<br />87-- 100860
<br />by this peed of Trust immediately prior to the date of taking bear, to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to :fie date of
<br />taking, rith the balance of the proceeds paid to Borrower.
<br />i f the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an award or settle a
<br />claim for damages. Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 34 days alter the date such notice is mailed, Lender is authorized to collect and''
<br />apply the proceeds. at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trus €_
<br />l.: mess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone the due
<br />date }f the monthly installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of such installments.
<br />10. Borrower Not Rektsed. Extension of the time for payment or modification of amortizatic p e> the suns secured by this Deed of Trust
<br />granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall not operate cordease, in any leaner. the liability of the original Borrower and '
<br />Borrower's successors in interest. lender shall not be required to comaterice proceedings against such successor or refuse to extend time for' `
<br />payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust by reason of any demand made by the otigital Borrower '
<br />and Borrower "s successors in intacst.
<br />11. Forbearance by Leader -Not a Waiver. Any forbearance by Lender in per rdt any right or remedy hereunder, or otherwise afforded
<br />' by Applicable law, snail not be a waiver of or Preclude the exercise of acs such right or remedy: The procurement of insur -0
<br />' axes .or other teens or charges by Lender shall not be a waiver of Lender's right to aic-c lerate the maturity of the indebtedness secured try this "
<br />[ Deed of Trust
<br />12. Remedies Comaladve. All remedies provided in this Deed of Trtst are me: and, to any other right or retiedy xandtx this
<br />,. Deed of Trust or afforded by law or equity, and may be e-to ased cottcuurrends, redependently or stsecewvely.
<br />f 13, +aece"Ots sad A tout and S" al I lam: C
<br />ssiRas Booed :. atsnaes.. The xivextafits and agreements fxreir contained shall find„ oral
<br />s the ngf is hereunder shat; inure to. the respftm c successors and assigns of Lem and Borrower, sub p aph
<br />:. ;recto the provisions of la
<br />hereof. All xmenants and agreements of Borrower shall be coin±' and several The rotas and headings of the paragraphs of this heed of Trust
<br />are for convenience only and =re scot to be used to _. interpret ar vufttae tterara?aisits hereof.
<br />14. Notre. Except for any notice nmurred under apphcable la+r tc. *_!r givtw acct tLte r aanizs; eel any mace to Borrcawax'atiVi ed for at
<br />this Deed of T rust shalt be give, by mailing such Pot :cr ky rv4o! inat? addressed to Bor*rn er at the Property Address cif at such rata
<br />t as Borrower rr ay designate by rorice to Lender as provided lzereart, ana t'ki am aacat3et to L.ender shall be given by aetifiaa reason aec�tpt
<br />+,
<br />request
<br />to Lender's adc"ress stated herein er to s a'ft other address as Lonam may desipWit by noid= to Borrower as provided herein. An*
<br />!, niuii-e vic -ided forr m this Deed ,,f Trust shall be deemed rs have tares gin e°-ts Bsitri^er or t mier when grven in the man= -dam berm-
<br />am
<br />1S. Uniform Deed of *fnast; Goatrteift Lair, Sewerrs ts. This for m. tai' died of must combines imifotm covenams for use
<br />:. :ion- tirrfom covenants with limited s artatmns ez J;uiiidscuoa to cu e a s l; vistrument covering real Property. This €kmd of
<br />Trust shale be governed the law of the }u coal zicn in v iii i*tc P eery a maned In else e+reat the any lsosisioci or faasr of tfes Deed %•f
<br />Trust or the tide inflicts wrh applicable law. Staff -Orr:zct :shah: nor ad: etc ,we ;r out tzts oxI r3t;s Deed of Trott or be %ow act can the '
<br />;giveta effect iv;! how. the cx.nfh mr..g pre- s- sicrn.. and tar+ this end the Pros .sates t* Cite Deed of Tit and it•.e ttiote are -declared to be seseca e.
<br />Li. Borrower`s Cogs. Lis r :.^�wcr s:,aii ae ':a;.tisnrd a < :onat+rrss7 � _ � s-ae °s:c�t a >id o' -`ens Deed of Trost at tlx �t of exn-mtt �
<br />after -ECo dation hereof.
<br />177. Transfer of the Property; #saumptloe. If all or alt: --'am *r _. aL =oevt x-on is s; F
<br />r l:�'Z��t:'.� i _ nti Car trarts.c't� "�.� �?rt3.,a%er
<br />--rdi ut Letvd--'s pnor writ en ronsciir, ex, Chi ;Ltsg taf ;he Zre a1,oil C i a Mew w ml. - subo -A- are =.- t ss Deed of T7USt. at :tic=tieOf -f
<br />a ; irzbace niorem° securry u:trre . fort tasc:ic:td at�iianees_ Wei a jc*_ dc-Ise, cles'M only „ =Pcraaoe of law Upon the dealt of .a �MK - -_ -
<br />*mane .: - =df i.'ac grant: of.ors - :._axftEV :ntcecz of 01rae vtar, or rzta a°e — man..—._g eta._ o etc t to pu `_base. Lender etas. a, L.rs der -s
<br />:,
<br />i l declre all the €tiros sesvrr c .his Dtzd of T, Est tc, ve umnied�feir d:ae a,4 �sa!^es 'user sf iii iwave wailed retch but *o c uE .
<br />nor etc yak a 'e .lender and ? lie pe s?r w he tr as e prsaac =s t to
<br />sac - afer ed reac agrecrnent iF w..,isg mat dse eft
<br />with per< : R. ino*'aczor, t Lewder and that ;?ic mietau vat or the v unia secured t`..tts Deed cA Taus, shall be at salt to a as Lender tataid
<br />ccuest If Le ae a wad =rd hr c io t s x erax s r a3ed r, ;* °s trtsr roes e a
<br />i
<br />vcrirter. assumpcs,srt agreemi mt nvz, n w- st ;r:g , leers r. =_Erulrr 'aaE< = t +r 13 w ', _; df a,3igaz tit z t&ti Deed ofTrmand
<br />OW Note
<br />#f` cn r =,t,. as wx^ . ,..c a: Wrx a,r- 1, rndcr .' ac :tea.._; r
<br />t x at'zere r: tz m ac erne xcr w aragtap±f
<br />~ h riotice - ^,a::_ : r a ;,e; ... , 'es, .car: ' -, oar ,qtr vice ..:c t .:. _. =.,s .�a ut.....� a: .-t:- f,'..�.osser =.a. tsav -br s-unis zrciiiircii
<br />Bor-rowc.- ac. .o Tsv S,t: ; Satan ring- '. :re txpf ai .c. C" —7t ';+k^::.;'<aF Lc - i" ^aSS_ `tff1,her MkV -flie Cr! +>� nd
<br />NON \1FfvR!v[i -XA -'s4s TS & . >v E•a c e -' ;.. _?e:.xc_ -ant. ar.4 sz.*ri:
<br />1E. .Acceieratioe; Remedies. Exctpe as taro *sled in Pary aPli IT hereof. apes Borrowers breach of any cmevaim or tivaeniet of
<br />- Borrower in din Deed of Trust, including Or ccasaman to tan when dale aa!j mom stcared bt that Deed of Trust. Leader prior to atrierni iae _
<br />- =mail Mind notice to Berfowcr a Pros Wed .IS pare Aph 14 avraf sjpecify"W� (1W the brielictr tai the aKtina required to tare sank bee it : P-t a- -
<br />date, nor less ilea 30 day v from the dare if notice is roiled to Borrower. by w1 ich secs brie& mug be cared: and {4i iliac fae3nre its cart yucca
<br />breach oa or before The data specified in the coder may rends is arcderatian of the soma; secured b± this Deed of Tra t and sale of aaa Ptespertt. -
<br />The eodArr shall further inform Borrower of the tight to rdnaatr aft at"fet and at naia to being a rout aenoa to assert for Won-.
<br />esisa ice of a tkfaait or Miry of Odense of Borrower to arrOerstion and sale. If tie breads is aaat cued as or Were the due specttied a star -
<br />ttntiee. [feeder at t tader't option fats declare a1# ref the seals win
<br />td is ills [lied of Tt�t ra Ise atif due sad Payable wtttaaae fatties
<br />. :dewed and ass insoit for power of yak and try other reme>es perttt3tted iy sgteflothk la.._ I.ra+der slag tae eatitlr@.ro collect ally -
<br />-coafa —0 ttFtnms.. ta:rarrtd sn parstrinti the rtes grosided in phis Pub ld. Wit- but ear l anted to, reasonable asioratc.s fe".
<br />If the power of ale is invoked. Trestle shall record o notice of rkfash is Anti coals u whir! the Property w some tie
<br />parf eeoi is l onnttd
<br />: -_ and •taaR mail kopira of sack. atitior is the a canner ptxatstbed iy aP a#t -r>i BorFawtt -sad to ; crier petsam. prescribed by -
<br />- - lets - A r' sr ' a aaair ik by arppireahie hkw, Trustee shall W" P"& of sale era the Persons and is the oiaeeaer
<br />Pr emiitd bit appitabk iaa.. Truster. witboat demand on Bafrasrer„ sly seB the 'Propern, at osW auction to the bigbest bidder at the dAW .
<br />and plaer and Under the terms Aesi fnated in the notice of ask in one ar mom parcel and in sacs order as Trustee may defrrmist.. Truster ass
<br />paatpoar sae of all or sir? parcel of the Property by PabNc aseonaiceraeut at the flare anal phaet of -
<br />% _ anil Scheduled se. Lendtr.o
<br />Leader` daitar nr t aw the Prop" at my s c.
<br />. t PON ritteW of payineal of the price bid, Tra W snail deliver to the Traetet's deed t'oastyint( the Properry said_ Tie ieoifn is is
<br />.,
<br />the Iranet's dead clndi be prima (aria "idesee of tar oath of tjw tairmeot, fefde therein. Truster siad apoh fair procvrds of be %#4 to rNr
<br />foeti -nett omen -: !a i to all reasonable coats and otpemm of dIt rain. inclataiaft,' `baf eat meted to, Ttrwikt's fees elf tam merit than .. _..., '° •: - . -;�
<br />of the grow sank Preee, reasonable ttfarn" -* feea and costs of title widener; 1tf tai aN anms setartd ley tiara lLtd of frogs -t: and tc, alts flaw, if .
<br />- - stns, tot fie vrvs ,,a to perao+P #each ratified thereto. - - - -
<br />- f's Bixrr+•+Etr s Rigit 40 R[Yttststr. \: . .,E ar.- ,+s „�, e :�. �_..-W<s,-..r.e .a, :. *? :�' . - ; -�. ..t.., , :�> ;�... , .-a*;i . - .tar.' --- �.- :... � i �..,
<br />err -.x., z.• ,,..., , > ...:...fr> -
<br />_
<br />