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tnr .Ftderal, :npo'&d on LMort;pag. and will file the of icia; r sett sitc:w lira s pay with the !'tacntV*m. is <br />pq vii 'atitars of rba, undertak.ttig, or*ttgagcr�is pre t�itrd any haw' alw o� �i af=er' .gas <br />F. . t`k`Y.t',t#, - f?"Litta p ag, the wbok, <br />or Sine p} }' 'v} .the i7if tsai.l ,i$% 5. tl2" ;ax°.kYi2 xf rendering a?T .a °:SY€r ". do_r4 l'=" •Eb' -iS the paT`d n °ettaSii l.E. r,13f e�,._,y <br />- or ant ,.0th take`A or '3t ::0 tav, .'Fr decree t^TL £34e.> t �i"f� "°'t �£i �rd@L a�f"' i'?£ �.SCkt33avCr ^�s�. -Ka- '�9'i'd:ti3i €1 the <br />: _ _ib£ - "i ly4;fi'e shall .284`x' "' the Tight tai j'ji1`i' urnery - s',.€'v '" w';` Z untiL f. 3- .be i'a,'$�iif,y the -. <br />requittog the pai"aaent Jt t rIH)rtY!aitt �dtikt. It ±:ikdl t-rsti.°t 'tC' *�$$' ifs._ $". +,idL ilistl. aid:. "n'litte' .ASEe, PayAW a'n4R .."" Sa$22 .+� _ <br />at iht =: x rani tsf naz „i nmet , days, <br />T?'fw. ' 17vou�i' - be all :0 pay tm. .urc -ar keer ttrr4 Co"?- ' "�'� f"W in tbi% '.iortps=f ben th or:gagee. Ja "m <br />in."on, may tray L1i perform the -same. and a#€ t e <br />xpendtrrirre= >� rif�fc �:be add z - sfatu ��¢,ca �� <br />-'tom,_ shaall ye- secured helchy`, and shall heat stye -s at tine :,ate set f&lb c, tie 5a .note, suntil pant_ <br />I S. +£'hert'bl asstgm. transfers Aod sets Q%'er to ?at' 1 iii'# {: tv, s- e.?.ppiiml -'a ate: dw paymen:of 'lit nixe.a.nd - <br />s , g s,rrr :Met en bx en .axe of a Mefau t °he � - f ai o€ . :tx :-nr trmari: ii d me or Ehc <br />' - 5aatf 4v"S -r, +all an .Eri.S, revenues -arid mz re o be der'E,Cd irom The rresmse5:;atu„tt such .snit as' t T _ <br />sa,citbitdxws- strsl rttna., unfxatd, and the %io.tgaget° inah >a.'e powea to ap mtz any-a ageur= ei ma +' ^sst lot ehc. <br />- - . .. <br />Lit"'tti13Y" it ;'Ct'?i' ?at4 p:eti?3se5 and of rerm Fhc *��' al;d i-j the vexas, r�'enacs and °. come, "=.nia a mz3 pa"y” Ou - ' <br />o sass s —nor• ail Txpensees of 'retsatrt:sg �aid stunt_ and nm::essary c arils e. incurred :n r <br />maw me saute and of cr:Electmg rental..'thesetrom; the latrxr i-, 1 aac to ?u .appkied t_otaard it ie ct L _ , Df <br />t _ 'said tr ongatst andeht 5. edne <br />f. hat he trill trees take ti' 45rR"}l`.. -i's =. ;heteafter e.^'e era "=_'Fm. M'Pri'F pwopei''_N', f.asuri.d as may tic <br />requited f'zM ti ie tit ::'F4G hey the '"Ortgager ?gasusr tv-.. t, xTt and 713th` F3Fafi'�, Ca�2aatiGS a„^d »oirffigtlf,.:ir: 'rs ..s::.'.i <br />a d fair suet €ieriods a T.3y by ;l1c, M€r gagm ant Pik pal wi dim -aey �nittr�s •� . <br />insura;kr pro iston for payment Of which has sot 'acts mane aerrsaiaefort. A4 :nss...rux shah ale carnets its Nnparr <br />e <br />&ppra YYt ny- ttN_' iC1F',£3Yte atiLi i,he p4'aifi'3t'. 3i &i; E?T1tw'iik::"i'°SfYlf- $tt }.? heid 4'-t,. It- kk-t ag'e'e Pod 'f a' §e <br />.. loss payabk t!ai _ in tarot of _3Pd -trl i::nn 45MP3.3�:+� -- :lid ;sMd7r ".:,.3 £-i. :8 vd5. MYiS;. - Ar':R€a _gfvc- uT;q@ei°rFa.'�2. <br />notice by na f to the Mortgagee. who anal mattke proof of lost of nts_ made promptls by kf,. ieagor: and each 'inspr� <br />„. a€2iiitYart} coucn�ryrjd ? :terebb aU.tliot'i2t;d slid "tn`teYl t(! tr`Rkt_ 'in34'ed fur sv lS- : `itz �F3 $ '1ttiLP.='!i'l i+a. - - -_. <br />i th _ and rbe - _Mortgagor ;ie -tie'.. ai_i -w -- vas - <br />t at its t ption Tithe€ to 'he reduction of the in-4• des hereby stm-ttl o. =o rtsryratits W r repair of'the mo rry <br />3 dasaaged: 1^ event of ftnrciasure of this mortgage .o: airier iran4e£ sal" title to the mo tgALw ; ;%r*pL" -. zrt errtnguishment Of <br />= the indebtedness secured hempy. all right, title ,wd mte-cst of tie Mortgagor m And €e arty lmur pots :his .tt <br />_ s;;'rall pal' to purchaser or granw, - - - - - - - - <br />9. Phial as adchtional anal collateral sertaiitt far the j <br />payment of tine ascot :s7'ili„ acid a� +icnk> to beu.€atic uie tzndei <br />i this, morrg *ctr the »Mortgagor hereby assigns to the Mortgagee all profits, -MVer m, trssalties, right%.anti twneftm Accru tg to <br />tine Mortgagor under any and all oil and gas leases oc said premises, with riot right to reeeave anti re zelp, for the s. arid; <br />APPis them ao SUL, mdemtdotsta a6 well before aS after default in the conditions of_thns mongagt and the NM.ta£gaget mat: <br />deftnutd, zue for attd recover any_ such payments when due and pa -ab'e. but ,i`4li mr; he do , his sstitpure of <br />. f4.'an tertninatt and become null and void ul-M release o:Vf 1hr, mortgage, <br />$r ri?t Mortgagor will keep 'lie 'huil ergs upon. paid prtmoir: in }tk, ---. -pa.r a k.. etjhe :h Lvawl o1 yVTma <br />u n d rsswi. nor suffer the said premises to be used for any^ umu tuf pxrrr-_­se <br />+t. 'Chat ?4 the rrr_mkwe , cat Ary hart thent+)f., eke d�Imjea;7tr.# - enF1t7 ;. _ p: }.+.ut ±.. hrs:st!t' „i -. <br />Yi: *.;!kd ;i..ltftgi- A:ta?Llf`s'f., 'itG pi;?cd:. l2f tln, '.a#dnR ':at, vyN` <br />,, <.Y, ?E.r snp•S:)F ". i :+ tri3 >hitct'se4 =. Qp"r,, €ti;S .;?o itiagr ,,d ,hc -,,=lr s h,&, is �:z..:_ i., -. <br />t.'s 3x°k. hk eht l�irz itt�. chit' "�t x ,;.:ie" "4j J'Ji tine xei� ,!,Y+ - <br />- .,,'iran .. •`tFt- .ct4 __. ,� :a =_ #Ecjh... �E _. .t, sFuter.i^3aws.r - <br />t <br />- t <br />I <br />$?-- -- 100849 <br />(a) A sum equal to the ground rents, if any, next due, plus the premiums that will next become due and payable <br />on pohci ^.s of .c and ether hazard insurar€cc covering the mortgaged property, pin< taxes and assessments ncxi; <br />due on the mortgaged property tali as estimated ht' the - Aforteueeei less 211 sums already paid therefor divided `. <br />by the number of months to elapse before one month prior to the date when such ground rents, premiums, <br />taxes and assessments will become delinquent, such surns to be held by :.Mortgagee in trust to pay said ground ' <br />}j"'` r <br />rents, premiums. taxes and special assessments; and <br />* ( <br />(It) All payments mentioned m,the two preceding.subsection- of this paragraph and all payments to be made under" <br />:.. j t <br />the irate secured hereby - shall be added together; and the aggregate amount t',creof shall be paid by the. ' <br />Mortgagor each month in a single payment to :be-applied by the Mortgagee to the following items in the order <br />act forth: <br />(tl ground tents, taxes, assessments, fire and other hazard insur ance premiums; <br />(i(l interest on the note secured hereby: and <br />{lli) amortization of the principal of said °none. <br />Any deficiency in the amount of any such a�CiTate Tea }�tant shall. ttnl s .made food hi t# <br />Mortgagor prior to the due date of the next such paymed_ iecroseitutt an event Of default wider this moartgage_; . <br />The Mortgagee may oollect a "late charge" nor to =q and fotar. o=X (U) for each dollar (Sl) of each payer <br />more than fiftreo {15) days in arrears-to cover the ext zee utvolveff in bandling,delinquent parmests_ <br />3. That if the total of the payments made by Jtc Mortgagor urttMes ia, caf paragraph Z preceding sltaii exceed that <br />t a <br />amount of payments actually made by the 3Mortixagre for ground rents. taxes and assessments or insurance premiums. as the <br />case ruay be, such excess. if the loan is current. at the optioa: of` The Alort or, -shall bt credited by' the Mortgagge ou <br />�t paymens to its made t y the AMortgagtat, or re #iridesl to the %loirtatpor. 13, however, the suontislg,:payruutsts treads <br />'by the Mortgagor under .(a) of paragraph - 2 preceding shatl not lee sotf'ecwnt to }sad ltd rent, taxes mid or <br />itattrartre prennums, as the Case max` 'be, %bm the same shall beconar Asai :And payer, tl'.en the Mortgago€'Sh.Il pay ica the <br />Aftanpget any amount necessary" t. mnAe up the deficiency- on or M*elkwe that date when payment of such grown! trlsts,,. <br />" 4 t <br />taxes. asstsstrtetna or insurance premiums .shall he due, If at any aloe time ttg a , <br />, t <br />} <br />�:Mlorqtagft shall, in 4att+..taUttia the ai€stwnr of 4VC`li 9tJile tbdrlC4 . , '.ts'o the ' w �+uf Mortgagor. <br />atiy'. balance remaining to the funds accumulated un4ler flee mium of icy taf reof . If there "sue t e a de°fauh,;- <br />-' . <br />.=fir any of the "'t?aisions of thrs - resulting .. , �€, R saw tint - c kxi- �: tar if Llae 'NO£t tt <br />.- a#lr€3£eS- , the 't7- ,'t'ty iitftTa't8e 8ttf - r8tr2. -t .�:1' - -a' .,s«''+'z'±..T tom' :4'- she "@8#'trte6C� { �-_- _ <br />_ <br />` -. R <br />Ri o eedings of at the time the proptt € _ tS otter. iaase acxluareil tide bat im t in the frtn& accumulated rim ter ta) " <br />a c <br />ci' paragraph mecedmg. aa' a credi against the aotxuint ot spat c'ta€ unpaid under said tort- <br />4 w <br />?. That -he Mortgagor will ;­ay ground arras. tares. a _'date: rates- and other tar" <br />fine*_:, tw impos5itr@ns, fta.. wnrch provisi0£4 has VIK been ? and xn & -fault thereof t)ae Slortgarm may <br />w; <br />.. - <br /> The satnr. and 't'ta; the '.Mfi?t-t€agtar w.,il Frrituspt3r d".lr. ° ='' ttw ,afi'..iat A "i:= `tzp` =3 =h+%< ca :lee 'Wocfragee, . <br />._ <br />- - <br />- C T'lar M- gag- will rav an taws `'idu h trial ec wssed =-"'a The uWtgagee- "interest is saw real esm t 304 <br />o %'enatn .: anaa wasca may be learnt upon ina mortgage "lire debt secured tom, it+art onjir to Me mew gnat 4-U* <br />_ s'axxr p olubated ark sal%': and only to the cximl 1-2iai -iUcla g.'o'oo, maie'.av' soar= ?Xssr x-RtF,f. 'but tucluding -lily jacome ' -t", 3Jiut <br />