payments
<br />Borrower shall promptly discharge arty `,-ten 'ahtelt has tri= -ry ,,i -vr this SecuraV Instrument irttte5s Bo rcaw•er- la's
<br />; .!
<br />agrees in, writing to the payment of the obligation secured b% the in a manner a�fe to Linder: fb) contests ffi gcaes3
<br />�� -&-th the lien by. or defends against enforcement of the lien �. ' �t"r3L "'[�itig3 wltt'�Ii t8+ the I.CflC'et�s a ter °-�"
<br />-%'eat the enforcement o the her. Or fori -iture of an% oat. of the Property : ? £i3 s6 =2trLS from Lhe- lit�tder CTS tI#& ��':t an
<br />agreement sairwauory tII Leader %ttWlYlmaRrig the ism t4 tins Sem -rTM Instr"�t_ if Lender th:tetIItmB tit 30Y' �X'St Of
<br />the P operty n subieci to a has which may attain piriotsty h Security iasuttment Leader staff gsYe Felsrower a
<br />;
<br />avttce tdentifyzng the hen. Borrower s�ti I satisfy' the lit or take one or more of lire actions set forth abeYV wniimmn Ito aanz
<br />oaf the giving of nonce.
<br />S_ Ha=rd IaSarfa M Borrower shall keep ;M unpso%rin -1s urn,' exrstrrig hereafter errttrd sot trio I'rcapet£ty
<br />��
<br />insured against loss by. tire. hazards included within the terns - atendedca- ,erage' and erns other hazards, for winch Lender
<br />�
<br />F
<br />rrquti&s triSitr3II X, D s insurance shall be maintained in :imc 3 t =hr That Ley es re�irrs The
<br />insurars & carrier providing the Insurance shall be chosen. t . Bc4� ^+yet nmsecr to I &ruler`s appal w shall �a be
<br />w-uhheld-
<br />AM insurance policies and raicwals she rt acc—^ Ne t_c; Len, anal shall include a.staandard niartgagr clause
<br />Lender shall have the right to hold the peones aist riteyv ils Lf Lin requires Boor oxteer shall pmt l`' give to
<br />aL recerp[s c pail premiums and renewal notwes- In the event of B€noWer shall give praIapt nom to List insurance
<br />carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof cif loss: if not m3ae promptly` by Blrrrowrs•
<br />Unless render and Borrower otherwise egret ittwsititl^ unsurance. proceeds shall be applied w restoration err r rpair
<br />is ks If t�
<br />Of the Property daz> ', if the restoranota off€' rep��r ts Bali? feasible asset Leiader s rite n<rt
<br />is economically feasible oa Lender's sGCUrity wriuld be kissened. the Insurance Procitedis shall be
<br />restoration or repair not
<br />itppBed to the sums secured by this Security Instrument, w-ltesher or not then due. with am, excess paid to Borrower- If
<br />Borrower aiyatia�ris rile Property, cx €hies licit answef withni 0 days a nonce fan I eneier than tits insurance yarraa has
<br />o$ered to settle a claim. then Lender may collect the insurance prods, Under itsaa iise the proceeds to repair s+r more
<br />the Property or to my %urns secured by this Sec-unij, Instrument. whether or not then due. The = v period will bm-M
<br />when the notice is &I% en. - �,,q -
<br />Z..'91e55 Lender anti Borrrncer LTtlleiRise ii`r°..t Li warntg. an`•. appiu- ri < pis to principal stall illA edt .' of -
<br />- -.
<br />postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in parag: aphs ' and-1 -' or change the amount cx the piavZrsenrf- If
<br />u paragraph 13 2 he Property is acquired bti Lcnax.. Boi�wres nRhT ie ,s€iY' Insurance t�iir�<eF and proceeds ;est:itt
<br />froi^ damage to the Property ptx+F to the acquisition %bah pass to Lender to +� extent €Ire Su s second t±v this Sec a y
<br />- - Irisrrii€rerit tmTTi&Ll€at<i p21M tti tilt a�"qu�%i`4'L`n. - - - -
<br />6. Preservation and Maintenance of Property i tueh <ti� Borrower sit-ll not destra -} - d3ntagc o si iisranttssay
<br />Change the Proper €y, aliow the Propen= to de m:`rate Or a:tnm n wastr If tIES ser,u -,tc Iii`str siren[ is "A a lea f ad
<br />boor "i shall izmpiy with the psovi<_ions of the kasc- and if Barre er acquires fee title t_o, the Pr trerty. the lea tools and
<br />{� s�=l:= sl =.all rw� m less Leiid&r -'tees £s il� �� m w _tar_
<br />s r,
<br />^. Protection of mender's Rights in the Property, 'Mortgage Insaraeee. if Borrower art t.- perform tic
<br />covenants and agreements contained in this Security instrument. or them is a legal proceeding tiiE may signitcantly affeQT
<br />Lender's nghts m the Property (such as a procre;ing in bank probate. robcate. for condernnatio> or to enforce laws air
<br />regulations I. then Lender may do and pay for whatevea is necessary !t protect tiro value cif rile P x ' W tv and Lettder'a rrchts
<br />the Property. Lender's actions mat' Inaclwit paying any suns se"red b% a hen which has priority oyer'. his. securay _
<br />1.
<br />,.
<br />1wriarnent. appearing in court. paying reasonable attorneys* fees and entering Lyn the Prt inn) I` mate repairs Althtwgia
<br />,
<br />Lender may take action under this paragraph ', Lender doe, no, hayeto Din sit,.
<br />Any amwunts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph "shad lc ll -::c additional dth! ; : BoTrs"-wer'Mured by ;nm
<br />secunty' Instrument Unless Borrov6e� and L, --Pdcr agree I,' other ter Tits yin, tiles &3tnE�ttTit, shj bear m e*'es::,.ti7i.�, -
<br />-
<br />the date m dishu"emeni at tote ?Sate sate and sb3n ale payav4z, wi- . _ . -:.yeti aryl.. .. -,i << si ::
<br />'Nueeiiiil E A nivni
<br />