{ iWk � a, Defy a. Lac,..{ of me ttb#owt� `i :t'etnru"e�rnces 3srVocarm - 'an-
<br />of Defau
<br />taf T yr VW ia;o ?o pay when due any
<br />poncipal ogweszt, i OnvocPaV and - alt t b(er%ss.:
<br />y�T3yT, '._�arX 1Y, 3^"`- ^IF.4.��' $riiaiiPi ifV T'U'inr'neF��,.isno bC.r r'se - yn���'`T
<br />e i[R.t `.Tr jt"'"tifi �ffiE Fit r. �'f. iFt rtorm . of r. ,. ..ate s m vrS. Deed o Trw
<br />1
<br />At y :user >ara3rr or etarranty made br Tn s r "rt s er or s tr q€e�r Wit° arm, beitaw&
<br />" S'rr`iu�Y"Y .T,frE$; ;`ffSe tX matenally !rNtea:¢7tn,�, - .-
<br />)- =iss"dr sn`iaP fait 10 Perform or observe any C fns ; °erk,_ cz . 'oc
<br />' a—r-1101-9 b- y=eernant. sec;unry .'eemeM idan +'{ttrb'±firren'T st� or &W MNO- a 'C.wa",or
<br />{ '> l- z�,'- '.- 3.sQ0 ?3i�' Trustor 0) C0`Y,�r t 14'& the 6 fir -Me �:
<br />t A mistee. rem +ter ar uidaetr or &,e TrAr PTOPWIVOI OT Trswr VW be apuomree or of rtw_ cred4am T6r f�'E 2t
<br />' .. 4V' tptcy agaf -W Trustier, or for V rea -,wwF =war ne T- i'€r€ a'B s,• Cot , € r ,sue
<br />- -aw t--Ier terterai or state, and if suer' aroer or f� 3£asr.,'be be asCiW-y j:;"..�sea ad='a%_ r'v- li' 'k tiayS .3ffiw' the # _
<br />or AtPcn suc* {frier or err was Men,
<br />tgs T u scar A:* a pestror: porsuart to the Fee cwas rcy is oEw sfwe. or 4 smae ze
<br />aas va't}ec a ;,ant(; alit or be decweY: - rasmlve b of sr• Meow an for tfae :fit or -VW' ---*W n wr' 'ev's .
<br />!ma`t't'?": tG Cay" - vebts as then cart' 6LA-- Of &Aak ca"se z P=° Me at of a recerr r of a# or alw Pam aw ?ne T-€
<br />ft€t ? of ;aJay -mi tar x pay err of *n•,�rev sri-W De, ,mr- ^Oefec-aua€nsr T I s. ?: "Sam =uta : xis ± a a ^ae, or c' e °
<br />be dYSr""v.,ar .
<br />ge dvtTrn Tarty 3v days alter ent w eat. or sr -of ;tom:, -- X • ciaer scree or proces5 .4r.;€^s
<br />w r or pv''ra o wr-ch saio,.eog- _Vrt -as gf t?c, taste. end, ar a.stay ?execut*. penowwsic#zapvea�_
<br />or convey -tne fr c °P-0;oeny or ar-y paft MPe" eal or an"n a'=- *"�.resrx ='' cr _sftial "`e',.#' __^.=Cif' .tine: or ; . , w -_
<br />a? a.^r ma rl er oz way, wnet --t rr_orn-w, ar . s tart cra w ,rAe'VIOZer t cOMISA- :t -Jt �a � • berng, trsti , tad
<br />¢ i .YCirK 'S c £'Xru',atro"•. or .oartnG Sniff. arzd r"3Llre fM&7 rf?r e Con . 50 rs .vlf fire � :r+csz - - „£ 3#.e ; -Edere s ;r su r
<br />'�sbY_ as "ae a e May be, shy be 7, arsterrrd ra rte. wr;e,7w A*xtta'4 i�r gr,€4unta,"a?y. w-4 wry n r� y
<br />..{{s,i,E+___eh 3ry Del .g . ^,rs't tied and obtained. - - -
<br />> r. ;eli3l7� o ! Dent .,Forecioswe_. Imo' +- "_: ,.r- " -.'i•W - �f�o?'y �t'E? °'t v"sn s'�.a'tiP� ST
<br />y- rt"are vme ewter, »i�?' may, at °ai' tfa,'ati�r;.
<br />• - i all 'ire i'"+3 t � �_,�;a°""- !'rs•' '-s`- - - _ , -due mod—,- _ ,` _ =Vrasi a, aeefaAl rate-
<br />set t," -r tNe Note. 'D: 'W" 'w -se ar +'se- rigresa 'die pe-WIft1 by law, arid-, A� R31L � t? iciary L°X8!'tiise$ 53�'.'. :'�St°'ke^.g°
<br />!!'1e3y'. t3."!t5 FYptKtn anal 4n its S(bl£ drScrencr;, rNPr@EtEi'_arrir f;utfter.7:QrVI e oe *ernano w -fx Woo f'fSiStFT!; noore of -tiara &_V - ft,,k� - -
<br />la) Penefie wry r all' ent w capon. take possess of, a a ar€a agate ;fit P-Derty or any Part thereof matte r ,s and
<br />- , Braltia�r?4.+atid
<br />any acts' whit. "? Benaficaa'i '45,,� mpey �±57_'r, mtect the sec ;jry u �. and eitlw war t.tr t -0 �t+r'� - - -
<br />- k1i rt5 Own trams. sue for Or k erwtsrr Cr cf arse racerve=efft = s z nd ts: 3"�g mow past l -e a- -
<br />and apply ' sam,in.- s'eS5 costs and 8 %pert54eS i sttrerat�r, and calla ctirx;; 3r+C_it.>� re l a ?atif'e �a�'. Jess arid B~Irchw S .
<br />`s .whir: fie frsdebtedriOss Secured har'e;oy aro? Er; such order as eenefic f
<br />a VAf aS,s'�rr;tke and shalt make avaiiabie to Ben :-iary err oaf. the T, Sr '!�. f$et�rriir Ae w}3C'r+ `
<br />request Ct-r ire#^ be'trk :.a � g
<br />r T ,i? "C?pt'tr;1' Yrfidsr#r h3 <_ 3.7'et -n & --ovec The ea?.4£5! *y`.,; L, * s
<br />' `V t O ssess"i" of the =east PrOPef- • • e .t' r of any= rents, tssues anc p a,?ftfs and *fir: amm-- cs :.0, >� e at as
<br />r+ ire [ € warm any defauNtnerertcftreo thertta"tea accurv:g: oraltecfa?Y : _4= tray _ ;ae ra ern. for
<br />- 3- x' 3Ykte arry a d -r!e Pursuant Ite arvy sUc`I XINC-o Ak-e athstanomy ?er;whe a r fi :',3' xta, c if Lk'"4cegcsf'rr7 i -e,°c r'- 'c -
<br />afC Rit' ? 3S#S x i ntFCennl Thai be tint fz ktS•1 r t i'R7 Y 4 eG k x9,
<br />v 7e rTM _W_ CwItOmO. tit afi r erfz +> 0w rat'ir irciud aq t'z£ o r . :, k t
<br />3i Na 1 *€itt by Fu P. *!#':i#sEr3 .. " �rl't ,3S i.SRne 3. y ^' r :!c.t*' .i'. +''x� w qht* :.,..',f:i 3"" =.
<br />5ei: G. P'? !kilt @tt✓ - -
<br />- t v -
<br />i`t x"v 9 i1 r'J i1't a¢'i'y> rchi )"'a7";'
<br />t'r t� - -
<br />_ * _ =n
<br />YJ ark; ,.. .,. • :�#�. t.Y.,.._ .
<br />/-- 10087;
<br />fb. >Covenants of Trustor with Re.;pect to Leases. Without the prior written consent of Benek,aary, Trustor shath not, directly of indirectly-
<br />with respect to any lease of space in the Trust Property, or any porno,, i thereof, whether such tease is now or hereafter in existence-
<br />fai Accent or permit any prepayment dt3r -Our+? r- advance payrn?nt c+ rent f ereu ^de -n excess ;: one ,MC. th,
<br />( #? Cancef or terminate the same, or accept any cancellation, terrmnabon at surrender thereof, or permit any a >enr to occur which would
<br />occur thereunder to termtnate or cancel the same, other than terminawn for nonpayment of rent:
<br />(c Amend or modify the same so as to reduce the term thereof, the rental payable thereunder, or to change any renewal prnu stows
<br />therein contained.
<br />t
<br />Id) Waive any default ihereunderor breach thereof.
<br />(el Give any consent, waiver or approval thereunder or take any other action rot cor>nectiora ih =r-W4
<br />h, or rri#tt a lessee fhvnder which
<br />would have the effect of impairing the value of the lessor's interest thereunder or the property subject thereto. or ofimpao*;g the
<br />position or interest of Beneficiary therein. Of
<br />" {
<br />{li Sell. assign. pledge, mortgage or otherwise dispose of. or encumber ~ a interest in any said lease or any rents. issues, profts issap.ng
<br />a, O
<br />Of ansing thereunder.
<br />17_- waver of Statute of Limitations. Time is of the essence .n aa of Tnt�r's a#ions and ditties hereunder, a
<br />and t
<br />any action or proceeding for the purpose of enforcing this Deets & Tot or any Vits or remedies contained hereon,
<br />M' ,AsWriment of Deposits. In the event construction Of irmroveMents t5 cefn?'�ed by the loan evidenced b"y tiAa fstptL= � -
<br />-
<br />hereby, as additional security therefore. Trustor hereby transjer; anti _SS�Qw at Beneficiary, all right, tKfe ind kiteiem iii and alf
<br />mart es deposited by or on behalf of Trustor wrlh any city co'tinty p'bhc body or agency, sanitary disaict, td*Y conwany, anti
<br />any other body or agency, for the tnstallation Or to secure rite g of any UWy by Trustort pertaWng, to the Trtrst Property;
<br />Corboraflon or Partnersfzrp E usterce, if Trustor is a cch tpratton_ gefwai PWMW3frrp• or meted partnership, it *?# do ail rungs
<br />' n
<br />necessary to preserve rs corporate or
<br />state #its rn p
<br />¢ . Forarare by Beraefciary 4ot a Y+aiver. Any forbearance by y ns exerC:sfrfg ru;ht ar remedy heretwOer. or oMensise -
<br />afftuded by applicable law. shail not be a waiver af.or procaine tfze t a sir sr rr_at to re c+y: The p
<br />„ a
<br />Rnt,: arrCe or The payrrnent of taxes or the discharge of fAens it chatpes by Aknp4,t3MV SiW not be a waiver of Beneftimys v t oo
<br />accelerate the maturty of the lndebted.r ss
<br />` Z
<br />Z# Renaedrrs Carat itat„ve. AN reilkedies grtnsdad rn tras Deed tit T rs€ are tfsarma arza cuinWative to any outer right ar resae¢y'r
<br />Deed of Trust or afforded p
<br />pby l
<br />_the fights neieundt _VM* C litre . the re�iective• succtsso's sod 'Y. �V Trustee, And Trt4Mr, AN cov&wft and
<br />arcreerrrenM Of - Trtrstar shall be lain# and several The capo rrs a at #ae ref t�s iS� � Fes' are $r
<br />Corwervence drily and are not to' be z&wd ro j tt&%wer or efehrae - blel-eet. -
<br />23 ilrs?c . Except for any no®ce required under applicable law ;n be CARM v^=arK*'Per "Mrrwr ,aj any nab so Traswr nr" -
<br />of Trust stta?€ be giver by :nraikng sir rottce by C& Se# n rrecegtt :lea ad&essed :#s Trucsax of & r
<br />addfess s
<br />set above or at Stich other address as Trustor ,7W �a ,r Mwz* id Benet to fy as A fir. and ?to 3nr
<br />ixau�e tit 8ersef C.taty or Tnrst@se st i t it4'- rr , r �- PC Bete ry`s and 7'rto3 S r
<br />arddress sued herein or ro suctz omperad&ess as 8erat?ftc wry T: rrsay 46s9raleby rrptiCe a Tcrtstor as
<br />F,
<br />_ f
<br />_a F
<br />N.i
<br />mil_ �rrg d.aw. Sever�urry T.h;s r � Tru °st +st+a� t� ri-sern �sr .zae r^J €as+ ate 5� ,.�.F,sstra. � * w,&�ag�' :
<br />: 3
<br />zkkA-. _! ty-DF--d or Trust cats wwo a- appocat,_ mow, �
<br />>f
<br />�S. =
<br />+uy�'� b
<br />